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Thread: Damnit im so mad at myself!

  1. #1

    Damnit im so mad at myself!

    My girl had been telling for ages how she always wanted a big aqua marine ring..So me being the sweetheart i am, went out founf someone that would customly make me a ring and i got it made. a 2 ct auqamarine , platinum ring! set just like an engagment ring but auqamarine instead COST ME BIG BUCKS.
    and i gave it to her like 2 weeks ago...Well she loves it.
    so the thing is Ive wanted to pop the question for a while now...just want it to be perfect. she had always told me the ring didnt haveto be a diamond....Hinting towards me. So now that i think of it, i shouldnt have give given it to her yet and waited. it would have made the most beautiful perfect engagement ring.
    So now i have to start saving again for a damn rock!!!

    AHHH its fuckin hard to save money these days!

    Hmm...maybe ill steal it back from her, make her think she lost it!

  2. #2
    Well of course i could put a diamond in it...but id rather just get a whole nother ring if im gonna do that. the cold or platinum isnt the expensive part...its the stone....its just that ring would have beeen sooo perfect...but i jumped thegun and wanted her to have it so quickly

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I think adding a stone would be great idea!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    yeah steal it back and add the diamond...then propose.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    Gotta agree with the other guys. Alter it somehow and then creatively propose!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    bingo.. i agree, that would rock (no pun )

  7. #7
    something tells me that she really liked he ring you gave her considering it was the stone she wanted. and by now i'm sure she loves it the way it is. so changing it would not be a good idea. i asked my fiance for her engagement ring back so that i could change the .75 ct diamond to a 1.1 ct, and she said she didn't want it changed, ever. women get to emotionally attached to everything. ESPECIALLY jewelry. they don't want it changed like a new one, they want the new one "also." just save up for the new ring because you said it yourself "my girlfriend had been telling me for ages how she wanted a big aqua marine ring." and now that you've gotten it for her you want to take it back and change it. no. no. no.

    on the other hand stealing it back leaving the aqua marine and adding diamond accents to it would definatly rock.

    Last edited by double o seven; 04-24-2002 at 11:52 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I gave my Ex-wife an aquamarine for an engagement ring--that's what she wanted!

    She loved that she had an engagement ring that was different that the traditional diamond.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    east windsor, NJ
    Dude man don't worry about jumping the gun. I had done that sooo much with my ex... hahaha sux doesn't it...

    And man think of how romantic it would be if she thought she lost the ring... She would get all upset. Then one night you say lets go out to dinner to make her feel better. While eating her filet mignon, She turns her head for a sec to look at the band playing her favourite slow song . She turns her head back to look into your eyes and sees the sparkel of a diamond on her favourite wring in her pinot girdgio wine glass......

    bor you gotta keep us posted on this... good luck and tell her congrats from all of us

  10. #10
    hey thanks guys!! She really likes the aquamarine ring, i just wish i waited and used that as an engagment ring. Its just so perfect. And like AJAX would have been dif and she would have loved it. IF i was to steal it back i wouldnt alter it in anyway, i would simply give her that one.. But i think im just gonna save up for a nice diamond ring.
    Ill def keep everyone posted...Gonna go lookin for rings tomorow.
    See whats available and see what i like.

    Thanks again guys

  11. #11
    Thanks man! Same goes for you, and nice to see around again!

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