Well Ladies and Gents,
Wether you like me or hate me, my days here are numbered. Today was the last day of classes (soon I will have a BA with a double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology and a minor in Socology - yippie!!! 4 years of work has finally payed off). Wednesday I'm leaving PA and heading back to Jersey. Due to the fact that I do not have the internet at home, I will be only on a few times over the summer (my brother has the internet).
I will be back however, but I do not know when. Rest assured I have this site bookmarked and when I get my own place, I'll get the internet. That however, will probably not be for a year or so.
Wether you agree with my posts or not, I still think everyone on here has a good heart. Keep up the good work.
Best of luck to you all,