View Poll Results: You work-out with your couple?
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Thread: couple work-out
04-22-2002, 02:09 PM #1
couple work-out
I need's a mayor dilema but just need to see how many of you work-out with your significant other
04-22-2002, 02:19 PM #2
My wife is the only one i will trust to spot me........
04-23-2002, 07:32 AM #3
On Sundays my wife and I do chest and tri's together. We work different shifts during the week so I train alone on my other days. It works out really well.
04-23-2002, 07:38 AM #4
We go together but I guess we really don't work out at the same time. She does legs on 1 day and everything else the other day. She's not that big into weights (afraid of getting big) but does the Precor cardio machine for an hour. I like to see her sweat though, kind of sexy.
04-23-2002, 08:15 AM #5
I just really want a workout partner, I wouldn't care who it was. However if she knew nothing about BB then I think, unless she picked it up fast, it would be detrimental to your workouts. However if she knows what she is doing then I wouldn't mind.
04-23-2002, 08:57 AM #6
I work out with my wife, 99% of the time I love it and it helps to keep each other motivated. the 1% that I don't like is when I am in a rush I can't drop my rest period (to 30seconds to a minuter) because we rest while the other is doing their set.
04-23-2002, 11:34 AM #7Originally posted by BigD
I just really want a workout partner, I wouldn't care who it was. However if she knew nothing about BB then I think, unless she picked it up fast, it would be detrimental to your workouts. However if she knows what she is doing then I wouldn't mind.
Agree with BigD here. I've tried bringing gfs to the gym before, but it always seemed to hinder my workout more than benefit it. Nothing against the girl, just both obviously had different goals in our training. Although I must say that having a gf there was fun, I never really felt like I was working as hard as I should be.
04-23-2002, 01:12 PM #8
I guess it's really one of those things that depends on the person. Some prefer to have their s.o.'s as a partner and love it (which in my case its how its always been in the past), or I guess like Diesel says for some people, its a time for oneself. All makes perfect sense to me. To each his own. Sooooo... if both agree its a time for "them only", then I guess, go to different gyms. JMO.
Mod @
04-23-2002, 01:51 PM #9
Just started to train with my g,f and yeah it is working well
04-23-2002, 06:58 PM #10
no way my wife likes to tell me how to do everything.. and she would ride me ass " you shouldn't try to lift that much wieght.. you're going to hurt yourself" and she has only worked out in a gym maybe 1... 2 years topps and that just won't work out..
04-23-2002, 07:07 PM #11Originally posted by Diesel
Don't want anyone to take this the wrong way but HELL NO.
The gym is my sanctuary and the only place I can escape "Life" for a few hours each day.
I Wouldn't say it better ..
And ,besides that ,Without any offence to strong girls out there, there is no way I can imagine a girl spotting me when doing 115 lbs inclined dumbbell press for the simple reason that I barely could help enough when spotting a guy lifting the same weight...
04-23-2002, 11:15 PM #12
WE have a home gym but i explained to my wife that my training is along time i need to clear my head and just get away from everything that drives me crazy during the rest of the day. She totally understood and got one of her girlfriends to come over while i work. Plus she hates my workout music, haha
04-24-2002, 07:20 AM #13
Ok now I'm a little confused. So its girls in general? Because actually their may be a difference here. If the girl just wants to workout, do aerobics and such, wouldn't that be a little different than the strong BB girls who are serious?? Im my experiences, I have spotted for years men bench pressing over 350lbs with no problem at all. JMO but if the guy does not have enough confidence in pressing that weight, he should not do the weight at all. A spot to me is helping someone get past that sticking point and helping rack the weight, the person spotting should not be doing more than 15-20% of that weight. Otherwise we're all getting a workout in this situation.
04-24-2002, 07:29 AM #14
Your 100% right Babyweight if the spotter is doing more of the lifting then the lifter is then your doing to much weight. I've seen guys benching 300 lbs, for 6 reps and the spotter ends up doing 5 reps of rows.
04-24-2002, 08:28 AM #15
Another thing to consider how far advanced you are in BB as apposed to her. This goes for any workout partner not just male female partners. I've found if one person is benching 400lbs then the next is only doing the bar then that is going to mess everything up.
So if you are way advanced in BB and your girl is just starting you might just want to help train her but have your workouts separate.
But say if your girl is like LittleGirl then it would be all good.
Again this stands true for any partner male or female. I went through this when i first started, my friends were way farther along and I was screwing up their workouts.Last edited by BigD; 04-24-2002 at 08:35 AM.
04-30-2002, 12:44 PM #16
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I need a sometimes option on this pole.
04-30-2002, 10:41 PM #17
I have worked out with my significant other a couple of times, but that will be a permanent daily thing soon when the move is completed to Miami.
I guess I am lucky, my SO is BigGunz and is a guy, built in training partner
05-01-2002, 09:21 AM #18
I bring my girlfriend with me, Its one of the few times that I get to bark demands with no arguments
05-01-2002, 09:40 AM #19
Right now me and my wife workout at different times, but we use to workout together. She has been the best training partner I've ever had. When we train together, it's like no one else exist and we are constantly pushing each other. Not mention what a turn on it is to watch her work up a sweat. I can see where babyweight is coming from though, I does depend on the person and there dedication.
Last edited by DC24; 05-01-2002 at 09:42 AM.
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