Fat Asses
BUMP, now that was a story worth reading. Sh*t deal on the outcome of your football career.
read the whole thing. good story man.
Getting bigger is now my religion, lifting heavier weight is my faith
Great quote man
Hey 3Vandoo, does your name have anything to do with Royal 22nd Regiment?
u just win 200 ptsOriginally Posted by Johnny Boy
great read. i enjoyed it. I haven't started done any cycles but i plan to in a few years.
Originally Posted by Johnny Boy
Oh yah, and your post was friggin great.
Good story, I like how you squat 1000 with ease. Thats incredible to me!
shows me another side of this guy... good read man... really interesting...
have you ever considered doing the strongman competitions??? ud fair pretty well imo... unless you are really slow and uncoordinated....
I just read this for like 20 minitues. Good story. wish you talked about your gear a little more and less about the chicks, SUVs and hard on's.
Good story though.
That was a pretty interesting read..
-“hey this is fun, like grabbing my girlfriend’s boobs”
-I personally think are as fake as Lolo Ferrari’s breasts.
my testicules falling from my body, my penis would fall, my skin would be so oily that
-Esso would try to buy me from my parents and so on.
-I played my season with a bunch of rich losers driving Beamers, yelling “Don’t hurt me, I’m gonna be a surgeon when I get out from school!”.
funny **** , gr8 story
Show some pics to Prove ur size man!!!!!
That took a while to read. I'll send it to my detractors. BTW, I'm mostly of Spanish/Mexican decent, but I do have some French in me as well. C'est la vi.
lets see some pics 3vandoo you sound like a house
good read.
The cliffnotes part about good and bad effects helped.
Wow dude you lost a lot of weight! That musta been hard
Originally Posted by needmorestrength
If I can have the dedicaiton, willpower and stamina I had at that time I would conquer the world
it was unbelievable and it piss me off because I dont have it anymore
Nice read!!! bump
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