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Thread: Child Molesting Priests

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair

    Child Molesting Priests

    I can't believe what i'm seeing in the media lately. no, i'm not surprised that priests molest little children because this has been going on for decades, if not centuries. what bothers me is the fact that all the media and the churches are making such a big deal of whether or not the offending priests should be banned from the church... there is also controversy of a "one strike and you're out" policy for future priest sex offenders and some priests think that these rules are too! banned from the church... are you kidding? these people should be criminally prosecuted by the DA like the rest of the population who commit sex crimes and be sent to prison, not just banned from the friggin church! some things just don't make friggin sense to me...

  2. #2
    Dr. Evil, I couldn't agree more. If you molest a child, that should carry a minimum of life in prison. I also am in favor of castrating child molesters. If you rape a kid, you don't deserve to have balls. Snip, Snip.

  3. #3
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    new york

    Re: Child Molesting Priests

    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    I can't believe what i'm seeing in the media lately. no, i'm not surprised that priests molest little children because this has been going on for decades, if not centuries. what bothers me is the fact that all the media and the churches are making such a big deal of whether or not the offending priests should be banned from the church... there is also controversy of a "one strike and you're out" policy for future priest sex offenders and some priests think that these rules are too! banned from the church... are you kidding? these people should be criminally prosecuted by the DA like the rest of the population who commit sex crimes and be sent to prison, not just banned from the friggin church! some things just don't make friggin sense to me...
    it's such a strange situation, the problem with prosecuting these sex offenders is that politicians are scared shitless. if any specific politician moves against the church, they run the risk of losing support from the church both financially and as far as diminished votes in an upcoming election. religion is held so sacred by so many people, that even with such a horrible scandal that we are seeing today, they will still back the church 100%. well just my opinion at least. the church carries alot of weight and pull with it.

  4. #4
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    Nov 2001
    it is unbeleivable to me that there has even been room for argument allowed. i am not pointing my finger at the entire catholic church, my entire family are catholics, but these guys need to be held responsible as individuals, and prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law. its sickening. just further solidifies my repulsion at organized religion.

  5. #5

    Re: Re: Child Molesting Priests

    Originally posted by jbrand

    if any specific politician moves against the church, they run the risk of losing support from the church both financially and as far as diminished votes in an upcoming election.
    Let me run for office, I'd propose a bill making castration mandatory for ALL sex offenders, not just child molesters. I'd be in and out of office in half a term.

    It sickens me to know that polititians are more worried about thier career than the well being of innocent children!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Second on that notion. The audacity and pure evil nature of these dispicable creatures is inexcusable. The one strike rule is an attempt to make the church seem like they are handling the situation. I'm betting some intracate parts of the church are politically motivated which holds power over proper judgement in terms of solving this problem.
    Their is only one way to solve the problem. It seems these priests are not God fearing men. Well, I say make them answer to their own boss.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    Crazy shit! A Father (from the church not a dad) was inditeded from the school I went to. The high school I went to had this Father that would wrestle kids in order for the kid to get out of Saturday school. When they would wrestle he would grop the boys. My freinds and I talked about it (we heard this through the grapevine, none of us wrestled the guy for that reason) and we thought it was weird but didn't think anything of it. Since we were high school kids we thought the other kids knew if it was wrong or not. We found out a few years after we graduated that this Fahter had been released and some charges had been brought up (i think they were dropped).

    This Fahter was cool. He was a good teacher. But unfortunatly he had a sick fetish with gropping boys. I never knew anyone who got gropped. We only heard of other guys who this happened to. We served our Saturday schools on Friday for that reason.

    This shit was in the local paper here. When all of this was going down. It wasa trip to see your teacher being inditeded on charges for some sick things. All in all it is sick shit. People who take advantage of children are sick motherfuckers. I have no remorse for anyone who does that. If anyone ever layed a hand on my children I would go sdtraight to prison because that fucker would no longer be living.

    Those are my 2c's. Thanks for listening.

  8. #8
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    Sick is what this is, and shameful upon the Roman Church. Sex offenses whether they be against little boys, or girls & women, should be seriously dealt with, and the offending priests should not use the Church to hide behind.

    These criminal priests have used and abused their position of respect and authority for EVIL pure and simple, and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and those priests that helped to hide their crimes, such as Cardinal Archbishop Law of Boston, should also be held responsible and prosecuted as acomplices in the crimes.

  9. #9
    I just don't understand why these guys are going for the boys. I could understand messing with girls in a catholic school, not that I condone it, but groping guy makes no sense.

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by Pheedno
    Their is only one way to solve the problem. It seems these priests are not God fearing men. Well, I say make them answer to their own boss.
    Amen to that brother

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by latman49
    I just don't understand why these guys are going for the boys. I could understand messing with girls in a catholic school, not that I condone it, but groping guy makes no sense.
    there really is no sense in trying to understand perverse acts; they are irrational and immoral regardless of who is victimized.

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by latman49
    I just don't understand why these guys are going for the boys. I could understand messing with girls in a catholic school, not that I condone it, but groping guy makes no sense.
    It does if you are gay, which as many as 70% of all Roman Catholic Priests are (heard this one on TV by an *expert* that was speculating about how many on CNN last week).

  13. #13
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    Re: Child Molesting Priests

    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    I can't believe what i'm seeing in the media lately. no, i'm not surprised that priests molest little children because this has been going on for decades, if not centuries. what bothers me is the fact that all the media and the churches are making such a big deal of whether or not the offending priests should be banned from the church
    Hey Doc E, I completely agree with your and everyone elses input. The one thing that jumped out at me out of all of this was the fact that you (and assuming millions of others) already knew this was going on!!!!

    Why has it been tolerated by church members to date. I am not Catholic, nor do I really know anthing about Catholicism. I understand the Church is strong - with politicians and members. I can't grasp that the church carries so much weight that the members would even begin to tolerate it. I don't understand.

    Even if I found out a family member committed such an act, I wouldn't tolerate it. To see these people tolerating it as a church member alone, makes no sense to me. I believe religion should be an important part of your life, but what all should you sacrifice before saying enough is enough??????



  14. #14
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    Hey Latman, I never understood it either. That's why at first my frineds and I thought these other guys were bullshitting. However, we started hearing it more and more. The thing I never understood is why he would do it to kids who knew better. These are HS kids who know right fromwrong. WHich is why he got ousted out of the school.

    All in all it is crazy shit.

  15. #15
    Listen all i know is these people have major issues They need help and fast I mean youre a priest A follower of Jesus Youre supposed to be a role model not molest little kids I think its ridiculous for them to even say that banishing them from the church is too harsh of a punishment I say lock them up and lets see whats his cell mates gonna think when he finds out that hes in for molesting children Ive never been in jail I dont know if this is true but ive seen documentories that state that inmates take offense against those who are incarcerated for molesting children If this is true I hope that they lock these people up and throw away the key Priest or no priest thats f*ucking digusting and i hope they do end up in jail and he gets a little taste of his own medicine I think im gonna be sick !!!!!!!!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    i always like the idea of castrating sex offenders. they should have the choice of either life in prison or a reduced sentence if they are willing to be castrated... that would prevent a lot of repeat offences...

    that was getting off the topic a little though. i'm still so abhored by the fact that priests aren't facing more consequences from the law like everyone else would. i'm starting to hate priests more than cops lol. i hate to generalize too, so i won't...

  17. #17
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    I agree. Doubtful that 70% of all priests are gay or that they would confess to being gay any more than they would confess to being child molesters.

    Child molesters and sex offenders don't do what they do out of love of person or sex. It's a matter of domination and fear. If they were castrated, they would commit their crimes in other ways. They should be locked up for life with a big room mate named Bubba who would give them every day what they have dished out themselves. Priests should get 2 roommates.
    Mrs. T
    "We can change the world when we change ourselves. And the energy of our consciousness, like the energy of all light, continues into the eternity. When there is light in the soul there will be beauty in the person. When there is beauty in the person there will be harmony in the home. When there is harmony in the home there will order in the nation. When there is order in the nation there will be peace in the world."
    - Chinese Proverb

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    I agree with 47john.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Just one comment on this matter. Let the father (parent) punish them. If any one did that to my children I would handle it myself. I don't care what the police did to me. I don't want to go into details but he would suffer the worst death imaginable. They are scum and deserve to die bottom line. I have no sympathy for someone who would hurt a child or a woman for that matter.

  20. #20
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    Re: hey biggugnz

    Originally posted by 47john
    ...and mrs t , i know it will be hard to envoke any sympathy for child molesters but you should realize that damn near everyone of them already spent their childhood being raped and molested not that its any exuse for what they did but its suprising to hear that you would enjoy a person - any person being raped , sad

    47john, i've always enjoyed your posts and i have respect for your opinion, but i agree with mrs t on this one. i am a firm believer in an eye for an eye. if some sorry sob wants to molest children (rape) regardless if they are a priest or the pope, they deserve a hell of a lot more that getting their ass slammed by bubba in prison. i would wish this and a punishment even more horrible on anyone that commits such an evil act. and no, i don't care if they were molested as a child. rape is a horrible thing to happen to anyone, but i would feel no remorse of knowing that this is what happens to child molesters in prison.

    i disagree with your opinion respectfully. not as a flame.



  21. #21
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    Originally posted by RON
    Just one comment on this matter. Let the father (parent) punish them. If any one did that to my children I would handle it myself. I don't care what the police did to me. I don't want to go into details but he would suffer the worst death imaginable. They are scum and deserve to die bottom line. I have no sympathy for someone who would hurt a child or a woman for that matter.
    yep! i know what you are saying.

  22. #22
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    don't take me wrong, i don't want to acually 'see' it. but i find no remorse inside me knowing the sorry son of a bitch has become bubba's bitch once they get to prison. i don't think that violates my morals in anyway.



  23. #23
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    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    i always like the idea of castrating sex offenders. they should have the choice of either life in prison or a reduced sentence if they are willing to be castrated... that would prevent a lot of repeat offences...
    Call it un-just or whatever you like but I totally agree with you. Not only should the priest be treated like a regular offender, he should be castrated. I think it is a justly punishment for that type of offence. Laws are made so people fear them, not punishing a priest because he is just that, shows what?

  24. #24
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    [QUOTE]Originally posted by BigGunz
    Still, these priests will be going to heaven before any of us.

    "Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted in the marketplaces and have the most important seats in the synogogues and the places of honor at banquets. They devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers. Such men will be punished most severely (Jesus Luke 20: 46-47)."

  25. #25
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    Brisbane, Qld. Australia
    Any wonder i'm not religious, these priests took a vow of celebancy and hide behind the faith when doing wrong unto others. I'm 100% behind other members here when they say the offenders should be punished as any other sex offender. A child has his/her right to their innocents and no one has the right to steal it away. My ex is currently in jail for molesting a child and he can rot in there for all I care, I hope the other inmates give him the treatment. How can anyone find a child sexually arousing is beyond me.
    As for the pollies being to scared to lose the church's backing, that's insane, to not enforce the same rulling for priests is the same as saying it's ok for you to do it. I hate religion and politics, it coarses nothing but arguements and wars.
    Cheers Chyna

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    The church is lame...bunch of molesting red neck crackers

    They should be held responsible like normal citizens.

    The vow of celebicy needs to be addressed. If they were allowed to have normal, functional sex, the molesting might not happen. If you repress a natural sexual appetite ( for adults), then it is bound to prop up in some sick twisted way, like molesting kids.

    Also the whole church and it dinosaur idea/rules really need an update. The church has a lot to answer for.

    Either move with the times or die.

  27. #27
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    I'm not Catholic nor am I religious at all, but labelling the Catholic church as a "bunch of molesting red neck crackers" is a vague, and dare I say, ignorant accusation. The world is quick to stereotype what they don't fully understand. The Catholic church needs social programs to allow abused children to speak out and to help prevent molestation. The key word is PREVENT. Punishment, although necessary, isn't a cure. These crimes must be prevented and the Catholic church must take it upon itself to open up to the world and accept help, no matter how it affects tradition and pride. Just remember that not all priests are child molesters.

  28. #28
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    I dont believe in god and things like those make me wonder how they can call themselves "closer to god", wtf would god think about "his" own people?

    those guys make me sick and I would beat the crap outta them if I could

  29. #29
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    Now in light of my comment,.. I undrestand how it can be a little stereotypical. I understand that the church instills certain morals in it followers that society today has lost. This breakdown in morals is part of the reason the world is not what it used to be. And tension and violence is mounting.

    The churchs unwillingness to change and evolve is ignorant to say the least. The way it deals with homosexuality and contraception is EXTREMELY OUTDATED,.. and frustrating. The constant issues about the church and it pastors molesting children and their superiors either ignoring it or covering it up is dangerous, if people are to base there life on such flawed beliefs and inconsistant judgement.

    I withdraw my comment when in relation to pastors such as Rev. Spong. He is a revolutionary christian, that brings faith that is accepting, complete and no-discrimatory to the 21st century. Is is well respected by christians/non christians/scientists and the community around the world. I have nothing but total respect for the man.

    But when I wake up and turn the TV on at 5am and see some christian phoney priest, in a stadium of thousands of people, slapping their heads, telling them to throw away their pills, and pretneding tp cast demons out of people. I WANT TO VOMIT. Is this case Ï think what the fuck is the world coming to. I fund it hard to see how people can so BLINDLY be lead like sheep through life. People that put the emphasis on the external, in stead of the internal. It is very scary shit.

    I could talk for hours. Personally I tend to lean towards Budism as a more evolved religion. But me? I meditate. And it works for me.

    So I hope this has expanded and cleared up my last thread.


  30. #30
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    I just wonder sometimes about the world we live I see why I dont watch the news.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Well said Nate, I understand what you are saying/feeling.



  32. #32
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    Re: well , a couple things

    Originally posted by 47john
    either you care about a child being molested or you dont , so tryingtogetbig , i am not sure why you dont care whether they were molested or not , at that point they were the innocent child having their innocence taken from them , it should factor in to the whole equation . i mean if someone cared about it , maybe they wouldnt have grown up to take it out on others , however i do respect your opinion as well.
    hey there 47john, i hear what you are saying. i do think it is regretful they (the molesting priests) were themselves victims of child molestation when they were younger (if this is indeed the case). But, when a person reachs adulthood they should know right from wrong at that point. actually, i would think this type of person would know better than anyone else how horrific child molestation is.

    personally, i am sick of society always trying to find something to blame people's mistakes on. for example, i don't care if you grow up getting beat as a child, that's no excuse to beat your own children (i am not talking about reasonable discipline here either). we all have life experiences that begin way back in our childhood and are eternally making us who we are. if you commit the act, any act whether immoral or criminal, you should be punished with equal, or even worse, punishment accordingly.

    i get tired of hearing people talk about trying to "rehabilitate" offenders. tell that to the parents of the children that were molested. "hey parents, the sex offender has been rehabilitated now and is back on the street." F that!

    My final thought: Once you are an adult you should know right from wrong. If you are a priest, you damn sure should know right from wrong. If you were molested as a child yourself and now you are around children and think you might commit the same acts, then get some fucking help or kill yourself! Or, get away from children altogether (that would be waaaayyy to simple though). There are only a few things that really get me going. One is definitely children.

    Again, these are just my personal opinions I am expressing. They are not meant as an attack or flame on anyone's posts.



  33. #33
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    London UK
    Originally posted by Butch
    ..............If anyone ever layed a hand on my children I would go sdtraight to prison because that fucker would no longer be living.
    I havent read this entire post. Im sure the first few posts will be the general gist of the whole thing. I am personally one of those people who do not believe in taking the law into your own hands. Thats why we have a justice system (Whatever country you are from)
    This is the only instance where I KNOW I would have to ignore my own belief. Any person messes with my kids and they will die. Ill do the time gladly with a smile and I will never ever apologise for my actions, which would be extreme.
    I dont generally agree with the death penalty simply in case mistakes are made, but in the case of convicted child molesters.... kill them. They do not deserve anything else.

  34. #34
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    Originally posted by Kaz

    Any person messes with my kids and they will die. Ill do the time gladly with a smile and I will never ever apologise for my actions, which would be extreme.
    i would feel the same way too, but then your kids are gonna grow up without a daddy

  35. #35
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    Miami, Fla

    Re: well , a couple things

    Originally posted by 47john
    i also doubt that the church breeds this , many men keep their vows and will give anything of themselves for another person .

    these men were molesters already who saw an oppurtunity to have access to victims .
    No doubt that many Roman Catholic Priests are good an honourable men, who keep their vows for there life as a priest.

    But The Roman Catholic Church cannot be absolved (no pun intended) from the present situation, in light of the fact that more than one Church Official has been involved in "moving around" instead of disciplining and/or expelling the molesters.

    The records so far made public have shown that most if not all of the offending Priests have been shifted to other parishes instead of being prosecuted for sex crimes. Also the Church is implicated in many acts of covering up these crimes or trying to hide them, by paying settlements before cases go to court, as such would be called "hush money" and this could not have been done without the compliance of Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals, the very men that have the power to change things and didn't. They chose to ignore, coddle and shift around the molesters.

    To say the Church doesn't breed this, is to show ignorance of this complex issue. The Church needs to have a better standard of psychological studies done before taking on the vows of these men, so as they could weed out the molesters before they come in the fold. This is not a new problem within the Roman Church and they have bred it, and nutured it for many years.

    I respectfully disagree with you 47John.

  36. #36
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    Re: Child Molesting Priests

    Original Thread:

    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    I can't believe what i'm seeing in the media lately. no, i'm not surprised that priests molest little children because this has been going on for decades, if not centuries. what bothers me is the fact that all the media and the churches are making such a big deal of whether or not the offending priests should be banned from the church... there is also controversy of a "one strike and you're out" policy for future priest sex offenders and some priests think that these rules are too! banned from the church... are you kidding? these people should be criminally prosecuted by the DA like the rest of the population who commit sex crimes and be sent to prison, not just banned from the friggin church! some things just don't make friggin sense to me...
    Thought we were talking about the offenders (priests/child molestors), not so much the offendees (children)?

    Maybe I missed something here?



  37. #37
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    Re: well to me its just interesting

    Originally posted by 47john
    ..anyway all this "if anyone ever did ... then i would..." stuff sounds like a bunch of fantasy land crap to me .
    Definitely not one of my fantasies, just a reality I hope that I never have to face.

    Originally posted by 47john
    ...if this was to happen to one of our children , it would be best to worry about the child . not the offender .
    I am sure thats what the offender would want. I think maybe that's whats been going on for many years now. Maybe more concentration on the child molestor (priests in this case) would have put a stop to this years ago. I don't know, just my thoughts. I appreciate that we can disagree and stay civil. I respect that.



  38. #38
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    Re: well to me its just interesting

    Originally posted by 47john
    i dont know canes but to me you cant blame the actions of a select few on a whole group of people . my gf lived in a small town and in that town there was several catholic churches , as there are several more in every town . most of them just help people and show love to those in need , while teaching the word of God .
    47John, I again respectfully disagree with your absolving of the Church. If you re-read and if don't want to I will quote myself

    "No doubt that many Roman Catholic Priests are good an honourable men, who keep their vows for there life as a priest"

    However the fact remains that much of the Church hierarchy is involved in coverups, but as in the case of the Bishop of Palm Beach here in Florida, who is himself accused of molesting children. In a Miami Herald exposé of about 2 weeks ago, the article alleged that the Bishop not only molested children for years, he also knew of at least one other offending priest that he was a friend of, who was caught 3 times, and the only thing ever done for this guy was after the 3rd case they sent him to 6 months of "councelling" and afterwards he was placed right back in a position at a parish with a boys school, and this man was placed as teacher in that school. He should have NEVER seen the light of day in that school hallways. The Bishop knew better, but still aquiesced to the pleadings that the priest had changed.

    Guess what ? Two months after the priest was placed in the school, he was charged with molesting another young boy, but this time the media got hold of it and the Bishop had to finally act.

    Also there is the more well known case that is going on in Boston, between Cardinal Archbishop Law & Rev. Father Shanley. Shanley who was known for years to be a member of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association.....a real sicko organization who believes in molesting young boys) and even had the audacity to hold NAMBLA sex orgies in his Church Rectory. Yesterday 800 pages of Church documents, many of which are in the writing of Cardinal Law, document NO DISCIPLINE of Father Shanley but only offer "comfort of our brother" and talk about shifting his position to another parish. Cardinal Law KNEW what a sicko this guy was yet he did NOTHING to make him pay for a the crimes he had committed.

    Also there was the astonishing admission from the Archdiocese of Los Angles which has recently admitted to payoffs in the last 20 years totalling $ 1 billion....yes you read that right $ 1 billion in their Diocese alone as HUSH MONEY to cover up and hide away the shame that is permeating the Roman Church. Think of the help that $ 1 billion could have done for alieviating the suffering of the poor in the Los Angeles area ? People gave money out of their hearts to help the poor and needy, yet their good money was being used by the corrupt Church Hierarchy to pay off hush money for the molesting of children by the very priests that were telling everyone from their pulpits you are condemned to hell for having a child out of marriage or getting a divorce.

    Poppycock to that crock of BS !!!!

    That to me smacks of a more widespread problem than you perceive it to be 47John, so once again my brother I respectfully disagree with you.

  39. #39
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    Secret Volcano Lair
    many offenders are repeat offenders. if they are put away in prison instead of just slapped on the wrist that would prevent them from molesting their next victim.

    by dealing with the offenders you are saving another victim. it is our jobs as parents to protect our children from these crimes and properly dealing with our children should the terrible acts ever happen to them, but it is the government's job to deal with the offenders to make sure they never offend again. we can't turn a blind eye to the criminals who would otherwise keep molesting child after child if there were no criminal responsibilities for their actions such as the case with priests.

  40. #40
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    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    many offenders are repeat offenders. if they are put away in prison instead of just slapped on the wrist that would prevent them from molesting their next victim.

    by dealing with the offenders you are saving another victim. it is our jobs as parents to protect our children from these crimes and properly dealing with our children should the terrible acts ever happen to them, but it is the government's job to deal with the offenders to make sure they never offend again. we can't turn a blind eye to the criminals who would otherwise keep molesting child after child if there were no criminal responsibilities for their actions such as the case with priests.
    What I don't get is why the police doesn't go more vigorously after these priests ? Do they have some immunity clause that being a priest offers ?

    If I had done any of these crimes I would have already been jailed, what makes the priests so hard to prosecute ? Is it the Church that is blocking the prosecution ? If that is the case then that also proves that there is a conspiracy among the Church officials.

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