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Thread: Letters to the Editor- good idea?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Letters to the Editor- good idea?

    Every day I pick up the paper and read a new article that has something to do with steroids, Jose Canseco, teenagers on juice, middle school girls on juice...every day. Not one of these articles has any merit and the media just keeps fueling this steroid craze, but look who I'm telling...we all know this is complete bull$hit.
    The general public believes everything the read. I scan the letters to the editor every day to see if anyone has come forward to point out how innacurate and pointless these articles are.
    Do you guys think it would be a good idea to write into the papers and tell it like it really is? I mean, they print your name and the city you live in. I don't use gear, but still, with the DEA and everyone else on this new steroid rampage, is it a good idea? Or should I just sit back and let the people believe whatever they want?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Well you could but I doubt they'd even print it. They don't want to hear the truth, just what helps them sell their papers.

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