Originally Posted by
Max Rep
i feel for you bro, no matter what anyone tells you, this stuff is a hormonal roller coaster, and will affect your emotions. congragulations, you just got a period that lasts 10 weeks (maybe more with PCT).
no one can tell you not to feel this way, it's not based on rational thought, it's chemical.
what have you been running? anything that causes estrogen build up his horrible for depression, and stuff like EQ strips one of the receptors that alows you to deal with anxiety, and so does PCT sometimes.
rec drugs can be bad for this too, r u on any?
its important to be on firm emotional ground while cycling, but if you're already on, PCT could really push you over the edge. regardless of your original goals, start cycling stuff that makes you feel good (usually test and dbol are great for this), and get yourself centered before trying to come off.
exercise isn't just for the body - read up on mental relaxation exercises and do them, they really help.
as far as the weight, anxiety and depression both screw with your appetite, get straight again, and things will get better.