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Thread: why is the opposite sex forum locked?

  1. #1

    why is the opposite sex forum locked?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yea you can't post though. What's up with that?

  3. #3
    Big Show 23 Guest
    I was wondering the same thing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    BUMP for a mod response.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    I think it has to do with a lot of things that happened this past week guys. Don't worry about it, just keep posting about bodybuilding and gear.

  6. #6
    i was afraid someone would say that. i hope that is not the reason why. bump.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    this is just speculation, but some mods feel that this forum is not conducive to the AR board. i don't know if i've ever even looked in there before, but if you guys want to give an argument of why it should be opened you should do so soon just in case the admin decides to eliminate it from the boards.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I wouldn't care if it was taken away for good. Anything in there can be posted in the General Questions section, providing it doesn't break rules.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I would agree with Excess..

  10. #10
    Originally posted by EXCESS
    I wouldn't care if it was taken away for good. Anything in there can be posted in the General Questions section, providing it doesn't break rules.
    what rules? and who here actually follows those rules to a tee (mods and vets as well as members)? some do, some don't. whether they realize it or not. and we shouldn't think any less of them because of it. and is it the rules that is really what has caused all these problems as of late? i don't think so. i'm sorry but this is getting silly. and alot of people are blowing things way out of proportion. this is still the classiest board around. and it always will be. want a break? go visit bolex and see how soon you come back here.

    i have kept my mouth shut about this because i like it here and i don't want to offend anyone. members will make posts that other members don't like. it is a fact of PUBLIC discussion boards. we shouldn't censor and limit what we say just because someone else might disagree. (to a certain extent of course)

    i have been offended by what others on the board say. just as others have been offended of something i might have said. and i think that it is hilarious that a couple of the people who say that something drastic should be done around here over the past couple of days who have offended me most. or who make uncolorful IMO who are they to say what should be considered a meaningful post around here? or an off color post? or a flame?

    if i have a problem with a post...then i let the person know. or i blow it off. it takes a great deal of strength sometimes...but i do what has to be done. there is a member who has a signature that drives me insane everytime i read it. i take it very personally because of a family member that i love dearly. but i damn sure don't plan on leaving the board because of it. and there have been things said by members, mods, and vets alike that offend me as well. but it is their opinion and they are entitled to have it. who am i to say they shouldn't think that way. and more importantly...who cares that i care. you see, that is the beauty of a public board. you don't have to care.

    so i ask again, who has the right to say that this post or that post isn't meaningful on a public board? this is why we have the different boards. for the OT shit we talk about. i mean many of the members post ot meaningless shit (as far as the bodybuilding AS world goes)? alot..might as well be all of us. and you know what? i'm glad we do. if bbing and AS is all we had to talk about...then we would not spend that much time here. and it would be dull and boring. i like to laugh and have a good time (believe it or not)

    i honestly have never made a post on the opposite sex board. but damnit i was going to tonight. and now i can't. and i really don't like it. i think that the opposite sex board should be the sex board. that is basically all it is anyway. so anyone who is offended by sexual content can avoid the damn board.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I see what your saying Dizzy. The door was opened for sexual content, whether it was said or not.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    we have not had clear rules on these types of post. but that is rapidly being cleared up. once they are in place they will be enforced 100%. we are not a porn site. we are a fitness and health site that offers a general forum for respectable questions and comments on things that dont pertain to fitness and health. post about sexual positions, penis size, etc... will NOT be tolerated. we are not a cyber sex site where members of the opposite sex lead each other on with suggestive comments. that will NOT be tolerated. anything that has any buisness being on this board can be posted in the general forum. anything that doesnt will be NOT be tolerated.

    this is the top board of its kind on the net. we have gotten to that point by being the most respectable, informative sight out there. our forums have merit and our integrity is not in question, nor will it ever be.

    there are rules and regulations in everything you do in life, this is no different. we have to have rules. otherwise the trash will take over and ruin what we have ALL worked so hard to create.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Dizzy
    so i ask again, who has the right to say that this post or that post isn't meaningful on a public board?
    The owner and admin of the board have a right to decide what is posted on this board.

    I don't care if the sex forum goes, that's not what this board is about, there are lots of places to go online and talk about sex.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    BUMP for kev..............

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Another Mod Perspective . . .

    Dizzy has posted an eloquent apologia for free speech on the board. I understand his rationale perfectly, since First Amendment law happens to be one of my profesional fields. (No, kiddies, I am not a lawyer.)

    Any college student who has studied chaos theory or has read Hobbes should remember the proverbial notion that the absence of law is anarchy. I would submit that in the infancy of cyber-communication (and cyberspace is still in its infancy), the absence of moderation is anarchy.

    For a long time, I stood in favor of unmoderated forums - such as Usenet newsgroups - but have watched them go down the tubes in the name of spam and flaming. I'm afraid to tell you that I have seen the same thing happen on numerous non-Usenet forums as well, including most of the AS forums operating today.

    So I've become a convert for active moderation, because whether we like it or not, a few whackos can cause a lot of trouble.

    Here at A.R., we moderate based on a fairly clear set of standards that is not based on personality (as some boards are), but on the nature of content. Is that censorship? To a degree, yes. But without it, a forum - any forum - becomes a zoo.

    I cannot speak for every moderator, because we are individuals. But there are general principles on which most of us operate and, lest there be any questions, here they are:

    Flaming is unacceptable. Moreover, it is uncivil. And the reason A.R. has become one of the most popular boards around is that people can come here and ask their questions with the knowledge that they won't be trashed. They can come here regardless of who or what they are - newbie or experienced lifter, male or femals, straight or gay, or member of any ethnic group - and they will not be flamed on that basis.

    Source posting is unaceptable. It places reliable sources at risk, and it puts consumers at risk of being ripped off by unreliable sources. It is on the borderline legally, and unlike boards that have a meaningless user agreement, A.R. takes seriously its commitment to be here today and tomorrow.

    Racism, sexism, and homophobia are unacceptable. That does not mean that we are a bunch of radical left-wingers; there are, in fact, some members of the board that would make Falwell look liberal. We may not like everyone as individuals, but we practice toleration on this board. Because that, too, is an expression of civility.

    Things that hurt are not acceptable. Yes, I know that's abstract, but it's a judgment call we have to make constantly. When someone posts a picture that does not meet your ideal, you do not have the right to ridicule. When someone asks the proverbial questions of whether you can drink winny or whether AS will show up on a drug test, you may have heard the answer a hundred times - but the person asking the question has not. Sure, we all have a sense of humor, and harmless jibing is no sweat. But when it hurts someone, it has gone past the point of being harmless.

    As for the question about who has the right to decide what is acceptable and what is not acceptable on this forum, the answer is that it is the owners and administrators of the board. We, as moderators, act in everyone's interest, but most of all, we follow the guidelines set by board management. Legally, this board is a public forum to the extent that board management determines it is a public forum. The board is privately owned; it is not subject to First Amendment laws, and does not have to give equal time to opposing points of view. It does do so, but it does so at the grace of the owners and not because of any legal obligation.

    Our non-flaming policy extends to not flaming other boards by name. We may not think highly of all of them, but we won't trash them. That said, if you want to see pictures of breasts or penises, white power flags or swastikas in avatars, names of sources (most of which will not be reliable), women disrespected, gays openly threatened, or other things that do not fall into the realm of civility, you already know where you can find them. (And if you don't I"m not going to tell you. ) But you won't find them here, which is why A.R. has become the most credible and highly respected board in the AS, bodybuilding, weightlifting, and fitness communities.

    And that's the key word - community. The board mangement has chosen to make A.R. a place where we have mutual respect and support for each other. A place where we build each other up, not tear each other down. Where, if we say something negative, it's because we're actually looking out for each other's interest. Where we monitor the advice that others are giving - not to restrict that advice to things with which we always agree, but to ensure that the newbies who come here are not being led down the paths to the depths of degradation.

    (Alright, I couldn't resist saying that. It's so good I wish it were an original line, but it's from Professor Harold Hill in The Music Man. It simply means that we are committed to help ensuring that newbies or inexperienced users to not receive information that could be dangerous to them.)

    There has, indeed, been much discussion among the moderators about the Ask the Opposite Sex forum. When it was started, it was hoped that it would foster quality discussion about relationships between people, but there have been threads that have transcended the boundaries of good taste. So what will happen to the forum? That's up to the board owners, and they have every right to make their own decision. (We, as moderators, are members just like you - we do not own the board, but have made a commitment to assist board management by moderating the forums in order to help make this board to be the best - and to help it stay the best.)

    Last night, I banned a member for the first time. It was someone who had just signed on, and from his very first post he was flaming people - not critiquing them, not posting an alternative opinion, but flaming. I don't take that responsibility lightly, and I don't have any desire to wield power - that's not what being a moderator is about.

    Constructive criticism is more than welcome here. Other opinions are valued as an expression of diversity - the day we all start thinking the same way, life will become very boring. Alternative viewpoints provide the ammunition we need to make informed decisions. But board management has determined that flames and insults, source posts, and posts that transcend the realm of civility and good taste are unacceptable, and I back them fully.

    We value everyone, especially the many new members who have come to A.R. from other boards because they have found a quality and a respect for them that they didn't find elsewhere. And that's why we do what we do - to help make A.R. the best.

    End of speech.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    Great post TNT...that should clear some stuff up....Bump Bump Bump

  17. #17
    i understand that the owners of the board decide what the final decision is. but who is really making the decision. a couple of mods and members that have been around for a while. and no offense...but i have seen members go against everything they believe just to agree with them. for whatever reason. it is really pathetic. i don't need to fit in that bad, that i go against things i believe in.

    another thing is that these people that are complaining have broken the rules themselves. i think it's a little hypocritical. don't you? and i speak of mods and vets. people that should at least practice what they preach.

    so it's wrong to post about penis size and sexual positions but it's fine to call certain groups of women whores? and for vets to curse at members for not being totally correct about info on steriods? and for senior members that leave because they can't deal with their anger because of something somebody says and then come back and make posts like. "bullshit to anyone who says eq or test doesn't kick for two or three weeks." that is like saying bullshit to 3/4 of the board. and the sad thing is that a couple of senior members chimed in to agree. then go to other threads and say. "well you know...test and eq takes about two or three weeks to kick in." WTF? and it's just because they don't want to see a certain member go. not because of their knowledge...but because that member helps them fit in. or they enjoy their posts. so they go against what they believe in just to agree with a certain member. and i think that is sad.

    and i think deep down certain members will agree with me...but won't say it. because they are scared their questions won't get answered. or the will be belittled by vets, senior members, and mods alike. or worse...they won't fit in anymore. oh my god...wouldn't that be horrible. please. flaming and offensive remarks come in all shapes and sizes. and all levels of "goodness" or "wholesomeness". or "evil" and don't worry doc i'm not talking to you. when it boils down to it...this is all politics. social forgiveness. and i'm really getting tired. tired of all the brown nosing. and the incapability of people to think for themselves. regardless of what all the people who are friends on this board will say. i mean look at what 47john said. "my opinion is not the poplular one". like that makes his opinion any less meaningful. he has 756 posts for christ sakes. it isn't about his knowledge. it's his love for this board. he represents fool. that's what this shit is about. and yet he has to say that. man your opinion means alot. you know why? because your a member. and the owners of this board need to really look hard at what is going on here. what are the motives of the people saying this board or that board should stay or go. or this person should say this. but don't let this person say that. LORD FORBID THEY SAY THAT.

    BTW - i like to think i have made some friends here. and i really enjoy helping the people i have. and i would never give up on any of you. no matter how offended i get. peace.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    I have to agree in principle with Dizzy. But the brown-nosing will always go on because humans ARE politcal creatures. Some of the members here will never go against BigKev or TNT or ever call them to task on anything just because of that fact.

    I am not doing that here just using them as examples, but even my explaination of this fact could be seen as brown-nosing by Dizzy.

    I think some more discussion should be had by the Mods, Admins and Owners about closing the Sex Fourm. Maybe it just calls for more close examination & monitoring of all posts by the Sex Forum moderators.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    I feel torn here. I have been away at a meeting for the last week and not able to be on the board much. I came back on and went on an emotional roller coaster reading posts and trying to figure out what was going on. Here's my 2 cents for the last week.

    1. I have benefited in so many ways from especially the mods and vets, and from other members as well. They have helped me while asking for nothing in return. I have never met any memebers on this board, but I feel they are friends and I trust them and the last thing I would want to do is offend them. I am not saying this to "brown-nose", it is just the way I feel.

    2. After reading and understanding my 1st point, consider my opinion (whether it be popular or not). I have learned things, gotten good laughs, been irritated and just flat ignored posts in the "ask the opposite sex" forum. But the most important factor is that I have learned things in the forum. It has gotten out of hand in times past, at which times I chose to just ignore the threads. There are other forums with threads that have done me the same way. Even though the thread might be in a "steroid question" forum, it is completely off subject some times. We have discussed friends going to war, homosexuality, ghosts, music, cars, type of women (or men) that turn us on, emotional problems, summer jobs, careers, computer viruses, relationship problems, etc. etc. etc. All of which I feel my time was never wasted by reading them.
    In life there are people that will say things that are inappropriate. It happens at work, at the gym, at the mall, at home. I choose to just ignore these people. I have chosen to confront some of these people from time to time when I felt it was very inappropriate. I try and live by these same standards here on AR.
    AR has become more than just guys (& gals) that don't know or like each other getting on here and giving advice on gear. It is a community in which all of us CHOSE to be a part of. When one of our prominant members gets to a point that they are fed up, I do feel we should consider changing things. That doesn't mean, in my opinion, that we should completely get rid of the forum. I do believe we all can actively do a better job monitoring our own posts and other member posts. I also believe we can all do a better job of letting things go from time to time when we run across things that we don't agree with. If you don't agree with something then state it and stay away from that thread (i.e. the type of posts that might offend you, not the threads and posts relating to someone's health and you feel like you have good information for someone). Mods and Vets have said this before about other threads. They have even told us to block someone's posts from our view so that we don't have to see that persons replies or threads.
    Like I said before, I feel torn. We all need the experience and wisdom of the mods and vets. We also need to accomodate all of the other members. If 1 person learns one thing from a forum that has become unpopular, then to me it would be important to leave it. Everyone on this board has always said that this board is about sharing and learning. How do we find a common middle ground on this?? If I am way off base here, then tell me.



  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east
    Originally posted by Canes4Ever
    I have to agree in principle with Dizzy. But the brown-nosing will always go on because humans ARE politcal creatures. Some of the members here will never go against BigKev or TNT or ever call them to task on anything just because of that fact.

    I am not doing that here just using them as examples, but even my explaination of this fact could be seen as brown-nosing by Dizzy.

    I think some more discussion should be had by the Mods, Admins and Owners about closing the Sex Fourm. Maybe it just calls for more close examination & monitoring of all posts by the Sex Forum moderators.
    Or maybe some people just need to relax and enjoy themselves. There is no need to get bent out of shape over this. I read that forum some but i rarely post. It is a nice little outlet sometimes though. Nobody means any harm in it and if you don't like it, don't look at it. What are we? a bunch of elementaryt school kids. Let people have a little bit of fun.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Considering I am an expert at sex, I will volunteer my services and police that forum. I visit that forum to get a good laugh now and again. Plus, there were actually some good info on that forum. So if anyone gets off topic or out of control in the sex forum... watch out... Officer Arthur is on patrol.

  22. #22
    I just want to say that I didn't mean if you appreciate what a mod or member does for you then you are a "brown noser". I know that isn't what is being said. But I just wanted to make that clear. It's when I see members go against things they say in other posts, to agree with a mod, or vet, or senior member.

    And I'm not talking about learning from them either. I'm talking about saying one thing in a post to agree with someone...then AFTER that go to another thread and totally contradict themselves. It is confusing to the newbies. It makes it harder to learn.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Wherever necessary
    There is certainly no point in brown nosing a mod - we disagree quite often - but we always do it in a respectful way (or should).

    As to the opsex forum - I prefer it stay and think that it has a valid purpose for real questions and humor that is in reasonably good taste - but lets face it - "should I let my boyfriend's dog go down on me?" and infinite polls on "how big is my penis?" have no place here.

    Do the mods control what is here and do we censor stuff we dont like? Absof**kin'lutely!! Thats because we, like many of you, care about this board and dont want it to turn into a Jerry Springer show.

    If someone need some social input on their sex life or pictures to ruin their keyboard - then there are other boards that would be better served by their presence.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    my position on this is firm. and my post stands as is. we will not let this board slide down to the level that the majority of the others has slid down to. its really pathetic. like my quote below says, there are rules and regulations to everything we do in life, this is no exception.

    and as tnt so eloquently put it; "the absence of moderation is anarchy. "

    as far as people brown nosing, what could anyone hope to gain from brown-nosing someone they will never see and who has nothing to offer but free advice and opinions? we support one another here, its called mutual respect. if someone here feels as if they dont fit in, its because they havnt tried to. we are the most accepting board on the net. it doesnt matter who you are or what your level of experiance is, we are all equal when we are on AR. we may have different opinions from time to time, but we dont attack the entire board because of it. it is clear for even a blind man to see, that the post in the opps sex forum have deteriated into worthless sexual insinuations and talk of vulgar nonsense. we where chosen as moderators because we truly care what happens to this board. we put in ungodly amounts of time here for nothing more than the individual satisfaction we get from helping others. the best interest of this board and the members who respect it is our number one priority. we are always trying to up the anty, to improve. we are not, nor will we ever get, complacent in the fact that we are the most respected board on the net. if there is a problem that threatens AR we will eradicate it. i am not just a figure here. i have met tons of people on here who i consider my freinds, people i would invite over to my house for dinner. so before anyone goes to attacking the intentions and mistakenly seeing our freindships as brown nosing, i suggest they stick around a little longer a see what we are all about here.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    After reading through all the posts again, it becomes obvious that all of our interests are in maintaining the best bb site on the net. Taking that into consideration, how do we move forward - meeting everyone's interests? In the spirit of moving forward, how about some suggestions on what a happy medium is that we can all agree upon. I look forward to my fellow bros input.



  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ah more discussions about the opp sex forum!!

    No body as far as I know "brown noses" we all treat each other with the respect that the person deserves.If you really feel that way Dizzy may be the board is not for you.The mods spend hours here and a lot of discussions go on off this board as well and beleive it or not , not all the mods agree on the same issues all the time.We and the owners of the board try to make this a friendly approachable respectful board and when something goes wrong we all stick together to iron out the creases

    My personal opinion is when it first opened it was good but frankly I don,t need to know how big your cock is or whether your woman likes anal sex.

    There is a lot of flirting on the opp sex forum which should and WILL not happen.

    Alot of the posts in that forum would be more suited to another well known bb board.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    What's a rusty trombone?
    Hey Kev,

    I agree with your point of view, but question your solution. Unless the moderators really pick up the pace on editing and (sorry, there's not a better word) censoring unacceptable posts, I actually prefer that the OpSex forum stay. If all of the existing threads that are in the OpSex forum are going to end up in General Questions, I'll probably stop reading all together. At least this way I know that threads of this nature are all grouped together and I can avoid them en masse. If they are dispersed throughout General Questions then I'll have to browse through them all and ultimately get extremely frustrated (pun not intended).

    OH, and since you're back, I guess I need a new avatar.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Not my board, it's the owners board. I have learned so much in the last few months here. I have read the opposite sex board and got some laughs out of it and even posted a few replies. It won't hurt my feelings for it to be gone and I think that decision has already been made anyway. We should move on....

    If someone doesn't like it, then I can tell you that the licence for the vbulletin sofware is quite cheap. Go set up a server, configure vbulletin, and add all kinds of message boards, devote your free time to the maintenance, monitoring, and moderating of your new board. Not to mention thrwarting attacks from hackers.

    I appreciate the board for the real reason it is here and the other stuff won't be missed.

  29. #29
    Originally posted by Dizzy
    I just want to say that I didn't mean if you appreciate what a mod or member does for you then you are a "brown noser". I know that isn't what is being said. But I just wanted to make that clear. It's when I see members go against things they say in other posts, to agree with a mod, or vet, or senior member.

    And I'm not talking about learning from them either. I'm talking about saying one thing in a post to agree with someone...then AFTER that go to another thread and totally contradict themselves. It is confusing to the newbies. It makes it harder to learn.
    I need everyone to read all the posts made here ok? Please read the quote above about the brown nosing. And if you don't think it happens then maybe your right....maybe this board isn't for me. But if I leave I will do so quitely. But until then I will continue to voice my opinion.

    I'm no blind man and I don't see how a little sweet talk is all that bad. And if guys want to start a thread to lie about how big they are. Then what is wrong with that? And if a girl wants to sweet talk a guy...well then I definately don't see any wrong in that. Why would we want to hide our sexuality? Nobody posts porn. I hope nobody messes up their keyboard when sexual insinuations are made. It is just talk.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    whether the forum stays or goes, the post in question will be dealt with without any hesitation. they will not be tolerated on any forum at AR. so weeding through them will not be a problem, as they will be deleted and the poster warned, and if need be, banned. your statement(badman) about weeding throught this garbage is a good point. if it has to be weeded through, then its garbage.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Restructuring the oppisite sex forum should'nt be as big of a task as it's coming out to be. I trust that the members of AR have the social etiquette to maintain a respectable forum aimed at the other gender.
    The anonymity that this outlet grants us is clouding judgment of proper conduct for some members, I could very well be at fault sometimes as well. One of our many goals should be to continue the rise in respect and admiration that future members have in the board...In us
    Think before you type and everything should pan out. I think every motivated member will join in the task of maintaining the eliteness of this board. Anyhting is achievable.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i think you are on the wrong board bro. you have attacked our members by saying they brown nose, you have attacked our moderators by saying we are incompetent, and you condone the exact type of behavior that we will not allow here.

    Originally posted by Dizzy
    I'm no blind man and I don't see how a little sweet talk is all that bad. And if guys want to start a thread to lie about how big they are. Then what is wrong with that? And if a girl wants to sweet talk a guy...well then I definately don't see any wrong in that. Why would we want to hide our sexuality?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Dizzy
    I need everyone to read all the posts made here ok? Please read the quote above about the brown nosing. And if you don't think it happens then maybe your right....maybe this board isn't for me. But if I leave I will do so quitely. But until then I will continue to voice my opinion.

    I'm no blind man and I don't see how a little sweet talk is all that bad. And if guys want to start a thread to lie about how big they are. Then what is wrong with that? And if a girl wants to sweet talk a guy...well then I definately don't see any wrong in that. Why would we want to hide our sexuality? Nobody posts porn. I hope nobody messes up their keyboard when sexual insinuations are made. It is just talk.
    No one is asking anyone to hide their sexuality what we are saying is there are a lot of "useless" threads that contain little if any info and have no place within that forum.

    If it stays just be prepared for that forum to be heavily patroled

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by scottp999

    If someone doesn't like it, then I can tell you that the licence for the vbulletin sofware is quite cheap. Go set up a server, configure vbulletin, and add all kinds of message boards, devote your free time to the maintenance, monitoring, and moderating of your new board. Not to mention thrwarting attacks from hackers.

    I appreciate the board for the real reason it is here and the other stuff won't be missed.

    my sentiments exactly.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east
    First of all, brown nosing does go on, I've seen it a million times. Nobody is perfect and no place or board is perfect. Who cares if it does go on? This discussion is meaningless. That forum is nothing but a release for many people. Nobody should be offended by anything they see there. Otherwise, they shouldn't be there.
    If you're here just to talk 'roids, working out, and nutrition, stay out of there.

  36. #36
    Originally posted by bigkev
    i think you are on the wrong board bro. you have attacked our members by saying they brown nose, you have attacked our moderators by saying we are incompetent, and you condone the exact type of behavior that we will not allow here.

    Where did I say that the MODs are incompetent. And yes some of the members agree with others for no logical reason and I don't like it. It doesn't mean I don't like them. Do not twist my words to strengthen your opinion on this matter. Or to make me look bad. I said the mods are just as guilty at posting sexual comments and the like. And yes...even you BigKev have said things that are uncolorful. I think the members know I respect them. I don't have to tell them that. So I am not entitled to my opinion on this board? Is that what your telling me?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool A Diplomatic Observation . . .

    Now remember, campers, this is not a flame. And I trust that the person I'm about to mention will understand that, and will probably get his intellectual rocks off while reading it.

    Some of you have probably figured out that I've done some teaching - and I have, at both the college and grad school levels. One reality I have found is that every class has one pain-in-the-butt student who likes causing controversy. It doesn't matter if he or she is right; that student merely want to be heard.

    So, who might that be in this thread? (Imagine Dana Carbey as the Church Lady asking, "Whoooooooo could it be?")

    Why, it's you, Dizzy, you ol' son-of-a-gun, you!

    Hey, don't sweat it, bro - I"ve always liked pain-in-the-butt students. They make things more alive for everyone else.

    But in terms of the issue at hand, I think we're seeing a mountain made out of a molehill. It is not a matter of philosophical debate at all, it's a matter of the will of the board ownership.

    And whether the Opp Sex forum stays or goes, there will be people who agree with the decision and people who do not. And as I said to a few students over the years (very few, I'm pleased to note), "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out."

    Nothing personal, Dizzy - you've made some valid points, but I tyhink you're reaching for the bottom of the barrel when you cry, "Thou hypocrite!" because a moderator occasionally loses his or her cool. Or when a moderator posts a response - even a humorous response - in a questionable thread. I hope you're not disappointed to learn that the mods, like everyone else, are human - sometimes we do blow our cool. And sometimes we have good reason to do so.

    Surprising as it may seem, the mods are not here for our jollies, and it does take a heavy investment in time and energy to do what we do. No big whoop - it's a labor of love, but our limits are tested each and every day. Most of the time, the "general population" won't see it, but sometimes you will. But again, no big whoop.

    My own philosophy is very simple: I will never use the word fuck followed by the word you. Even though, quite frankly, it's sometimes tempting...

    By the way, note to bad_man: Great avatar! Proving once again that nothing is more important than being funny in the midst of a controversy. A very tasteful picture. Very tasteful, indeed.

  38. #38
    Reaching for the bottom of the barrel? I think that is my strongest point. Bottom line TNT? The reasons for wanting to shut down the opp sex board have been twisted and blown out of proportion. Not my argument. I need a break. Bye Bye.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Originally posted by Billy Boy

    No one is asking anyone to hide their sexuality what we are saying is there are a lot of "useless" threads that contain little if any info and have no place within that forum.

    If it stays just be prepared for that forum to be heavily patroled
    I think that this is the best solution.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Billy Boy
    If it stays just be prepared for that forum to be heavily patroled

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