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Thread: Operation - 280 lbs!

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I dont see the big deal in changing a cutting regiment to a bulker. I've been cutting since April, have gotten to the bf% I want and now switched to a clean bulk myself.

    Threads like this motivate me like hell. Just makes me want to hit the gym and get bigger and bigger. Thank's for the inspiration swole!!!

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Well good luck to ya Swole... ya gotta keep some kind of journal or what not on this endeavor. 280....I can say I hit that weight once before but I couldn't handle being that big. Life was just to uncomfortable, I didn't like the way it felt. Now I'm just looking to be a happy 255 pounds with on average bf of 6-8% and to just maintain. Good luck to ya Swole.... the Powerlifting routine's I love since that was where it all started with me. Get those legs and glutes back to where they need to be and just attack it bro.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks BT!

    Good luck w/your LE journey too, I read about that just now!


  4. #84
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    clean bulks is the way to go..................i've never done a cutting cycle in all my years in the game...................with proper boosters that weight gain should be a breeze ..............

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    I might of missed it swole...but what do you plan your BF% being at when you hit 280?

    You're gonna have so much fun bulking!!

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I have no idea what my bodyfat will be bro, but I want to at least to be able to see 4 abs. You know the outlines of them and such. Never will I get a "belly", F-that!!!

    Looking forward to the fun!


  7. #87
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Swolecat, on your new bulking diet how often will you cheat and what do you like to cheat with? food i mean.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    LATINA'S....Covered in whipped cream or Steak sauce

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yeah, Crystal got it right!

    I cheat usually eating Taco Bell or something similar, but that won't be a common occurrence. Once a week or so just as with cutting, but twice the food.


  10. #90
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yeah, Crystal got it right!

    I cheat usually eating Taco Bell or something similar, but that won't be a common occurrence. Once a week or so just as with cutting, but twice the food.

    So your not a fan of chocolate or anything like that then? Thats one of my weaknesses! If i ever eat any though i feel sick, GUILTY and feel that its turned straight to fat.

  11. #91
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Thanks BT!

    Good luck w/your LE journey too, I read about that just now!

    Thanks Swole..... both journeys should be fun for us. I might say... seeing all this comotion about ya hitting 280, it's giving me the itch to see if I could possibly do it again. Although now getting onto the shriffs dept I'll have to do it wisely and slowly.... good luck to ya Swole with the 280 mark and with the vitamin shoppe. Although I know how it's gonna go.... 280 will come and go and 300 will be right around the corner. LOL

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Toronto 5days Miami 2days
    Wow, i was reading this and you are going to hit some serious weight. I have been saying for a few months I need to get a diet off of you, I have been busy but I will join on to your site soon.....good luck with it and I cant wait to see how massive you will get also let me tell you you are massive as it is so I dont know how insane you are going to look but one thing for sure you are going to have to crop the pic to around 40% of the actually size to fit on my screen


  13. #93
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    yah lemme know when you hit 280 bro, cause, I'll be waiting here/there for ya!!!

    with of course a quarter pound plate in each arm... :

    eh you got those pics I made of you awhile back? thats whay your gonna look like man!!

    good luck bro.... really if anyone can do it, you can.

    DO IT FOR JOHNNY MAN.... for Johnny (replace Johnny with AR)

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    CT *Formerly Buff_Daddy*
    It would be great if you can post your Training and diet approach so we can kidding.....but it would be nice to see your approach bro.

  15. #95
    NICE.. you know you will reach your goal homie..


  16. #96
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    yah lemme know when you hit 280 bro, cause, I'll be waiting here/there for ya!!!

    with of course a quarter pound plate in each arm... :

    eh you got those pics I made of you awhile back? thats whay your gonna look like man!!

    good luck bro.... really if anyone can do it, you can.

    DO IT FOR JOHNNY MAN.... for Johnny (replace Johnny with AR)

    That's from some movie and I can't freakin' remember it!!!!!

    It was one of my favs...............Ralph Machio (sp??), Matt Dillon, etc...


  17. #97
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat

    That's from some movie and I can't freakin' remember it!!!!!

    It was one of my favs...............Ralph Machio (sp??), Matt Dillon, etc...


    YAH GUY.. .and Dallas Winston.... hence my username, Dally man.... DALLAY

    The Outsiders.

    I get killed cause I'm crazy and didnt have a good childhood and do it for Johnny and then rob a convienence store, then call my buddies who witness me die in the park, cause I say I'll never get taken alive and shoot my gun at the caps and then I get shot and crawl on the road for abit and then keel over and say ... ponyboy... ack!!


  18. #98
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    YAH GUY.. .and Dallas Winston.... hence my username, Dally man.... DALLAY

    The Outsiders.

    I get killed cause I'm crazy and didnt have a good childhood and do it for Johnny and then rob a convienence store, then call my buddies who witness me die in the park, cause I say I'll never get taken alive and shoot my gun at the caps and then I get shot and crawl on the road for abit and then keel over and say ... ponyboy... ack!!

    That was one of my fav books as a kid. I read all of S.E. Hinton's books after that.

    Oh, and can't wait to see the pics, Swole!

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Yeah, S.E. Hinton was one of my favs too!


  20. #100
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    CT *Formerly Buff_Daddy*
    Quote Originally Posted by GQSuperman
    so clever and witty i forgot to i sense jealousy with all the hate you're spewing?
    dude....what a buzz kill u are.......

  21. #101
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Good luck Swole!! Keep Killin that shit!!

    You will make it, its purely just a matter of time.

    280 has no chance of avoiding you with your motivation


  22. #102
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Buff_Daddy
    dude....what a buzz kill u are.......
    Yeah, I'm soooooooo jealous of him. I always wanted to be a surfer.


  23. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by tretch187
    Good luck Swole!! Keep Killin that shit!!

    You will make it, its purely just a matter of time.

    280 has no chance of avoiding you with your motivation

    Thank you bro!


  24. #104
    Fuk swole, your already a MONSTER. when you reach 280 might as well hit up the Mr.O for fun.

    Good luck on your goal, definetly won't be a problem that's for damn sure.

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yeah, I'm soooooooo jealous of him. I always wanted to be a surfer.


    I could help you out, but at 280, it's gonna be tough!!! I'm confident in my alphagenix surfing program though, so we should be alright!

  26. #106
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Alphagenix!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!

    U should look into such a program before John Basedow does!

    Surfing made simple, bringing 10 foot wave riding to real surfer dudes!!!!!!


  27. #107
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    The Couch
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Alphagenix!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!

    U should look into such a program before John Basedow does!

    Surfing made simple, bringing 10 foot wave riding to real surfer dudes!!!!!!

    Last I heard, he was missing in Thailand from the tsunami. Wonder if they ever found him?

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Well, it wouldn't take much to sweep that little f*cker away.

    A good 25 MPH wind should get his hair-piece wearin' ass airborne quite nicely.


  29. #109
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The Great State of Texas
    280 lbs of all natty solid muscle. Go get it man.

    how long till you make a run at the arnold classic or something swole?

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by swoll4589
    280 lbs of all natty solid muscle. Go get it man.

    how long till you make a run at the arnold classic or something swole?
    Competing isn't something I care to do anymore, at least at this point. I'm all about business now and expanding/growing/making a better life all around. I am natural as of now, yes, after surgery (two of them) I was forced to come off everything. Docs/PT's may advise I use something to assist in recovery, but that's down the road.

    Last edited by SwoleCat; 06-10-2005 at 07:06 PM.

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The Great State of Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Competing isn't something I care to do anymore, at least at this point. I'm all about business now and expanding/growing/making a better life all around. I am natural as of now, yes, after surgery (two of them) I was forced to come off everything. Docs/PT's may advise I use something to assist in recovery, but that's down the road.


    judging by pic i think you could hold your own with most IFBB pros though. Its gotta be a good feeling knowing that IF you wanted to you could step on stage with all of them and kick there ass or compete with some of the biggest guys in the world.

  32. #112
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I was told by a very respected BB'er that I could be something "great" if I want to. This means having to use all kinds of AAS however, and at this time in my life I am all about family, business, and keeping my health/tendons/etc. in check. With my doctors advice and blessing of physical therapists, I may use something later in life if my natty test levels are ever "sub par" because this IS what I do and it IS my life/career. As of now I am fine though, and I am content w/my size/strength as I had my "house" naturally before I even tried to paint it. I was 260 before I ever touched anything, and only did so for shows because stepping on stage against everyone else who is enhanced, you'd be a d*mn fool to go and do that.

    Thanks bro,

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The Great State of Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I was told by a very respected BB'er that I could be something "great" if I want to. This means having to use all kinds of AAS however, and at this time in my life I am all about family, business, and keeping my health/tendons/etc. in check. With my doctors advice and blessing of physical therapists, I may use something later in life if my natty test levels are ever "sub par" because this IS what I do and it IS my life/career. As of now I am fine though, and I am content w/my size/strength as I had my "house" naturally before I even tried to paint it. I was 260 before I ever touched anything, and only did so for shows because stepping on stage against everyone else who is enhanced, you'd be a d*mn fool to go and do that.

    Thanks bro,
    i hear you.... AAS use is one thing but what the pros do to get on top is another. Some of those guys are prolly seriously fvcking up there bodys and its not worth that.

  34. #114
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    swolecat...what kinda routine are you gonna do? What poundages do you use? What kinda routine do you recommend to a guy who is 5'6 170lbs who wants to be a hard 200lbs?
    is this good:mon:chest tue:back wed: rest thur:shoulder fri: arms : sat legs sun: rest.

    Looking huge in the pic with flex...your an inspiration dude!

  35. #115
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks bro.

    You should put those questions about training in the training forum so everyone can take a stab at helping you out.



  36. #116
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    BTW, I do this:

    Day 1) Legs (hams/quads)
    Day 2) Off (30 cardio for active recovery)
    Day 3) Chest/Shoulders
    Day 4) Back/Deadlifts/Traps
    Day 5) Off (30 cardio for active recovery)
    Day 6) Biceps/Triceps/Calves
    Day 7) Begin all over again.


  37. #117
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Thanks man.

  38. #118
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The end of the sidewalk
    First off I'm a surfer! So that sucks but you also have roughly 120lbs. on me. But I'll do a trade out you make me 260 and I'll make you 145lbs. and a surfer. ( You'll just have to quit eating and sit in a chair for about a year! Here you are in a year.

    No but seriously good luck I'm looking forward to seeing pics of you there I think your gonna look amazing at that size once you cut a little. How many years did it take you to get from 157 to your size now?

  39. #119
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I went from 157 to 180 when I began just eating again, .

    With weight training and such, I went from 180 to 260 over the course of about 6-7 years.


  40. #120
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SOuthern Cali
    dang..6'1 263 ....i didnt realize you were that big..i figured around 240..but going up to 280.....that crazy dude..good luck with your goals and post some pics.

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