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Thread: Exgirlfriend Problems!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The end of the sidewalk

    Exgirlfriend Problems!!

    I have seen as well as put input on many of the discussions on exgirlfriend problems that have been brought up on here and have liked the advice many people have given. But I sadly need some advice of my own now. Here's the story!

    Ok about two months ago me and my ex broke up bc of the fact that we never got to see each other because I was away at college and she was still in highschool. We had been dating for two years and then I graduated and went to college this year. So anyways we still kept talking everyday keeping up our friendship well about a month ago she started going out with another guy. Well I didn't think that I cared until about two weeks into their relationship and she kept calling me and telling me how much she loved me. Well of course I still had feelings for her and I began to fall in love with her again. Well up to this point we still talk about every three days and she see's it as her job I guess to tell me about every week or so that she still loves me. It just seems that everytime I start to forget about her and get interested in another girl she reminds me that she still loves me. But get this she says that we don't need to go back out because we will just run into the same old problems. That we just need to give it time. If any of you would help with some advice as to what I should do in this situation I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    She wants her cake and wants to eat it too. It's tough, but you should probably detach yourself from her and get some new experiences. You can't make up for lost time, so take advantage of your surrondings now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sigmatro11
    I have seen as well as put input on many of the discussions on exgirlfriend problems that have been brought up on here and have liked the advice many people have given. But I sadly need some advice of my own now. Here's the story!

    Ok about two months ago me and my ex broke up bc of the fact that we never got to see each other because I was away at college and she was still in highschool. We had been dating for two years and then I graduated and went to college this year. So anyways we still kept talking everyday keeping up our friendship well about a month ago she started going out with another guy. Well I didn't think that I cared until about two weeks into their relationship and she kept calling me and telling me how much she loved me. Well of course I still had feelings for her and I began to fall in love with her again. Well up to this point we still talk about every three days and she see's it as her job I guess to tell me about every week or so that she still loves me. It just seems that everytime I start to forget about her and get interested in another girl she reminds me that she still loves me. But get this she says that we don't need to go back out because we will just run into the same old problems. That we just need to give it time. If any of you would help with some advice as to what I should do in this situation I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
    My advice would be to stop wasting your time on highschool drama, and spend it on easy college only live once...don't waste that time on somenoe who doesn't know who or what they want.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    step 1. bang all the college chicks you can while you are there.
    step 2. when you come home on weekends, bang your ex girlfriend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i was in a similar situation as you are in now... i did the above steps 1 & 2..... and let me tell you... i don't regret it !!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump101
    step 1. bang all the college chicks you can while you are there.
    step 2. when you come home on weekends, bang your ex girlfriend.
    I must say this is great advice.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Send her the walking papers and tell her if you wanted to play games you'd power up the X-BOX.


    Quote Originally Posted by sigmatro11
    I have seen as well as put input on many of the discussions on exgirlfriend problems that have been brought up on here and have liked the advice many people have given. But I sadly need some advice of my own now. Here's the story!

    Ok about two months ago me and my ex broke up bc of the fact that we never got to see each other because I was away at college and she was still in highschool. We had been dating for two years and then I graduated and went to college this year. So anyways we still kept talking everyday keeping up our friendship well about a month ago she started going out with another guy. Well I didn't think that I cared until about two weeks into their relationship and she kept calling me and telling me how much she loved me. Well of course I still had feelings for her and I began to fall in love with her again. Well up to this point we still talk about every three days and she see's it as her job I guess to tell me about every week or so that she still loves me. It just seems that everytime I start to forget about her and get interested in another girl she reminds me that she still loves me. But get this she says that we don't need to go back out because we will just run into the same old problems. That we just need to give it time. If any of you would help with some advice as to what I should do in this situation I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump101
    step 1. bang all the college chicks you can while you are there.
    step 2. when you come home on weekends, bang your ex girlfriend.

    I must say I concur...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I currently have this guy who is working for me who has one of the saddest lives I have ever come across. He made a huge mistake...don't repeat it.

    This guy went to college at Indiana and his Highschool gf went to another college about 3 hours away. This is the only girl this kid dated in highschool or college. This guy hated college, his college life consisted of expensive phone bills to his gf and travelling every 2nd or 3rd weekend to go see her. This guy had pussy right on his doorstep in college and he never even took a taste. Well during graduate school, this guy proposed to this girl and they got engaged. Shortly after they finished school, they moved to South Florida and began working. Within 6 months this guys girlfriend freaked out and started banging some other guy and eventually moved out.

    So now, this guy is hanging out in South Florida and is miserable. Why is he miserable, because the guy has no game at all. He does not know how to interact with women, he does not have any male friends to go hitting the clubs with to find women, he works in an environment where there are very few single women.

    This guy's life focused on this girl for nearly 10 years and he missed it all.

    If you are in college, LIVE IT UP! I am 37 years old and without question college was without question the funnest years I have ever had in my life.

    Join a fraternity, hook up with every women you can. Actually, I think this will help you in relationships in the future.

    This guy does not know what type of girl he really likes because he has dated so few.

    Take advantage of the College life while you can. Drop the High School Drama.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump101
    step 1. bang all the college chicks you can while you are there.
    step 2. when you come home on weekends, bang your ex girlfriend.
    You forgot:

    step3. repeat.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    step .5 put on a fukin rubber for the love of god man!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I wouldn't **** with someone you supposedly loved...That's adding stress on you for no reason..There's too many girls out there to be like that. It's easy to say hey i'm just gonna bang her..Yea keep telling yourself that...Any chick that says "I love you" to her ex,while she still has a man. I wouldn't waste time on..Someone wants attention at all times.

    Wasting time on ex girlfriend's are 99% of the time just that. That 1% of the time isn't worth anything. Regardless if its sex or so called love.
    Last edited by goodtobeapimp; 05-25-2005 at 04:38 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by Pump101
    step 1. bang all the college chicks you can while you are there.
    step 2. when you come home on weekends, bang your ex girlfriend.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The end of the sidewalk
    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit
    I currently have this guy who is working for me who has one of the saddest lives I have ever come across. He made a huge mistake...don't repeat it.

    This guy went to college at Indiana and his Highschool gf went to another college about 3 hours away. This is the only girl this kid dated in highschool or college. This guy hated college, his college life consisted of expensive phone bills to his gf and travelling every 2nd or 3rd weekend to go see her. This guy had pussy right on his doorstep in college and he never even took a taste. Well during graduate school, this guy proposed to this girl and they got engaged. Shortly after they finished school, they moved to South Florida and began working. Within 6 months this guys girlfriend freaked out and started banging some other guy and eventually moved out.

    So now, this guy is hanging out in South Florida and is miserable. Why is he miserable, because the guy has no game at all. He does not know how to interact with women, he does not have any male friends to go hitting the clubs with to find women, he works in an environment where there are very few single women.

    This guy's life focused on this girl for nearly 10 years and he missed it all.

    If you are in college, LIVE IT UP! I am 37 years old and without question college was without question the funnest years I have ever had in my life.

    Join a fraternity, hook up with every women you can. Actually, I think this will help you in relationships in the future.

    This guy does not know what type of girl he really likes because he has dated so few.

    Take advantage of the College life while you can. Drop the High School Drama.

    Yeah i am in a fraternity I'm a Sigma Chi. And I did have the best time all year going out to parties all most every other night after we broke up! BUt now that I'm home for the summer I live in a shit hole of a city with nothing to do no bars or anything. I have decided to just tell her to quit ****ing calling me because i have moved on and started dating it's just that she gets to me when i talk to her so i figure if i don't talk to her i can have a blast with these other girls and keep her off my mind!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    She is probably sleeping with other guys anyway, I mean if she can keep you on a leash then you are her fall back guy... that means buddy you are #2. My advice man up and lay as many bitches as you can, when you go see your ex play her. Or just grow some balls and tell her to fukc off, that you pull more ass in a few days then she gave you your whole relationship... Then maybe she will do anything for you, and let you degrade her anyway you choose.

  16. #16
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    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    She is probably sleeping with other guys anyway, I mean if she can keep you on a leash then you are her fall back guy... that means buddy you are #2. My advice man up and lay as many bitches as you can, when you go see your ex play her. Or just grow some balls and tell her to fukc off, that you pull more ass in a few days then she gave you your whole relationship... Then maybe she will do anything for you, and let you degrade her anyway you choose.

    werd....women are some sick are like her dildo in the drawer....she winds you up, whenever she wants...reassume power in the arrangment, or don't talk to her at all.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    Rule 1 about women, that I have learned from talking to honest women....girls always, always, have a plan B. She's keeping you at arms length because she probably doesn't see this new guy as a long term thing. You can either walk away, or play dumb and when you come home to visit

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    She is probably sleeping with other guys anyway, I mean if she can keep you on a leash then you are her fall back guy... that means buddy you are #2. My advice man up and lay as many bitches as you can, when you go see your ex play her. Or just grow some balls and tell her to fukc off, that you pull more ass in a few days then she gave you your whole relationship... Then maybe she will do anything for you, and let you degrade her anyway you choose.
    hey mods can I put this as my signature please?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Send her the walking papers and tell her if you wanted to play games you'd power up the X-BOX.

    ROFL women cant play xbox.. !they no good...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    this biatch I used to bump heavy used to wanna play all the time... I'd get her all wined up and play halo then get bobo washed..

    ohhh YES

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The end of the sidewalk
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    She is probably sleeping with other guys anyway, I mean if she can keep you on a leash then you are her fall back guy... that means buddy you are #2. My advice man up and lay as many bitches as you can, when you go see your ex play her. Or just grow some balls and tell her to fukc off, that you pull more ass in a few days then she gave you your whole relationship... Then maybe she will do anything for you, and let you degrade her anyway you choose.

    Yeah she is banging her new bf but I am getting it more often than he is!!!!And I would try to pull more as than I had in our whole relationship but this girl is the biggest nympo alive!!!!! Everytime I was her in the whole time we were dating she would screw me over and over until I can't get it up anymore! What can I say I did the right thing by taking this girls virginity! haha BUt yeah I appreciate it I'm gonna keep her around for the weekend fun and just suck it up and move on because yall all have made me realize she is just trying to keep me around as a back up!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by sigmatro11
    Yeah she is banging her new bf but I am getting it more often than he is!!!!And I would try to pull more as than I had in our whole relationship but this girl is the biggest nympo alive!!!!! Everytime I was her in the whole time we were dating she would screw me over and over until I can't get it up anymore! What can I say I did the right thing by taking this girls virginity! haha BUt yeah I appreciate it I'm gonna keep her around for the weekend fun and just suck it up and move on because yall all have made me realize she is just trying to keep me around as a back up!
    Keep in mind, back up is fine, so long as you know this to be happening and manipulate the situation to your advantage....Ignorance is bliss....but complete understanding veiled in ignorance can lead you to the pearly gates.....

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Ex's are ex's for a reason..

    Live in the past or learn from it.

    She just want's her cake and is eating it too..

  24. #24
    Sounds like Prettylittlepest has been there before. If you don't want a realationship with her move on, and if its meant to be it will work out later down the road. I have been down this road a time or two and trust me, not worth the bull$hit. Remember this though PRTW=Pussy Rules The World, can't live with it, can't live without it

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    The one with the hole is in control

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    The end of the sidewalk
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    The one with the hole is in control
    that's f*ing hilarious

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    hahaha this is so not true.. you guys have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.. women have so amny insecurities when it comes to men it's not evne funny.

    Thats why.. most fall into the following categories..

    They are either
    1. Single
    2. Have more than one guy

    Both make it easier to cope:P

    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    The one with the hole is in control

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Prettylittlepest
    hahaha this is so not true.. you guys have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.. women have so amny insecurities when it comes to men it's not evne funny.

    Thats why.. most fall into the following categories..

    They are either
    1. Single
    2. Have more than one guy

    Both make it easier to cope:P
    You forgot
    3. Multiple sex toys

    That's funny as hell though, if a girl calls some guy out on screwing multiple girls at the same time and he replies with "Well, It just makes it easier to cope"... he would get all kinds of criticism, because now he's a man-ho that just uses women for sex. Girls on the other hand evidentally need it for mental therapy, to cope with life and the such. Whateva flava.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    Oh, look a lot like Juliette Lewis

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    EWWWWWW.. and no way
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    Oh, look a lot like Juliette Lewis

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    hhmm, I think so. Maybe it's just the pic in your avatar then
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	JulietteLewis.jpg 
Views:	179 
Size:	28.5 KB 
ID:	50724  

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    that's not such a bad pic of her but usually she looks like shit:P
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    hhmm, I think so. Maybe it's just the pic in your avatar then

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Atlanta, GA
    I don't think so. I think they just make her look bad because it fits the role she is playing. Think about the movies she has been in...being all pretty and stuff just wouldn't fit.

  34. #34
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    I don't think so. I think they just make her look bad because it fits the role she is playing. Think about the movies she has been in...being all pretty and stuff just wouldn't fit.

    I hear that! I think she is one of the sexier mama's out there today ....


    fukin love that movie man ... "your a BAD MANH EARRRLAY!"

    ahhahaaa or Natural born killers, she was great, great actress, slutty white trash... I LIKE IT!


    and for you bro, at the end of the day? WHO FUKIN CARES man, do what makes you happy.

    But, you really should have a wee bit of a clearer understanding of what you have in your life RIGHT NOW, regardless of this fukin chick.

    Imagine you were in some ghetto part of Afghanistan man? holy fuk THAT. Try and perspectify bro, find some clarity and you'll be just fine.

  35. #35
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  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    hhmm, I think so. Maybe it's just the pic in your avatar then
    she is hot and the fact that she was a murderer(naturl BK)makes her hotter


    **** as much women as u want **** her too but dont be all lovy mushy with her

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    The end of the sidewalk
    Oh yeah I have an update! Last night a good friend of mine from college called last night and asked me to come stay with her for a week for some fun and to keep her company because she doesn't want to stay by herself! So i got up with my ex last night and told her i was going to go stay with my friend and that shit was over! And that if she ever wanted a fun one night stand i was there but other than that i was gone! And we ended up having sex that night and now I'm headed to go stay with my friend.

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by sigmatro11
    Oh yeah I have an update! Last night a good friend of mine from college called last night and asked me to come stay with her for a week for some fun and to keep her company because she doesn't want to stay by herself! So i got up with my ex last night and told her i was going to go stay with my friend and that shit was over! And that if she ever wanted a fun one night stand i was there but other than that i was gone! And we ended up having sex that night and now I'm headed to go stay with my friend.
    Datta boy...

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by sigmatro11
    Oh yeah I have an update! Last night a good friend of mine from college called last night and asked me to come stay with her for a week for some fun and to keep her company because she doesn't want to stay by herself! So i got up with my ex last night and told her i was going to go stay with my friend and that shit was over! And that if she ever wanted a fun one night stand i was there but other than that i was gone! And we ended up having sex that night and now I'm headed to go stay with my friend.

    and that should be the last time you bang too....

    just leave the baggage behind man.

    plenty PLENTY of nice chicks out there.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Make it ur last.... u don't need her S**t
    Quote Originally Posted by sigmatro11
    Oh yeah I have an update! Last night a good friend of mine from college called last night and asked me to come stay with her for a week for some fun and to keep her company because she doesn't want to stay by herself! So i got up with my ex last night and told her i was going to go stay with my friend and that shit was over! And that if she ever wanted a fun one night stand i was there but other than that i was gone! And we ended up having sex that night and now I'm headed to go stay with my friend.

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