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Thread: Would this bug the shit out of any of you??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    Would this bug the shit out of any of you??

    I'm engaged to my girl, we've been together for almost a year. Everything is going great, she has never given me a reason not to trust her. The only thing that gets on my nerves sometimes is little bullshit I'll find around the house that she thinks she needs to keep. Things like pics of old boyfreinds on the computer, little notes some dude in the army used to write to her, shit like that. I mean, I know she'd never cheat on me, but it just bothers me that she hasnt tossed the shit out. Would it bother any of you guys at all?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Some people are pack rats for memories, both good and bad ones. I wouldn't read too much into it. If you talk about getting married and the pics and letters remain...Then I would start asking questions.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Yes it bothers everyone. Get over it. If you love her, you trust her. And if you trust her, you won't worry about petty shit like that. I am dating a girl with a little girl. She gets along great with the dad, and she has piles of shit from their past. I trust her, and that stuff still bothers me. Just don't let it get to you. She will pick up on it and you will push her away with that doubt.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrossroadS
    Yes it bothers everyone. Get over it. If you love her, you trust her. And if you trust her, you won't worry about petty shit like that. I am dating a girl with a little girl. She gets along great with the dad, and she has piles of shit from their past. I trust her, and that stuff still bothers me. Just don't let it get to you. She will pick up on it and you will push her away with that doubt.
    Yeah, same deal here, my girl has a daughter too, and has old pics as well. I suppose your right.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    It would bother me too. my girl has tons of pictures of ex's... lots of them kissing them too... pisses me off. I have never said anything but I figure girls are sentimental freaks like that. I got more important stuff to worry about. If I really didn't trust her, I would leave her.
    Last edited by Heracles74; 07-06-2005 at 10:23 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    UK, Lancashire
    It would annoy me bro. Tell her to buck her ideas up!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I think an ex-husband w/child situation is different because that is the kids dad. That being said, if my lady was keeping old love letters and we were about to be married...not gonna happen.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Once you are officially married, that shit HAS to go.

    If she still wants to keep it, she's really got issues about what marriage is about.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Can't she just keep them all in a box somewhere out of sight?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I think an ex-husband w/child situation is different because that is the kids dad. That being said, if my lady was keeping old love letters and we were about to be married...not gonna happen.
    Thats what I'm saying man, I mean what the **** is the point of it, so when I'm gone for a night and she feels lonely she can read them and reminiss??? I'm about to trash all her ****ing shit and if she asks me about it tell her straight up. I can deal with old pics of the kids father, but the petty crap has to go.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I will admit to having a box of stuff from ex's, its not just that the things are from them, but its the fact that the things make up my past. If my b/f were to go through the box, not only would he find those things, a few pictures, cards etc, but stuff from friends and family through out high school and college. Every one has somethings they just want to keep around. It doesnt mean she loves you any less, its just a visual time line of how she came to be with you.

    My b/f has pictures of his ex still, not out in the open but hidden away, I have even asked to see them. It doesnt bother me, because I know she was the past and Im here now.

    Like i said, its not about the guy in the picture or the words written on the page, its about the things that happened to make her who she is today and who she is with you .

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    in the past i've made stuff like that disappear into the trash little by little. i don't see a reason to keep stuff like that. in some cases i've even gone through and erased every guys phone # in her phone because she pissed me off but those were usually the ones i didn't trust. i don't think i would like that but if it's her baby's dad i can see where she's coming from.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Thats what I'm saying man, I mean what the **** is the point of it, so when I'm gone for a night and she feels lonely she can read them and reminiss??? I'm about to trash all her ****ing shit and if she asks me about it tell her straight up. I can deal with old pics of the kids father, but the petty crap has to go.

    I dont think I would trash them. If you two are getting married soon and she does not want to get rid of them herself then she has issues. I think it would be different if you were not engaged.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I dont think I would trash them. If you two are getting married soon and she does not want to get rid of them herself then she has issues. I think it would be different if you were not engaged.
    I agree, they have to go if she wants to make the marriage work... or she is still doinking him??? If you are fighting now, wait two years or 16 in my case.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    The only reason to hold on to old shit is for memories.

    Now if memories are making someone more happy than the current person, and they must hang on to those memories, then I'd think seriously about wtf I am about to get in to.


  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    The only reason to hold on to old shit is for memories.

    Now if memories are making someone more happy than the current person, and they must hang on to those memories, then I'd think seriously about wtf I am about to get in to.



  17. #17
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I'm engaged to my girl, we've been together for almost a year. Everything is going great, she has never given me a reason not to trust her. The only thing that gets on my nerves sometimes is little bullshit I'll find around the house that she thinks she needs to keep. Things like pics of old boyfreinds on the computer, little notes some dude in the army used to write to her, shit like that. I mean, I know she'd never cheat on me, but it just bothers me that she hasnt tossed the shit out. Would it bother any of you guys at all?
    No, I wouldn't give a sh!t till I started to noticed un-explainable habbits about going out etc.

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