aight long story short, me and a bunch of freinds were partying at some chicks house and like always the laws roll up, i had been drinking a lil bit but not drunk at all... so the cop comes into the house which i dont think was right and tells us to leave so were like alright, i call my girl up and shes already outside wating by the truck so i go out there and there is two more cops chillin out there talking to her and being just straight rude for no reason.. so i walk up and they just start tanting me and tanting me i was being as polite as i could to them and did everything they said to do. then one of the cops is like sigh this paper and im like wtf for and he was like ur publicly intoxicated and what not and i was like fvck that i didnt do $hit (i had an attitude by then cuz of how they were being for no reason at all) then a lil short fat a$$ cop says come here son so i go and he gives me a lil eye test thing and i pass then they try to get me to sign that thing again and i was like fvck that again and i said where is ur breath alizer give me one of those so i can leave and they were like no we dont have to so i was like aight let me call my unkle up (DWI etc. atturney with his own law firm, lives 5 houses down from troy akeman,staight MTV cribs style lol) right when i go to call my aunt to get intouch with him the cop rips the phone outa my hand and says either sign now or go to jail so i turned around and said cuff me then i didnt do anything wrong and he cuffed me and threw me in the car, by then my girl is crying and so forth so i tell her call my pops up and she did. then after all that my pops gets there and makes me sign that paper cuz it said (this is not a pleed of guilt and what not) so i signed it and they let me go and those pos cops (not doging cops at all just not good ones that i was dealing with) gave me a PI and gave my girl an MIP and she did absolouty nothing, didnt have a sip to drink or anything on her, he said ur getting an MIP cuz u were here so i was like watch, these will be dismissed tomorrow fvckerso then i called my aunt which got ahold of my unk and he said dissmissed tomorrow dont worry bout it, and now is in the process of doing so. so i just gave the cops a good ol
and went home and got some sleep lol, man that sucked though that was the first time ive been in cuffs and placed into a cop car, just thought i would share with u guys