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Personally I think it's a GREAT job and one h*ll of a career move. My wife just got out of the hospital having some surgery, and while visiting there I was struck with the same idea you have. I thought about becoming a male nurse, checking the rooms, the vitals, giving shots, meds on time, etc. I found it fascinating in a weird way how they work their shifts, especially the 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. shifts, those are cool. I guess the "hospital at night" thing amused me, and I could see myself doing that. I told my wife, wow, if I studied to do this (I already have a BA myself in English/Communications), I could do it in about a year here. (for Doctor's office stuff, 1.5 years for hospital work) Couple that relatively "kick back" job with my training and Internet biz, and I could easily be making CRAZY money! I probably would just work 20-30 hours a week doing the Nurse gig, as my Net biz keeps me busy right now as is. I never dreamed to be where I am now, but I really trip on where I could go if I picked up the schooling to do this.
Good luck bro, it'll be very much worth it.