So...I've only tried deadlifting once before today, and i was at the gym and I've been reading about how important deads/squats, etc are to boosting test.. anyways so i'm at the rack trying to get a feel for doing the deadlift with smaller weight...and this older lady comes up and starts talking to me about deadlifting. "I used to work out with these huge powerlifters who would deadlift so much weight that they would make their knees bleed, you have to get right up close to your legs" and she picks my bar up and showed me an excellent example of a dead lift. I'm thinking this lady is about 55 i'm feelling pretty sad about myself, then she says "yea i'll be 70 this year"....
I think this is funnier than Emasculating because this lady was badass haha, we had a nice conversation about GH too, which she is taking and works out like a 20 year old male and looks great.