How to tell if you're addicted to steroids.
>1. You carry around Dianabol in a tic tac container.
>2. The pitcher of 'kool aid' in the fridge is actually sugar, food coloring and reforvit.
>3. You go for a blood test and sustanon comes out.
>4. You baste the thanksgiving turkey with a 23guage, 1.5", 3cc syringe.
>5. You collect empty vials like most people do with empty liqour bottles.
>6. The mexican custom officers know you by name.
>7. Your mailman has put on 60lbs of muscle in the past year.
>8. You're the viagra poster boy, even though you've never used viagra.
>9. You married a veterinarian, even though she's 63years old.
>10. You get a second mortgage on the house for your next cycle.
>11. Your neutered dog is laughing at the size of YOUR balls.
>12. You get turned on listening to all the talk about Bush in the US presidential election.
>13. You use a syringe as a toothpick.
>14. You mix reforvit in with the plant food.
>15. You're an active member of over 20 steroid message boards.
>16. You doc goes to give you a flu shot and you drop your pants.
>17. You make a wind chime out of empty vials.
>18. Your nuts are the size of chic peas.
>19. You make lines of winny powder on the table and snort it.
>20. Ronnie Coleman thinks your cycles are crazy (no offence Ronnie...)
>21. Liver transplant at the age of 24.
>22. You have a custom made "amp rack"
>23. You can't help contracting your biceps to the rythm of the music in the car just to check out how good they look - even if you're the only one in the car!
>24. You can't help looking at your pets and wondering how much they'd improve if only you could give em a couple of shots... but then again forget it - can't waste any! let em get their own!!
>25. Your pee is anabolic
>26. Ever since you started juicing, Schering's stock has doubled
>27. You custom make primo amp earings for your girlfriend.
>28. You feel small at 5'7" / 260lbs
>29. You have 14 separate P.O. boxes
>30. You've had a hard-on for 2 and a half years
>31. You put reforvit in the ice cube tray instead of water
>32. You put your suppliers kids thru college with the money you've spend in the last year
>33. You quit your high paying job to become a customs officer
>34. You special order 15ml syringes.