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Thread: Just Saw Star Wars

  1. #1

    Just Saw Star Wars

    flawed and over done in the wrong places

    understated and dull in the right places

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    sorry your sooooo wrong its retarded

    definitly one of the best movies lucas has ever made, tells an excellent story..beautiful special it had shaft kicking some ass!!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultimo
    sorry your sooooo wrong its retarded

    definitly one of the best movies lucas has ever made, tells an excellent story..beautiful special it had shaft kicking some ass!!
    And also closes all the loops extremly well.

    OMEGA - rather than offering a brainless review such as the one you posted, Perhaps you can expand on your comments and cite some intelligent examples to back up you theory so that it could actually be discussed.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultimo
    sorry your sooooo wrong its retarded
    No one is retarded. He has his opinion, you have your's.

    Move along.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    star wars is stupid, thats my opinion

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
    star wars is stupid, thats my opinion
    LOL I seem to hear that alot from you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I just wanna say again how much Sin City sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Main reason: Not NEARLY enough Jessica Alba (__!__) , or Jessica Alba period for that matter!


    Now back to Star Wars.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I thought it was pretty cool.......watched last night.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Dammit SC! I agree with you on so many things but bro your taste in movies.. UGH!! where do I start??

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    alba is looking pretty good in fantastic 4

    hopefully it wont be a dud

    and as for his opinion...its true he is allowed to have one...HOWEVER...its also true he is wrong

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    No, I actually agree with OMEGA. It was drawn out. The acting and the dialogue were mediocre/subpar even (barring Natalie Portman). I was really looking for an overall spectacular movie. But I was surely disappointed. It was SO HYPED! It was supposed to "make up for the first two!" NOOOOT REALLLLLY! haha! I thought the whole storyline was very vague for a Star Wars movie..usually much more descriptive and intriguing. I could go on and on, but I will watch the movie once more before I totally write it off. But for now, I was left wanting.
    Last edited by TestTubeBaby; 05-22-2005 at 05:00 PM.

  12. #12
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    the third one, albeit long, packed way too much storyline into way too little space. Kept jumping from one thing to another...they should have tried to incorporate more story into the first two or made another one altogether...I bet there was a ton of material that got cut out in the editing room..

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Running through your mind
    I went and saw it on Wednesday at midnight with my boyfriend. We enjoyed it. Even though I fell asleep for about 10 min. I liked it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    I wasn't impressed...

    I also thought it was long and drawn out. Even the light saber fighting scenes (which were spectacular) were just too stretched out and I started to lose interest.

    They could have trimmed a good 30 minutes from the movie with no loss of content.

    Personally the last 20 minutes was what really interested me... I wanted to know how Darth Vader was "born".


  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Running through your mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup

    Personally the last 20 minutes was what really interested me... I wanted to know how Darth Vader was "born".

    Me too.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
    star wars is stupid, thats my opinion
    I think so. Shitty story and boring as hell. Nice special effects but far from superior.

  17. #17
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    Those who have not followed it for a long time and do not understand all the intracacies of the storyline have a hard time understanding the overall plot. Unfortunate, but true.

  18. #18
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    I've been a fan for a good while, have seen all movies numerous times. I was still, not impressed.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by TestTubeBaby
    I've been a fan for a good while, have seen all movies numerous times. I was still, not impressed.

    me too

    I would say that in a Ultimate level it was not

    convincing , not enough conviction in the charcters either

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    No one is retarded. He has his opinion, you have your's.

    Move along.


    thanks bro

    for some Star Wars is a quasi religion i suppose

    maybe I should be more gentle

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    golds gym, locker #123
    I just saw starwars too... But me and my friends went to a late as shit viewing at 1:30am and during the last half we all fell asleep so were going to see it again because we missed the last half of the movie...

  22. #22
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    All in all i think the movie was great.. and yes they close the gaps which is what i liked most about it. I had an issue with why c-3po did not remember his former masters in Tataouine from episode 2.. well the mind wipe explains this all. There were some funny scenes too like the r-2 ass kicking scene.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    I agree!

    Quote Originally Posted by Luminaire
    the third one, albeit long, packed way too much storyline into way too little space. Kept jumping from one thing to another...they should have tried to incorporate more story into the first two or made another one altogether...I bet there was a ton of material that got cut out in the editing room..
    Although I really enjoyed the movie, I'm a Star Wars fan, it seemed to generalized, like luminaire said. They covered to many big important moments with sometimes just a few minutes of dialogue. For example, when the emporer tells Anniken he's the Sith Lord, very little dialogue follows. That by itself could have been very specific and much more detailed. Anakin suddenly falls into being his apprentice to easily. With all the big events which followed they could have easily made two more movies out of this one movie. Lucas is very talented with a wonderful imagination, but he lacks a little in the screenwriting area I think. He has kept his vision intact by not opening up his movies to interpretation by others, but he has also lost a lot of good ideas others could have given him. It is said Speilberg really wanted to direct one of the Star Wars movies, but Lucas wouldn't let him. Its kinda funny that probably the best Star Wars movie, "The Empire Strikes Back" was not directed by Lucas but by Irv Kirshner. In summary, although satisfying, the movie could have been so much more with a little more creativity and specifity rather than being so generalized.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by FRANK WHITE
    Although I really enjoyed the movie, I'm a Star Wars fan, it seemed to generalized, like luminaire said. They covered to many big important moments with sometimes just a few minutes of dialogue. For example, when the emporer tells Anniken he's the Sith Lord, very little dialogue follows. That by itself could have been very specific and much more detailed. Anakin suddenly falls into being his apprentice to easily. With all the big events which followed they could have easily made two more movies out of this one movie. Lucas is very talented with a wonderful imagination, but he lacks a little in the screenwriting area I think. He has kept his vision intact by not opening up his movies to interpretation by others, but he has also lost a lot of good ideas others could have given him. It is said Speilberg really wanted to direct one of the Star Wars movies, but Lucas wouldn't let him. Its kinda funny that probably the best Star Wars movie, "The Empire Strikes Back" was not directed by Lucas but by Irv Kirshner. In summary, although satisfying, the movie could have been so much more with a little more creativity and specifity rather than being so generalized.

    excellent, 100% agree

    is this true about him not directing Empire Strikes back?

    it was def one of the best
    if not the best

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    On a beach in California
    Thanks bro, ya he didn't direct "Empire Strikes Back."

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRANK WHITE
    Although I really enjoyed the movie, I'm a Star Wars fan, it seemed to generalized, like luminaire said. They covered to many big important moments with sometimes just a few minutes of dialogue. For example, when the emporer tells Anniken he's the Sith Lord, very little dialogue follows. That by itself could have been very specific and much more detailed. Anakin suddenly falls into being his apprentice to easily. With all the big events which followed they could have easily made two more movies out of this one movie. Lucas is very talented with a wonderful imagination, but he lacks a little in the screenwriting area I think. He has kept his vision intact by not opening up his movies to interpretation by others, but he has also lost a lot of good ideas others could have given him. It is said Speilberg really wanted to direct one of the Star Wars movies, but Lucas wouldn't let him. Its kinda funny that probably the best Star Wars movie, "The Empire Strikes Back" was not directed by Lucas but by Irv Kirshner. In summary, although satisfying, the movie could have been so much more with a little more creativity and specifity rather than being so generalized.

    Yeah.. i agree about Anikan turning way too fast. One second he had his light saber out the next he was on his knees sucking Palpatines dick.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigMike J
    Yeah.. i agree about Anikan turning way too fast. One second he had his light saber out the next he was on his knees sucking Palpatines dick.
    Ok I can agree a little that it might have been a bit rushed there. That was not easy for me to just do

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cry0smate
    Ok I can agree a little that it might have been a bit rushed there. That was not easy for me to just do
    Yes it was LIER

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigMike J
    Yeah.. i agree about Anikan turning way too fast. One second he had his light saber out the next he was on his knees sucking Palpatines dick.
    The thing is, Lucas had to wrap up so many major things in one movie. The Jedi's getting killed, Anakin turning to the dark side, the kids being born. The Sith taking over. The birth of the Empire. All of these events alone could have been developed into a movie. Thus, you get each event touched on, not delved into like they could have been. But I guess Lucas had no choice, just not enough time to develop each event more. And hey, the movie made an all time record 160 million dollars in 4 days, and counting, so as far as hollywood is concerned, the movie is a great success.

    As always, the special effects were amazing. For all non Star Wars fans I think the movie is worth seeing for those alone. I believe Lucas knew, at least I hope he did, that he could have developed each event more, but instead covered each one, with bare minimum detail. In order to compensate somewhat for this he threw in all the light sabre battles, space battles, etc. Overwhelm the audiences senses with all the thrill ride, adrenaline rushing scenes and its easy for them to forget about a very thin dialogue and character development.

    Think about Anakin for a minute, he spent the first two movies learning the ways of the jedi, loving the jedi's, wanting more than anything to be a Jedi, etc, then he throws it all away in a few lines of dialogue with the emporer and kills all the jedi children, declares the jedi his enemy, and tries to kill his mentor, Obi One. Knowing this, however, still won't make me not go see the movie again, I enjoyed it nontheless. And by the box office numbers, it seems a lot of other people did as well.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by FRANK WHITE
    Think about Anakin for a minute, he spent the first two movies learning the ways of the jedi, loving the jedi's, wanting more than anything to be a Jedi, etc, then he throws it all away in a few lines of dialogue with the emporer and kills all the jedi children, declares the jedi his enemy, and tries to kill his mentor, Obi One. Knowing this, however, still won't make me not go see the movie again, I enjoyed it nontheless. And by the box office numbers, it seems a lot of other people did as well.
    He did this here imo because he feels he is strong enough to turn back. He wants to get Palps knowledge kill him and turn back to the light sort of. But we all see that the power corrupted him rather quickly.. The obi his azz

  31. #31
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by TestTubeBaby
    No, I actually agree with OMEGA. It was drawn out. The acting and the dialogue were mediocre/subpar even (barring Natalie Portman). I was really looking for an overall spectacular movie. But I was surely disappointed. It was SO HYPED! It was supposed to "make up for the first two!" NOOOOT REALLLLLY! haha! I thought the whole storyline was very vague for a Star Wars movie..usually much more descriptive and intriguing. I could go on and on, but I will watch the movie once more before I totally write it off. But for now, I was left wanting.
    I agree. I thought it was boring. At the end I thought "umm... thats nice, it's over."

  32. #32
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Another thing... I was annoyed by the product placements. Like the little robots that looked like remote control trunks. How much do you want to bet they will be in stores for Christmas. I saw other "toys" throughout the film and it annoyed me. Lucas spends too much time creating characters that will market well to children vs. telling a story.

  33. #33
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    it was jsut as bad as the other 2

  34. #34
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    special effects were sick, that is why I went to see the movie. Also had a few laughs at some dork dressed up as Obi 1 sitting 2 rows in front of me..

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Another thing... I was annoyed by the product placements. Like the little robots that looked like remote control trunks. How much do you want to bet they will be in stores for Christmas. I saw other "toys" throughout the film and it annoyed me. Lucas spends too much time creating characters that will market well to children vs. telling a story.
    Movies are a business.. are they not??

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Another thing... I was annoyed by the product placements. Like the little robots that looked like remote control trunks. How much do you want to bet they will be in stores for Christmas. I saw other "toys" throughout the film and it annoyed me. Lucas spends too much time creating characters that will market well to children vs. telling a story.
    Those little robots are actually seen quite often in the original movies. Cool way to spark memories and further help tie the series together imo.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    I agree. I thought it was boring. At the end I thought "umm... thats nice, it's over."


  38. #38
    Join Date
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    right behind ya
    where were the frickin bounty hunters? and Han solo's story?

  39. #39
    OK biggest flaw in the movie:

    1)we all know the Jedi need Anakin since he has the MOST LATENT POTENTIAL of power than all of the Jedi in recent history, they need him because in the wrong hands he would be a tool for evil possibly, but also times are unpredictable and the Jedi counsel new they needed all the help they could get.

    2) now he started his training past the normal age and his powers seemed to transcend normal Jedi traiing, he is constantly put in check by Obi one and the counsel to "Discipline" himself and to be patient. However when they disciplined him they did it often without explanation, and much like a cold parent would there child ( ala go to your room style discpline with no explanation).

    3) At first he did not mind but then as he became self aware of his powers the counsel was even more firm with him, almost daring his to backlash. They never said "look we know your powerfull, you know it as well, we are tying to help you here is why......."

    4) Palapatine is the perefect Seducer and led Anakin away from the counsel in effective fashion, however here is where the story could have been better written.

    A) Anakin should have found out that the Emporer was in fact Sideuos through his knowledge of the force, he should have let Sideous live by making a choice only to do so till he learned the power of ressurection/ and or any powrfull teachings of Sideous
    has to circumvent his Wifes impending doom.

    B) he should have known this privatly and maybe leaked it too Obi One, who then leaked it to the counsel who then became even more supeciuos of Anakin ( all of this should have been done semi privatley)

    C)Palpatine should have sensed this, then began to cause more Rebell incursions as sideous. ( no one know he is the cause of both factions in the WAR)

    D) Palpatine then sends Imperial troop to crush a large part of the Rebellion, and Victory should soon be in the Jedi's grasp.

    E) Sideous/Palapatine then discusses how he too wants the rebellion to be stopped to Anakin, and Anakin being battle weary and also concerned about his wife, and tired of the Jedi counsel should also have a yearing to see it end ( he does not know that Sideuos is the cause of the war on both ends depite being the chosen one) he does know who Palpatine /Sideuos is and hopes the war is over soon so he can learn the powers of resurection and other powers he has too and then dispose of him.

    F) the final big reble / imperial war should take place near his wifes home world. the Jedi even more distrusting don't want Anakin near any real last important campaigns since they feel they can take care of it now, plus he is a liability.

    Anakin becomes infuriated when he finds out the counsel really don't trust him and do not let him go to the last war front we he is proven to make a difference, he bcomes even more angry that the battle is near his wifes home world where she is, again he is most angry that he and all his power can crush the rebellion once and for all so Peace reigns, he can learn what he has to from Sidoius, then get rid of him, (say to hell with the Jedi possibly) and live with his wife happliy ever after

    G) however he cant do that since JEDI orders dontl let him go to the front,
    then the last war starts, but the Rebellion is stonger than expected the Jedi have to retreat, and Anakins wife gets killed by a Rebel bomb

    then Palpatine/ Sidous comes and is the first to tell him the "news" and seduces him by saying "wow if you went this war would be over, and I could teach you faster, and peace will reign but I am sorry the rebellion is still ongoing oh and by the way you wife is dead, if only you were there"

    this sole INSTANCE would have been the impetus for Anakin to become Darth Vader, hate the rebellion and favor a police state universe, and completely HATE THE JEDI who kept his power at bay for what he percieves as THEIR ego, where if he had gone his wife would have been saved, the rebellion over, and Sidiuos diposed of


    1 million dollars please

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    On a beach in California
    Interesting storyline, not bad. His wife getting killed by a bomb? Is that after she gives birth to Luke and Leigh?

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