Be completely honest........
How many of you cheat on your woman?? Why or why not
Be completely honest........
How many of you cheat on your woman?? Why or why not
if you do you're a f'n slimeball......
Ive never had a girl friend![]()
OMG thats funnyOriginally Posted by SplinterCell
anyways i never have... but came close several times ... but just ... couldnt .. do it.
Cheaters SUCK!
1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!
Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.
For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.
What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!
i used to. back in the day, i could have 2 beautiful girlfriends, and i would still be running around every day like a guy who just got out of prison. sometimes cheating with a girl who wasn't nearly as hot as the girl i had at home.Originally Posted by chuck89gt5.0
nowadays, i just don't feel the need to do that sort of thing. guess i finally grew up.
I don't, never had, never will. It's just not in me.
I figure if one cheats, they'd better be ready to get cheated on... if it's good for the gander it's good for the goose.
Never cheat just cant do feel too guilty...this girl i just broke up with always told me she didnt care if i cheated as long as i told her...but still couldnt do it..the whole trust like...just doenst feel right afterwards
done it once, but it was after I suspected her cheating on me. Would def feel guilty though if I really loved the girl and cheated on her.
Originally Posted by taiboxa
Hey Tai
, I
on you
, Ive been on plenty of dates but never a relationship so the majority of my time is spent
cheating isn't any good.
see, when i'm in a relationship i treat a girl nicely, buy her things and all that
but if she ends up not cooking for me or cleaning for me well, it's time to take her to the curb
...anyway, i've never been in anything really long term i've never really had an opportunity to cheat.
they disappoint me then i find something new. that's all
i feel less guilty that wau
Damn, tough crowd....I'll pled the 5th on this one.
Ive never cheated on a woman and never will
I show allot of respect to everyone I date and all I ask is that they respect me in return (basically dont cheat on me and dont bug me about everything I do). If things get boring enough where I feel like cheating either her or I spice things up in some way or another. If I ever did even accidentaly I would be totally honest and see what she wants to do about it!
i see people that cheat as being just mentally weak and dont have self control over there drives....
Well, one hopes that they would anyhow.Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
Yup!!!Originally Posted by MMA
cheat meals, all the time.
My motto is "if you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough."
Never cheated on someone I truly loved. Only with girls I was casualy dating. If you are casualy dating I would assume that is not cheating.
Originally Posted by bigcut77
and did you tell these girls about it??? considering it was "not cheating" and you were only "casualy dating" them
Is it still considered cheating if your husband of 30 years won't have sex with you and he agrees to let you do what you want, just stay married to him? I know it sounds weird but a close friend of mine, well her husband stopped having sex with her and she couldn't take it any more so she asked him for her life back and he said, "you have done what I want for 25+ years and im not doing what you want for one!" So she said she wanted her life back and he said ok but you have to stay married to me.
It sounded real weird cause she told him she would never have sex with him again and he still didn't care. Weird. But is it still considered cheating if her husband won't have sex with her? Let's face it, male or female it's important!
You dont have too... if you see the girl 1 or 2 times a week then its not concidered dating... its a "casual relationship" or "Friends with benefits" kinda thing, but anything more than that and its a GF/BF thing and its cheating on her.Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
I've done the whole seeing 2 or 3 girls at a time thing... its just not me. I pick one girl and I stick with her.![]()
Is switching hands considered cheating?? LOL J/K
I work in a srtip club and all my friends say I must cheat but i honestly dont. Love my missis too much.
if you need to cheet your not with the right girl
Cheaters do it better!
hmm used to think that cheating is bad now do wutever pleases u u only live once *i think*
I have NEVER cheated on my GF. I have however, jerked off with several vaginas while i was dating her.
See I work at a hot night club where hot girls are everywhere and the tail practically falls in your lap. Talk about a tough situation.
If your not cheating your not trying![]()
No, that can't be cheating because she has permission.Originally Posted by LAW
i did it numerous time, never got caught..
Never cheated, but I've only had about eight serious girlfriends in my life. So, give me some time.![]()
LOL i'll tell you an old army trick...sit on your hand till it falls asleep. then it feels like someone else is doing itOriginally Posted by gixxer600
this is called a strangerOriginally Posted by MMA
a cheater is a f***ing pathetic excuse of a man
goes for women too
I have NEVER cheated, and NEVER will
ROFLOriginally Posted by SplinterCell
Well, I suppose I have a couple times. Once with a girl I was breaking up with anyways, and decided to nail this hot stripper, the second, I was the one stripping at a bachelorette party, started sucking on some chicks tits in front of everybody, got to suck some tits and left with 350 bucks, hell yeah
Have not had a "woman" in over a year so it does not apply to me...i am a free man but would rather be in a relationship.
I've never cheated, never had the desire my girl is the best in my eyes and thats all that matters.
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