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Thread: Time to go to war with my dad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    Time to go to war with my dad

    As most of you probably know my relationship with my dad has never been that good.

    Anyway since he threatened my uncle with a knife and I sided against dad he has been pissed with me. Not only does he now try to pretend he doesnt own me 50 000swedish kronor(roughly 7000 dollar)that he borrowed to get electricity to his cabin. Now he demands to get the cabin back from me(I am the owner of it since I was suposed to sell it after his death as payback for the loan).

    Anyway this means Im gonna sell the cabin this summer to get my cash. But I wont settle with that. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. Only 2 of my sisters still talk to him. Im gonna make sure that they wont do that anymore. Il do my best to make sure my dad wont have any kind of contact with any of his children anymore. Il do everything in my power to make sure he dies alone.
    If my plan goes right he will drink even more then he does and at his age I dont think his body can take that, so with some luck he will be dead within a year.

    This will be the major payback for 18 years of hell with him and for the fact that he gave away my ****ing dog. Ohh man am I gonna enjoy calling him and tell him to get his stuff out of my property and Im gonna enjoy even more to personaly get the keys to the cabin from him. That cabin is the only thing he had to spend time on.

    Hes gonna understand that he has messed with the wrong child.
    The rest of my family just breaks there ties with him. But Im gonna **** him upp like he deserves.

    Payback bitch time for him to feel how thats like

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    i dont know your situation so im not gonna say anything except that I truly hope your doing the right thing!! good luck! I just hate to see family not getting along!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    ouch.... that sounds like a uhhh tense family! hope u kno what your doing

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i feel your pain bro.

    **** him over

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    As most of you probably know my relationship with my dad has never been that good.

    Anyway since he threatened my uncle with a knife and I sided against dad he has been pissed with me. Not only does he now try to pretend he doesnt own me 50 000swedish kronor(roughly 7000 dollar)that he borrowed to get electricity to his cabin. Now he demands to get the cabin back from me(I am the owner of it since I was suposed to sell it after his death as payback for the loan).

    Anyway this means Im gonna sell the cabin this summer to get my cash. But I wont settle with that. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. Only 2 of my sisters still talk to him. Im gonna make sure that they wont do that anymore. Il do my best to make sure my dad wont have any kind of contact with any of his children anymore. Il do everything in my power to make sure he dies alone.
    If my plan goes right he will drink even more then he does and at his age I dont think his body can take that, so with some luck he will be dead within a year.

    This will be the major payback for 18 years of hell with him and for the fact that he gave away my ****ing dog. Ohh man am I gonna enjoy calling him and tell him to get his stuff out of my property and Im gonna enjoy even more to personaly get the keys to the cabin from him. That cabin is the only thing he had to spend time on.

    Hes gonna understand that he has messed with the wrong child.
    The rest of my family just breaks there ties with him. But Im gonna **** him upp like he deserves.

    Payback bitch time for him to feel how thats like
    Seriously ,,, your in your early twenties.... dont ya think its time to grow up and stop being mad at your parents and stop acting like a 12 year old girl,,, I envy your life if this is your biggest problem......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England
    doesnt sound like you are having a good time bro. What did he do to make you hate him so much?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    $ Make The World Go Round
    Quote Originally Posted by LoggedOut
    Seriously ,,, your in your early twenties.... dont ya think its time to grow up and stop being mad at your parents and stop acting like a 12 year old girl,,, I envy your life if this is your biggest problem......

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    u know wut really works? a plastic bag next to the stairs they slip and then remove it so the cops think it was an accident

    -force a drug problem inject heroine or drug of choice then get him some more either wait till he dies or call the cops so they put him away

    -leave a deadly animal/insect in his apartment

    also there is posion that doesnt appear in tests not sure bout the name tho

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    well like Johnny Cash said, "a man turns his back on his family, he aint no friend of mine". but maybe your case sounds like an exception. still family is the most important thing in the world so i hope you know what you are doing. good luck.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    You guys should run a search under his name about his dad I can see where hes comming from but its always a shame for **** to go down like that.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
    u know wut really works? a plastic bag next to the stairs they slip and then remove it so the cops think it was an accident

    -force a drug problem inject heroine or drug of choice then get him some more either wait till he dies or call the cops so they put him away

    -leave a deadly animal/insect in his apartment

    also there is posion that doesnt appear in tests not sure bout the name tho
    Who is this guy

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    $ Make The World Go Round
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    Who is this guy

    i think he got this info from 101 ways to kill someone

    its in paperback now.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    thats original

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    $ Make The World Go Round
    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
    thats original


    took me 3 secs to think of

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by CrystalMethodX
    u know wut really works? a plastic bag next to the stairs they slip and then remove it so the cops think it was an accident

    -force a drug problem inject heroine or drug of choice then get him some more either wait till he dies or call the cops so they put him away

    -leave a deadly animal/insect in his apartment

    also there is posion that doesnt appear in tests not sure bout the name tho
    Wow, you might want to seek help bro...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LoggedOut
    Seriously ,,, your in your early twenties.... dont ya think its time to grow up and stop being mad at your parents and stop acting like a 12 year old girl,,, I envy your life if this is your biggest problem......
    You have obviously not been paying attention to johans last few posts about his family problems. YOU need to stop acting like a 12 year old girl and thinking that your problems are far worse than his, you have no f*cking idea what his situation's like, you need to think before you speak.

    Johan, good luck with what ever you decide to do, keep you head up, and if this IS what he deserves give it to him, HARD.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by LoggedOut
    Seriously ,,, your in your early twenties.... dont ya think its time to grow up and stop being mad at your parents and stop acting like a 12 year old girl,,, I envy your life if this is your biggest problem......
    Well if you think Im acting like a 12 year old girl then go f*cuk yourself. My dad is a alcoholic piece of **** that destroyed my mother, ****ed upp my sisters life and ruined my childhood so trust me I have every reason in the world to make the few years he has left as miserable as they can get.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    well like Johnny Cash said, "a man turns his back on his family, he aint no friend of mine". but maybe your case sounds like an exception. still family is the most important thing in the world so i hope you know what you are doing. good luck.
    Yes this is a exception since he turned his back on me everytime he forced me to pic sides betwen him and mom, everytime he opened upp a bottle of liqour, when he gave away my dog that was my only family the last 4 years I lived with dad. I have given him thousand "second chanses". I have been more forgiving then anyone could ever require but now he has stepped over the line.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County
    You know what ****er! You still have a FATHER, do something about it! do something to fix your troubles, because one day you will have remorces and feel bad.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    You know what ****er! You still have a FATHER, do something about it! do something to fix your troubles, because one day you will have remorces and feel bad.

    Why would I try to fix something that has always been broken?

    This is the man that used to beat my mom and forcing me to live with the guilt that I never protected her.

    This is the man that ****ed upp my sister so bad mentaly that she never even finished high school, became semi alcoholig got knocked upp at 17 and is now struggling everyday to make ends meet without any real hope for a brighter future(the biggest shame is that she is very intelligent). Fortunlay she has a good husband now and is turning things around. But here potential is forever wasted.

    This is the man that has driven me into a few suicide attempts.

    This is the man that gave away my ****ing dog the moment I moved from my hometown. The dog he KNEW meant the world to me and that he promised to take care of after I moved(since I couldnt bring her). That dog meant more to me then any family member ever has.

    He is old, alcoholic, living in denial and severly paranoid. He is the most emotionaly cold person I have ever encountered. The only emotions he can show is anger when drunk and the only thing he always does is to push guilt on everyone around him because he can never face that he has ****ed upp his entire life.

    Every time we went hiking, fishing or anything. Everytime he promised "just you and me" it accutaly was "just you and me and a couple of liqour bottles". He has let me down everytime he could and I have forgiven him a million times. Now he is intentionaly trying to **** things upp more and now I can finaly begin to payback all he has done to me and my family without remorse.

    The world would be a better place without this muther****er that is for sure. There is a reason for him not having any friends at all and that 3 out of 5 of his kids doesnt even want to talk to him(and the other 2 just tolerate him out of pity). I always used to think there would be no harm in letting him make the best out of his few years left(he is 81), to build his cabin and have the connection with me and my 2 sisters. But now when he is intentionaly trying to piss on me I will do my best to show him once and for all that he is just a leach, that his entirey family hates him and that he deserves to die alone and miserable. He picked this fight and I aint rolling over one more time.
    Last edited by Kärnfysikern; 05-02-2005 at 04:16 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Johan, family is family... we don't choose it.

    If you really hate your father, shun him.... avoid him... disappear from his life... but don't go out of your way to hurt him. He's probably so out of it that any attention you give him (good or bad) he'll secretly enjoy, and any of it will just make you madder at him. Getting pi$$ed off at him is probably only playing his game.

    I have a member of my family I truly hate... he's a POS alcoholic and he hasn't seen me in 8 years. I'll see him at his funeral, not a day before. I used to get so angry at him, now I just pity his life. I don't play his game. Why should I get ulcers over this clown? He's the one with problems, not me...

    Don't "go to war" with your old man bro... it's useless and in the end even if you manage to "win" any battles, he'll have won the war for getting you so involved in the first place and pushing your buttons.

    Just my 2 cents worth


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    I guess that is good points red.

    I atleast need to get my 7000bucks from him. If nothing else Im gonna get that cash. There is no way on earth I would let him walk out of that debt. I cant let him get away with this lie that is for sure.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    and me selling his cabin to get my cash back will in turn lead to arguments betwen him and my sisters so I will achieve everything in one easy blow and then I will never again have anything to do with him I guess. By the end of this summer it will all be over.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I guess that is good points red.
    I atleast need to get my 7000bucks from him. If nothing else Im gonna get that cash. There is no way on earth I would let him walk out of that debt. I cant let him get away with this lie that is for sure.
    I agree, and since you own the cabin you really have some good bargaining leverage to get that money back one way or another, now or later.

    I would definetly use any legal means at your disposal to get they money back, after all business is business. Just be sure to keep it cold "business" and don't make it a personal vendetta. After all why lower yourself to his level?


  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Johan, family is family... we don't choose it.

    If you really hate your father, shun him.... avoid him... disappear from his life... but don't go out of your way to hurt him. He's probably so out of it that any attention you give him (good or bad) he'll secretly enjoy, and any of it will just make you madder at him. Getting pi$$ed off at him is probably only playing his game.

    I have a member of my family I truly hate... he's a POS alcoholic and he hasn't seen me in 8 years. I'll see him at his funeral, not a day before. I used to get so angry at him, now I just pity his life. I don't play his game. Why should I get ulcers over this clown? He's the one with problems, not me...

    Don't "go to war" with your old man bro... it's useless and in the end even if you manage to "win" any battles, he'll have won the war for getting you so involved in the first place and pushing your buttons.

    Just my 2 cents worth


    Very well put. The best response by far.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The Great State of Texas
    you gotta do what you gotta do man. I mean in reality he prolly does deserve it for what hes done in the past. Whatever happens its a decision your going to have to live with so make sure your completely sure about what you want to do.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Bandit County
    because atleast you have a dad!

    I dont have one anymore, and even if the old **** used to piss me off royaly damn it I realized I was wrong

    so why take his family away because he's a ****ing moron, confront him, tell him what he do, make him change, you wont regret this.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    vandoo if I could make him change I would. I have tried, my mother tried several times. My sibblings have tried. Its not even possible to discuss with him. Nothing is ever his fault in his mind. If one of us even hint the possibility that he is a alcoholic he just stops listening or starts shouting. Nothing me or my sisters or brother say ever goes into his head. He refuses to listen. Not to mention its impossible to discuss with him sober. He just runs away. Gets drunk and then comes back and starts arguing.

    He is living in denial. Its not only about his alcoholism. Its everything. Everything that ever went wrong in his life is because of other family members, co workers, the goverment and so on. He cant even admit ANY misstake no matter how small. even childish crap(like we where discussing in what direction a part of a city was and even when I took out a map and showed him he refused to belive it claiming the map was wrongly printed). In his sic, twisted and paranoid brain he can justify every action he has ever taken.

    That is what makes it so hard. There is never a peacefull way to show him he is wrong.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    The Heat
    All I can say is that it sounds like you have been through alot of shi!t, but in the end it's most important to remember that you only get ONE father. Family can't be replaced, period.

    I wish you well bro and hope that perhaps things can take a better turn for you.

    Also, the actions you are describing are nothing but stooping to his level for your own personal gratification. Just think man, think. There's nothing wrong with the feelings you have but you gotta figure out a way to work it out and be the bigger man.
    Last edited by Cry0smate; 05-03-2005 at 03:21 AM.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    yo johan all those ppl that r telling u he's ur dad one family etc.... **** it dont listen to them

    blood is thicker than water my ass u dont respect ur dad just cuz hes ur dad he has to earn ur respect not do everything to mess up ur life

    i know wut ur talking bout my dad was drunk when i was in the states used to beat my mom (i was 2-3) and me! ****ing asshole i was 3 and my sis and more **** neway last time i saw him i pinned him against the wall and threw him out the house and threatned to kill him ur dad is not a good man **** him get ur money back and make sure he doesnt get near ne of u again
    good luck bro

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    Johan, family is family... we don't choose it.

    If you really hate your father, shun him.... avoid him... disappear from his life... but don't go out of your way to hurt him. He's probably so out of it that any attention you give him (good or bad) he'll secretly enjoy, and any of it will just make you madder at him. Getting pi$$ed off at him is probably only playing his game.

    I have a member of my family I truly hate... he's a POS alcoholic and he hasn't seen me in 8 years. I'll see him at his funeral, not a day before. I used to get so angry at him, now I just pity his life. I don't play his game. Why should I get ulcers over this clown? He's the one with problems, not me...

    Don't "go to war" with your old man bro... it's useless and in the end even if you manage to "win" any battles, he'll have won the war for getting you so involved in the first place and pushing your buttons.

    Just my 2 cents worth

    That's why I like you, Red. Best response by far.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Johan, best of luck to you. I feel for you and I wish do wish you the strength to push through all of this. It will make you a better man down the line.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    I understand where you're coming from mate, my father was a royal a$$hole, my mother is now bankrupt because of him, I have Bipolar disorder because of him... plus he owes my mother $30,000 so he left the country when the heat is on, so we made sure he can never get back in and the money he stole from my mother will be gone once the authorities get hold of him... so I understand your situation bro.

    One thing I do suggest is that you call the police and say he is in YOUR cabin and wont leave, have them throw him out onto the street.

    If you wanna talk bro my PM box is always open to you....

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