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  1. #1
    GORILA-UNIT is offline Member
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    Thumbs down My girl left me(Can't live without them, Can't kill them)

    Long stroy short, i started seeing one of my x girlfriends again. We were seeing each other for a bout 6 weeks. This time around i really did try to b a good boyfriend, I do love this girl, I stopped all my booty calls n this time around I felt like i could make it work. Why can't i ever understand woman seriously man. Whats interesting is the whole time we were going out my instinct was telling me something is going on with this girl n this other guy she used to work with. I asked her str8 up one day n told her to tell me if anything was going on. Well she said no, n said if anything was going on that she wouldn't b with me. Anyways despite the fact to this day i feel like I should trust my instinct. She knows how i treat bitches(sluts) and she knows that if i ever felt like she was like that i would leave her. Anyways out of no where she broke up with me the other day n said we r 2 different n at 2 different stages of our lives which is true in a way. Anyways I did love this girl different than i loved any other girl in my life. Now my plan is str8 up forget about her n don't even talk to her no more. Last time we broke up we remained good friends but i don't think its gonna work this time since i have 2 much feelings for her to c her with some other chump. Anything if u bros could share with me some of ur experiences will mean a lot to me since I can't figure out woman. In my mind she's done n theres no going back to her, but should i remain friends with her despite the way i feel about her now.

  2. #2
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    move on, it'll be tough for a while but its for the better, shes playing games....ignore her and get a new girl....stay focused on everything and try to stay occupied, worse thing u can do is having nothing to do and just sit around and start thinking about her and making urself feel bad...goodluck

  3. #3
    sigmatro11's Avatar
    sigmatro11 is offline Associate Member
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    I just finished an similar experience today! I tried to stay friends with my ex but I had to many feelings for her. We dated for 3 years and then roke up bc we couldn't make the distance work, we were both to misserable. But to make a long story short it can't work being friends because you having feelings for here will just make you want her back and not just be friends. What I suggest is that if you care for her alot and don't want to ose her all together do like me and my ex are doing explain that you just need some time away and that you really still want her as a friend but you need time to yourself. And take 2 maybe 4 or more months without even talking to her just to get over her completely and then after that you can start being friends again. The truth is the best thing. Good luck with your situation

  4. #4
    fast_eddie's Avatar
    fast_eddie is offline Associate Member
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    i would assume shes messin with that chump, punch him out, get an assault charge, get thrown in jail, make an utter ass out of myself to her and then she'd end it...but thats just me

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    women are weird
    she will come back to you
    she will call you when she is drunk
    she will try to get you back when she is drunk
    she will deny it when she is sober
    she will call you when ever she breaks up or gets dumped by someone else in future
    she wont return your calls
    she wont be nice when you call her back (say u miss her call but see her number)
    she will have a shit relationship and see you out and about and hit on you
    she will make you so angry you will forget roid rage is a myth.
    LoL did i miss anything?!

  6. #6
    GQplaya is offline Associate Member
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    bro , find a new chic. i wish i could take my own advice

  7. #7
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GORILA-UNIT
    Now my plan is str8 up forget about her n don't even talk to her no more
    You know what you're talking about my friend! Don't be surprised if she starts calling you out of the blue.... when you disappear women get confused; because most guys start to beg at this point. It's only an ego boost for them, even on a subconscious level they want to know they still have you. At that point is where you give her the old and she won't know what hit her haha

  8. #8
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    womne suk.. deal with it and move on
    Last edited by Prettylittlepest; 06-01-2005 at 04:39 AM.

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Prettylittlepest
    womne suk.. dela with it and move on
    as women should!

  10. #10
    GQplaya is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    women are weird
    she will come back to you
    she will call you when she is drunk
    she will try to get you back when she is drunk
    she will deny it when she is sober
    she will call you when ever she breaks up or gets dumped by someone else in future
    she wont return your calls
    she wont be nice when you call her back (say u miss her call but see her number)
    she will have a shit relationship and see you out and about and hit on you
    she will make you so angry you will forget roid rage is a myth.
    LoL did i miss anything?!
    i coulnt have said it beter myself, most chics i have been with have done this

  11. #11
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by GQplaya
    i coulnt have said it beter myself, most chics i have been with have done this
    yep atleast women are predictable... which makes them easy to manipulate =/ every now and again you get the total odd nut that throws ya for a curve ball but hey! thats what makes it fun

  12. #12
    Dally's Avatar
    Dally is offline The Dally Lama
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    all I can say man, I leave the trash in the can.

    check out and look at the dating tips and advice and read some articles by David Deangelo.

    trust me, it'll help ya get over her and get your confidence back and leave her behind

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