My girl had been telling for ages how she always wanted a big aqua marine ring..So me being the sweetheart i am, went out founf someone that would customly make me a ring and i got it made. a 2 ct auqamarine , platinum ring! set just like an engagment ring but auqamarine instead COST ME BIG BUCKS.
and i gave it to her like 2 weeks ago...Well she loves it.
so the thing is Ive wanted to pop the question for a while now...just want it to be perfect. she had always told me the ring didnt haveto be a diamond....Hinting towards me. So now that i think of it, i shouldnt have give given it to her yet and waited. it would have made the most beautiful perfect engagement ring.
So now i have to start saving again for a damn rock!!!
AHHH its fuckin hard to save money these days!
Hmm...maybe ill steal it back from her, make her think she lost it!