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Thread: Sketchy Sources

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Sketchy Sources

    I don't know about ya'll, but as I visit other boards and see all these sources advertising, I get kinda worried. I can go to this board and without even signing up, get ten sources in a minute. Is that really a good thing???? How easy would it be for the feds........ I like the way we do it over here, hang around a few months, you'll find a source. All I can say is, I'm glad I have yet to see my source on any of these boards. Agree, disagree, Flame

    Just wonderin what ya'll think about this as I see more and more of these boards popping up daily. I'm worried it's getting a bit too widespread.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    I completely agree with you on this one JP. It baffles me as to how people can just openly talking about buying, selling, shipping and receiving gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    The only flame i have is

    What are you doing going to other boards?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I don't even visit boards with an open source posting policy. It shouldn't be that easy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    I don't even bother with most of the other AR too much.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Just stay here..I think those other boards are all fakers...most dont know what they are talking about..We got guys here like Dr.Evil and Big Kev..and much more..there the real deal..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool So what else is new?

    No flame due at all. I have no problem with people visiting other boards - you might actually learn something, even though ity's far more likely that you'll learn something more reliable here.

    You are absolutely correct, JP1570: The feds and other authorities do monitor the other boards, just as they monitor this one. Which is one reason that A.R. is committed to doing what we do legally.

    But it's not just a matter of law; it's also a matter of consumer protection. There are no guarantees that a source will even deliver (let alone deliver what was promised, or deliver a quality product), especially when that source uses an e-mail address at Hotmail, Yahoo, or any other free/anonymous e-mail service, not to mention a website on a free server.

    You can't expect a legitimate source to be any more open about their identity than the rip-off's, which is why the purchase of AS is a crap shoot.

    A.R. has chosen to do its part by not endorsing any source. We recognize that each person has to accept responsibility for both their use of AS, as well as how they obtain AS. I know that's not easy, but it's a way of saying, "Take care" - both in what you use and the source from which you get it.

    Like anything else in this world, it's a matter of caveat emptor - buyer beware.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla

    AR is about respectability and integrity. That's why I am here. When and IF the time comes for me to do gear, I know that there are people here I can trust to help me and be extrememly discreet.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I agree with all of you, and for those of you who suggested I just stay here, simply look at my post count and you'll see that is what I basically do. I check out other boards from time to time for many reasons, but this and only this is "my board" as I refer to it. You're the only people whose posts I even respond to and the only board that I ever post anything on other than, "Hi, I'm new to this board blah blah blah. My point, I guess is that I'm worried. It would no longer take a DEA task force or whatnot to put a serious damper in the steroid trade on the internet. I think it would take a 7th grader with AOL. If sources start getting popped a lot, prices, risk, uncertainty all go WAY UP. I don't like these other boards and think they are messing up a good thing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    knowledge is power - where you get it from makes little difference if it is right, so visiting other boards to see what they have to say can only be a good thing (as long as you bring that knowledge back to AR )

    as for the posting of sources - sorry but i wouldnt trust someone that much!! i see my source - eyeball to eyeball - and we talk and discuss what is good and what might not be etc. sending someone from hotmail my money is NOT one of the things i plan to do in the near future!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by JP1570
    I agree with all of you, and for those of you who suggested I just stay here, simply look at my post count and you'll see that is what I basically do. I check out other boards from time to time for many reasons, but this and only this is "my board" as I refer to it. You're the only people whose posts I even respond to and the only board that I ever post anything on other than, "Hi, I'm new to this board blah blah blah. My point, I guess is that I'm worried. It would no longer take a DEA task force or whatnot to put a serious damper in the steroid trade on the internet. I think it would take a 7th grader with AOL. If sources start getting popped a lot, prices, risk, uncertainty all go WAY UP. I don't like these other boards and think they are messing up a good thing.
    JP, your absolutely right dude. I am even more worried about this situation due to the HBO special on juice that is running tonight. You see I'm not planning on using for at least another two years or so. But I'm worried about the availability of AS in two years.

    This is a really poor comparison to AS, but two years ago I could pick up the phone and have GHB in a matter of minutes. Now its damn near impossible.

    I would hate to finally have enough knowledge and experience to finally do a cycle, and then not be able to get AS
    Last edited by Deadend; 04-22-2002 at 01:35 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    JP i was only joking with you. No harm intended. But i do agree i dont know how they dont get busted. I just like it here to much to goto the others.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    First off, surfing other boards should be mandatory. Ideas are like genes; by mixing them and natural selection, the strongest & best persevere. If you limit your knowledge and ideas to one pool, eventually they get a little strange—just like them folk from East Tennessee!

    Posting sources is a stupid idea. Security is everything and the first rule is “you don’t look for something that you don’t know exists.” Advertising has always been frowned upon by anybody undertaking criminal activity for good reason.

    The Feds have got to be all over those guys like flies on a shit-wagon. They may get a lot of business in the short-term from advertising, but they will be made examples of by the Feds at some point, mark my words. You don’t flaunt that you are doing illegal activities openly and blatantly in front of everyone without the Feds painting a bull’s-eye on your forehead! (The Escobar brothers from Columbia thought they were beyond the reach of the Feds--and they were way wrong!)

    Bad news for the customers of those guys as well. The Feds surely order from then regularly and they must have already built up a profile of their packages and packing methods. (If they sell in volume, it would be hard to vary the shipping method enough that they weren’t making some pattern.) So the packages are recognizable and customers who are getting packages will find that they are more likely to get busted.

    Don’t count on slapping ‘return to sender’ on the package as a defense either. It’s not a foolproof out if you get busted.

    (Gee, I wonder if they care if the people get busted? They offer to re-ship with a customs seizure letter, but what happens if you get busted? Will they send the ‘roids to your prison cell if you show them your conviction papers?)

    The bad news for the rest of us, is that while they are attracting attention and making themselves a target, they are also attracting attention to everybody else at the same time. If the Feds make a concerted effort to crack down on AS because those guys draw so much attention and reveal so much information about how it’s trafficked, then everybody who is using AS will suffer the consequences. (Unless you live somewhere where AS are legal—like me!)

    Right now I think the Feds are content to sit back and wait while a lot of people f**k themselves very openly. Like TNT said, these guys are using Yahoo, Hotmail, etc., another gross violation of security. It would be a cinch for the Feds to either subpoena the email providers for records or just sniff the unencrypted traffic off the net. In fact, I personally think they must be doing that already.

    So brace yourself kiddies. When the poop hits the spinning air circulation device, be glad that you aren’t a customer of theirs. Then it’s time to hunker down and ride out the shit-storm they will have stirred up.

    I hope those fools have saved some money for good lawyers!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Great post Ajax, and I really like your signature

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Interesting post along these lines at (another decent board, IMO) about open source posting and the problems it causes. A mod from one of the boards tries to defend it:

    And on an interesting note, has pulled their classifieds section recently. Hmmm. It might be getting hot out there!
    Last edited by Ajax; 04-23-2002 at 02:19 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Open source posting IMO is a very stupid thing to do and if some boards want to do it than so be it.You would have to be equally stupid to order from those guys.I know it can be frustrating and as soon as you see a source you think you have the jackpot.You may not have done but the people who scam will be rubbing their hands together with a big smile on their faces after removing the hard earned cash from your fingers.

    Buying steroids in some countries is illegal partically the US and even advertising the fact that you can get it is illegal.I beleive that actually giving sources out is illegal (TNT care to confirm that one for me bro?)so boards that openly post sources are asking to be brought down and members punished if evidence is built against them.

    Thankfully at AR we do not do that but it does not mean that we are not watched or monitored because are and we will be but we also have integrity on this board that puts us at the top of the message boards IMO

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I also noticed that triedia pulled their "classifieds forum" Ajax. I was wonderin about that. I completely agree with you about visiting other boards. Groupthink is not a good mentality. To continue to improve our board, we must constantly gather information outside of it. I no longer visit boards with open source posting though, as I really don't even want them to have my email address in case anything were to ever go down.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    BillyBoy, I think you are right about the boards potentially having some liability for allowing sources to post. Something along the lines of "conspiracy to commit a felony." If I tell you that you can buy heroin from Mr. X, then I am participating in the crime.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    BB and Ajax, for you to be implicated, at least in Louisiana Law for what that's worth, you have to have profited or gained something from the transaction. I'm nearly positive of this.

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