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Thread: FI needs to vent a little

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    FI needs to vent a little

    I said that I'd wait till sept b4 starting my next cycle. Now it looks like i'll be starting as soon as i get the funds. I also said that I was going to stop doing AS, as if that is going to happen. Now that I think about it i think i am going to be doing AS for the rest of my life. A huge bro at my gym calls it Bigerrexia! LOL! I am also considering hormone replacement threapy! (medically speaking) I think that as soon as I hit 26 I will start injecting HGH on a montly or weekly basis. Nothing big just 2 iu's a month or something like that. WTF! What i'm getting at is that this is a very big addiction. Some might not see it but i definately do. But the question is do we want out? and my answer is simply no! u only live once so why not try and get the most out of it? I am one of those anti-productive freaks. IE. if its the summer i would never be able to take 4 months off of school and not work like a lot of my friends. One year a couple of trades went on strike so i was out of work for a couple of weeks, Well the first week was okay. After the second week i went nuts i couldn't stand doing nothing. Since then i've been in a competition with my neighbour he is 50+ to see who has the greener grass! And it doesn't stop there. So i apply the same principles to my workout...if i'm not doing something productive i get mad and sometimes have shakes. Like if i don't go to the gym for 2 or 3 days i freak and have soo much energy i am practically bouncing off the ways. Don't ask me why the hell i wrote this......don't ask me whats the point of it...but the long and short is once u start ur hooked for life.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Re: FI needs to vent a little

    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    Now that I think about it i think i am going to be doing AS for the rest of my life. A huge bro at my gym calls it Bigerrexia!
    Your bro is absolutely correct about the term. The technical name, if you want to do a Yahoo search on it, is muscle dysmorphia. Interesting reading.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Well guys, it is just like anything else, it is addictive, it is a drug, knowing how to control yourself and thinking and not being ignorant, and over induldging is what it is all about. I love gear just as much as anyone else, but I know my limits... Good post though FI.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    Re: Re: FI needs to vent a little

    Originally posted by TNT
    Your bro is absolutely correct about the term. The technical name, if you want to do a Yahoo search on it, is muscle dysmorphia. Interesting reading.
    Its good to know that there is actually medical backing for this disease. At least if people get really start to ask i'll just tell them i have a disease

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Lifting has become a part of my life, and one that I can never let go again.....ever. I know I am addicted.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    I hear ya bro. I think a lot of us here at AR may have it different extents. Here is a thread that I had up a little while ago dealing with the same thing.....

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