2 years ago around november my ex-wife & i were moving to an apt after i went to rehab for drugs (coaine) & WHAT not. we got into a fight & i told her now i need time by myself & i moved alone. we were finally seperated & was awaiting divorce in the future. right at this time a family moved upstairs from me exactly 3 days later. as the days went on i finally got a chance to introduce myself to JUAN & HIS WIFE. he offered me a beer & we started becoming good friends. so a few days later we met again & he said come in side & ill introduce you to my family. he has 4 girls & 1 boy. as i came in i saw two of the girls on the couch & said hello. (now mind you that this is a puerto rican family, very pretty girls). but there was one girl named JOANNA, she was washing dishes by the sink & our eyes met & BOOM! THAT WAS IT. the problem im 25, she was 16 going on 17 & was going to be 18 the next april, (05') this year. i knew she liked me, & i andored her. to make a long story short, we got to know each other & started talking. what an A$$ SHE HAD, but that wasn't just it. anyways our hearts grew for each other in a short time, she is beautiful. anyways i had to leave the apt. due to fire laws, in the basementafter 4 months of being there. it was an illegal set up. So, i told every body in the house that i had to go in a few days & say good buy. Joanna the next day sneaks out of the house, when i was outside & starts talking to me, telling me she was going to miss me. she hands me her ring & says keep this, i gave her my email address & # & told her to call me when she was 18. then we both kissed, i mean kissed. i could of got in some serious trouble. as nervous as i was i left and moved back to my moms house. JANUARY 10 i received 3 calls marked private. i didnt answer them until i got the call again. it was Joanna! we were so nervous talking to each other, i couldn't believe it was her. my dream was comin true. we talked every weekend & night & we planned that when she turned 18 on april 22nd that we would meet up at the mall. We talked about everything, moving out together, how she hates her parents, how she is so attracted to me, everything. the feelings i had were unexplainable. i made her laugh, exited, blushing, all of the above. all of our conversations on the phone & emails were all about how we miss each other, i cant wait, im really glad u care, ur so romantic, etc.... the last email she sent to me was good but it said something like "she has to tell me something that i should know". i thought it was that here father found out that we kissed, i was so nervous. IT WAS WORSE THAN THAT. SO THIs last friday i visited her at her new job right on her birthday, and she was so happy to see me. so i felt that everything is ok. then she called me friday night like she said she would & said she was really happy to see me. & told me, that she is not sure how i would take this & she is so sorry. i said "whats a matter". she said "i have a boy friend". THIS DOESNT MAKE SENSE, GUYS I NEED UR OPINION & HELP! the funny thing is that she called me 3 days in a row told me she is sorry & still likes me, & wants to be with me. after all i did by sacrificeing a year for this girl, she saID yes to some one who is 1 year younger, & they have been going out since APRIL 12TH. i cried my brains out. she wants to see me still, but is not the same. I TOLD HER THAT THIS WAS THE MOST SELFISH MOVE ANYBODY COULD HAVE DONE. that she destroyed my heart, after all this. GUYS, DO U THINK IM GETTING TO WORRIED THAT SHE WILL NEVER BE W/ ME. SHE WONT JUST BREAK UP W/ HIM. THIS IS REALLY WRONG. ANYBODY PLEASE HELP!