I have a few questions about your job. I am considering a career change.
I have a few questions about your job. I am considering a career change.
friend is one...DAAAMN good money etc
Most pharmaceutical grad schools are 4 years. Or you can go to rutgers and do undergrad and grad school in 6 years.
pharmasists go to 2 yrs of undergrad, based primaily in chemistry, then do 4 yrs at pharmacy school.
2/3 of em work in retail (stuff like walgreens, walmart, etc.) and 1/3 work in hospitols.
Retail pays higher than hospitol, but you have to put up with crappy customers when at a hospitol, you never come in contact with them.
You answered a bunch of my questions... I already have a degree but it is in philosophy so there aren't very many classes that will transfer.Originally Posted by SwoleDave
If your a pretty good student are the classes difficult? What is the fastest somone could graduate if they put a lot of effort into it?
I'm a pre-pharmacy major if you would like I can post the required courses to enter into Auburn's pharmacy school. It is pretty much the same at every school give or take one or two classes. I am a double major in biology and chemistry. And let me tell you enterance into pharmacy school is no joke! From what I still have memorized it takes 90 hours to get into Auburn's pharamcy school now(3 years undergrad) And to even compete for a good job in the job market you need at least a 3.5! But 3.0 is the minimum for entry into pharmacy school!
But it is definetly worth it if you are willing to put the work into it! I do have to disagree with the guy earlier who said that there is higher pay in stores like walmart and walgreens than hospitals! That depends largely on the area and the size of the hospital. I have an older friend who is a pharmacists for a large hospital who makes 150,000 a year and works every other week! And also another friend who is a pharmacist at rite aid and she makes 90,000 a year!
But the majority of the time it is higher paying not working in a hospital but you can also get great benefits working in a hospital!
Here is away to find out how much you would make taking in your location and experience etc....http://www.rxsalary.com/
This one is more updated but only for minnesota http://www.iseek.org/sv/46001.jsp?id=291051
Please post it. I am putting in my two week notice today at work so I can get prepared for school.Originally Posted by sigmatro11
Here is what I know from my GF being a pharmacy tech, and her brother being pre-pharm, and her cousin working as a pharmasist in a hospitol...
You need at least a 3.0 to get into pharmacy school (with some exceptions). I have a bud that finished his prepharmacy program only to not be accepted into school (he had a 2.9), so he had to change his major. He changed it to business and virtually NOTHING counted toward his new degree. If you decide to do it, do it whole-heartedly.
Her cousin works at a medium sized hospitol making 80k/yr on the graveyard shift with almost 10 yrs experience.
Her boss at the retail pharm. where she works pulls in around 90k base salary with a bonus of up to 30k per yr depending on how well the pharmacy does that year. Keep in mind that he is the head pharm. and has 5 pharmasists working below him and 6 or 7 techs that he is responsible for.
Keep in mind that this is in a suburb of New Orleans, and if you would be working in a major city, these figures would go up according to the cost of living index.
The job market for pharmasists (at least around here) is amazing. If you graduate, you have a job. Period. If you wanted to, you could even pick up some cash on the side because alot of places hire pharmasists part time since demand is so high.
If you have any other questions, I can try to get them answered.
Here is the site with the list if you have any problems retrieving it let me know!
Here is a site you definetly will want to look at!
Sorry left this one out also!
Pharmacy shcool in NY state is a 6 year program, but you've have your pharmD (masters in pharmacy). It used to be a 5 year program until about 5-6 years ago.
As for pharmacy schools, you'd have to reseach your states because there are very few pharmacy schools. NY has 4-5 pharmacy schools in the whole state. Some states don't even have a pharmcy school.
Thanks for all the help guys keep it coming. I am a little worried because I dropped out of high school and got my GED. I did graduate with a ba once already but I have very little math in my back ground.
The most math you usually have to take is Calculus I and Statistics I but with little math background it's probally gonna be hell on earth for you. The thing you really need to worry about is not your math but when you get into your upper level chemisrty! Organic Chem I is no joke!
not to mention....medicinal chemistry, inorganic chemistry and pharmaceutical calculations. Bio-chemistry is really easy.
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