hey bro's....
Just got my blood work results in....
Lipid Profile: ......... Expected range
Cholesterol - 145 ............ [<200]
Triglyceride - 69 ......... [10-140]
HDL - 10 (BAD!) .......... [>45]
LDL 118
HEMATOLOGY ................ Expected range
WBC - 6.7 ............... 4.8-10.8
RBC - 5.20 .............. 4.6-6.1
HGB - 15.3 ............... 14.0-18.0
HCT - 45.1 .............. 42-52
MCV - 86.7 .............. 80-100
MCH - 29.5 .............. 27-31
MCHC - 34 ............ 33-37
RDW - 13 .............. 11.5-14.5
PLT - 286 ............. 130-400
MPV - 7.5 ................... 7.4-10.4
NEUT % - 66.2 ................... 42.2-75.2
LYMP % - 23.9 .............. 20.5-51.1
MONO % - 8 ................ 1.7-9.3
EOS % - 1.4 .................... 0-7
BASO % - 0.5 ................. 0-2
NEUT ABS - 4.4 ................. 1.4-6.5
LYM ABS - 1.6 .................. 1.2-3.4
MONO ABS - 0.5 ................. 0.1-0.6
EOS ABS - 0.1 ...................... 0.0-0.7
BASO ABS - 0 ................... 0.0-0.2
CHEMISTRIES .......... Expected range
NA - 140 .............. 132-150
K - 4.2 ............. 3.5-5.3
CL - 103 ............... 96-112
Co2, Total - 32 ............. 23-33
GLUC - 83 ............. 70-110
BUN - 14 .............. 5-25
CREAT - 1.3 ................... 0.5-1.5
CA - 9.1 ................ 8.5-10.5
T BIL - 0.7 .............. 0.0-1.5
T PROT - 7.5 .............. 6.1-8.1
ALB - 4.2 ................ 3.4-5.1
AST - 17 ................. 8-42
ALT (GPT) - 35........... 10-65
ALK PHOS - 37 ............. 25-136
AGAP (CALC) -9.2............ 0.0-17.0
HDL is the only thing FACKIN me up! damn it to hell.....
Anyways....... im going into my 3rd week of test/deca/dbol........ so i gotta up that white meat and flax seed oil to boost my HDL