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Thread: nurse

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    after about 4 years in IT field (sw development) i am looking into switching my career, primarily due to health reasons...........i was looking into nursing since the pay is great and should only take about 2 years in community college to complete because i already have the bachelors..........i've been told the salary goes through the roof........and its all about money with me.......

    anyone in this they test for aas use.............i am sure those nurse classes will be 85% women which is a plus.........just dunno if hotttt women actually attend community colleges........... took me $32K, six years in a four year school, and 4 years of working in the professional field to make me realize that was not the right career move for me..............(i hate my job)...........i am still young so itzzz all gravy................

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    a building
    Quote Originally Posted by Sage
    after about 4 years in IT field (sw development) i am looking into switching my career, primarily due to health reasons...........i was looking into nursing since the pay is great and should only take about 2 years in community college to complete because i already have the bachelors..........i've been told the salary goes through the roof........and its all about money with me.......

    anyone in this they test for aas use.............i am sure those nurse classes will be 85% women which is a plus.........just dunno if hotttt women actually attend community colleges........... took me $32K, six years in a four year school, and 4 years of working in the professional field to make me realize that was not the right career move for me..............(i hate my job)...........i am still young so itzzz all gravy................
    "Gregs a male nurse." i dont think i could ever find myself in that profession, i have too weak of a stomach to be seeing people puking all over and coming in with blood and guts everywhere....if u decide to do it though good luck

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    "Gregs a male nurse." i dont think i could ever find myself in that profession, i have too weak of a stomach to be seeing people puking all over and coming in with blood and guts everywhere....if u decide to do it though good luck
    I don't care for people vomitting everywhere and sh*t, but being called a "male nurse"... I just couldn't live with it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Sage
    after about 4 years in IT field (sw development) i am looking into switching my career, primarily due to health reasons...........i was looking into nursing since the pay is great and should only take about 2 years in community college to complete because i already have the bachelors..........i've been told the salary goes through the roof........and its all about money with me.......

    anyone in this they test for aas use.............i am sure those nurse classes will be 85% women which is a plus.........just dunno if hotttt women actually attend community colleges........... took me $32K, six years in a four year school, and 4 years of working in the professional field to make me realize that was not the right career move for me..............(i hate my job)...........i am still young so itzzz all gravy................
    Personally I think it's a GREAT job and one h*ll of a career move. My wife just got out of the hospital having some surgery, and while visiting there I was struck with the same idea you have. I thought about becoming a male nurse, checking the rooms, the vitals, giving shots, meds on time, etc. I found it fascinating in a weird way how they work their shifts, especially the 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. shifts, those are cool. I guess the "hospital at night" thing amused me, and I could see myself doing that. I told my wife, wow, if I studied to do this (I already have a BA myself in English/Communications), I could do it in about a year here. (for Doctor's office stuff, 1.5 years for hospital work) Couple that relatively "kick back" job with my training and Internet biz, and I could easily be making CRAZY money! I probably would just work 20-30 hours a week doing the Nurse gig, as my Net biz keeps me busy right now as is. I never dreamed to be where I am now, but I really trip on where I could go if I picked up the schooling to do this.

    Good luck bro, it'll be very much worth it.


  5. #5
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    Dec 2002
    As well, the entire "male nurse" thing doesn't bother me in ANY way/shape/form.

    1) I am married, so the "gay" thing/idea wouldn't bother me one bit.

    2) You get to work around hot women.

    3) The hot women then realize you are "straight".

    4) The hot women then like you because you are straight.

    5) They then like you more when they learn you are married. (the whole challenge thing)

    6) You get great benefits.

    7) #6 is to be meant both healthwise and sexwise. :>)

    8) You have room to advance, again, on many platforms.

    9) Those who know about making $$ and stacking chips, would have no issue being a "male nurse", as it's a position that is actually growing quite large now that more people are learning to deal w/the "stereotype". That's a thing of the past actually, you'd be surprised how many male nurses there are, and how many perks come w/the position.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hell yeah!!! When my girl was in the hospital I was talking with a (male) nurse in the ER. We talked abot me beign a personal trainer and l and how I do it because I like to help people. He asked how much I made on average and he laughed. Told me he does his job for the same reasons, started out making $40,000 right out of school and now makes closer to $65,000 and growing.... notto mention he only works like 3 or 4 days a week! I'm considering it...... just looking around at some schools in the area.

  7. #7
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    Yup, it's an insanely good field to advance, get paid, and get taken care of. You have great benefits of COURSE, and that in and of itself these days you can't really put a price on. Believe me, I know about medical bills.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    a building
    im not neccesarily not into it because of being a male in a womens professions, i could easily live with that, but moreso because ur job would consist of emptying bedpans and literally wiping old peoples asses, yea its good money, but i think my appetite would be gone for the next 5 years, i guess the motto its a dirty job but somebody has to do it fits in here...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    but moreso because ur job would consist of emptying bedpans and literally wiping old peoples asses

    What if it's a hot latina's ass?

    Nah, I have a kid, so ass-wiping ain't nuttin'.

    Besides, it may come in handy in cutting season, you lose your appetite and don't wanna eat!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Personally I think it's a GREAT job and one h*ll of a career move. My wife just got out of the hospital having some surgery, and while visiting there I was struck with the same idea you have. I thought about becoming a male nurse, checking the rooms, the vitals, giving shots, meds on time, etc. I found it fascinating in a weird way how they work their shifts, especially the 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. shifts, those are cool. I guess the "hospital at night" thing amused me, and I could see myself doing that. I told my wife, wow, if I studied to do this (I already have a BA myself in English/Communications), I could do it in about a year here. (for Doctor's office stuff, 1.5 years for hospital work) Couple that relatively "kick back" job with my training and Internet biz, and I could easily be making CRAZY money! I probably would just work 20-30 hours a week doing the Nurse gig, as my Net biz keeps me busy right now as is. I never dreamed to be where I am now, but I really trip on where I could go if I picked up the schooling to do this.

    Good luck bro, it'll be very much worth it.

    I would highly recommend that if u r completely set on this route, than don’t put this idea to rest…….......……I did ones, but now I am actually going for it full throttle………........…..with what u already know and have accomplished up to date, i am sure majority of the classes there will be just a breeze…...........……it only takes approximately two years to get the papers which is not that long at all compare to all the green u’ll be rollin in……..…......…

  11. #11
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    Oct 2003
    i am sure some are still trying to preserve old family tradition determining the male dominance by what occupation the guy has.................well, my family tradition is plain and simple, how much money there is in the bank from doing an honest days work..................stereotyping does not bother me a single bit...................

    although not planning to start looking for a potential candidate to settle down with at least for the next three years, it would be nice to have a hottie professional nurse as ur wife..................i do think the benefits are endless with this job.................

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    i think my appetite would be gone for the next 5 years, i guess the motto its a dirty job but somebody has to do it fits in here...
    i set with one of my ex’s through the entire graphical breasts implant surgery watching it on tv since she was getting it done right after and was munching on some triple decker roast beef sandwiches through the entire procedure...................i highly doubt the appetite will still not be intact from the else will i grow.........................

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    As well, the entire "male nurse" thing doesn't bother me in ANY way/shape/form.

    1) I am married, so the "gay" thing/idea wouldn't bother me one bit.

    2) You get to work around hot women.

    3) The hot women then realize you are "straight".

    4) The hot women then like you because you are straight.

    5) They then like you more when they learn you are married. (the whole challenge thing)

    6) You get great benefits.

    7) #6 is to be meant both healthwise and sexwise. :>)

    8) You have room to advance, again, on many platforms.

    9) Those who know about making $$ and stacking chips, would have no issue being a "male nurse", as it's a position that is actually growing quite large now that more people are learning to deal w/the "stereotype". That's a thing of the past actually, you'd be surprised how many male nurses there are, and how many perks come w/the position.

    Dont forget about wiping asses and changing colostomy bags (sp?)...

    But seriously, it does seem like a good job, despite some nasty times... My bro's mom is a semi-retired nurse who only got her 2 yr degree, and makes 35k/yr working around 30-35 hours/wk

    not too shabby...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    The South
    Bro Im a nurse, I just graduated in December and while having some doubts while in Nursing School I can say that I really like my job now. I also dont know many other 24 year olds who make as much money as I do. As far as the whole being a male nurse, its really not that bad. SwoleCat is right it actually gives you an advantage with all the girls you work with, they are always wanting you to go to the club with them and then you get there and you realize that its you with about 10 or 15 girls. And as far as the whole whipping ass and bedpans, I dont think anyone really enjoys it but there are far worse things to be doing with your life. If you are really interested in it go for it and if you have any questions feel free to ask. Good luck bro.

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