I said that I'd wait till sept b4 starting my next cycle. Now it looks like i'll be starting as soon as i get the funds. I also said that I was going to stop doing AS, as if that is going to happen. Now that I think about it i think i am going to be doing AS for the rest of my life. A huge bro at my gym calls it Bigerrexia! LOL! I am also considering hormone replacement threapy! (medically speaking) I think that as soon as I hit 26 I will start injecting HGH on a montly or weekly basis. Nothing big just 2 iu's a month or something like that. WTF! What i'm getting at is that this is a very big addiction. Some might not see it but i definately do. But the question is do we want out? and my answer is simply no! u only live once so why not try and get the most out of it? I am one of those anti-productive freaks. IE. if its the summer i would never be able to take 4 months off of school and not work like a lot of my friends. One year a couple of trades went on strike so i was out of work for a couple of weeks, Well the first week was okay. After the second week i went nuts i couldn't stand doing nothing. Since then i've been in a competition with my neighbour he is 50+ to see who has the greener grass! And it doesn't stop there. So i apply the same principles to my workout...if i'm not doing something productive i get mad and sometimes have shakes. Like if i don't go to the gym for 2 or 3 days i freak and have soo much energy i am practically bouncing off the ways. Don't ask me why the hell i wrote this......don't ask me whats the point of it...but the long and short is once u start ur hooked for life.