As most of you probably know my relationship with my dad has never been that good.
Anyway since he threatened my uncle with a knife and I sided against dad he has been pissed with me. Not only does he now try to pretend he doesnt own me 50 000swedish kronor(roughly 7000 dollar)that he borrowed to get electricity to his cabin. Now he demands to get the cabin back from me(I am the owner of it since I was suposed to sell it after his death as payback for the loan).
Anyway this means Im gonna sell the cabin this summer to get my cash. But I wont settle with that. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. Only 2 of my sisters still talk to him. Im gonna make sure that they wont do that anymore. Il do my best to make sure my dad wont have any kind of contact with any of his children anymore. Il do everything in my power to make sure he dies alone.
If my plan goes right he will drink even more then he does and at his age I dont think his body can take that, so with some luck he will be dead within a year.
This will be the major payback for 18 years of hell with him and for the fact that he gave away my ****ing dog. Ohh man am I gonna enjoy calling him and tell him to get his stuff out of my property and Im gonna enjoy even more to personaly get the keys to the cabin from him. That cabin is the only thing he had to spend time on.
Hes gonna understand that he has messed with the wrong child.
The rest of my family just breaks there ties with him. But Im gonna **** him upp like he deserves.
Payback bitch time for him to feel how thats like