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  1. #1
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    im so stuppid!!!!!!!!!!

    i just got back to college, and ive been drinking for like the past 6 nights straight, i feel bad, i have like 6 weeks left in my cycle, and i cant stop drinking, im a retard, i need to kick this atleast to one day a week, or the weekends, but it feels so good. lol, and my diet has been poop for the last week, but ive stayed the same weight all week, so maybe my body is letting me have this vacation. i'll figure it out, i just wanted to post this, and get some positive reinforcement ( flaming) that i shouldnt drink while on cycle!!!!

  2. #2
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Are you stupid?

  3. #3
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    lol, come on give me more, smite me!!!!! ( i dont want a mod to lay that fire bolt in my ass and ban me, but for real, ive been pretty relaxed about everything lately, i need to get sober!!!!) i know some people drink while on, but i dont want too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by robkesl; 08-22-2005 at 12:00 AM.

  4. #4
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by robkesl
    i know some people drink while on, but i dont want too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So fukin don't.... its not our job to convince you not to. Ever hear of self-disclipline and motivation?

  5. #5
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Dude that is fvcked up!!

    I should come there and slap you right NOW

    Seriously, stip being such a little whinny b!tch and get your sh!t together! Fata$$!

  6. #6
    needmorestrength's Avatar
    needmorestrength is offline Anabolic Member
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    You might as well quite your cycle right now, and never think about doing another one. If you don't have the dedication to not drink and keep a good diet for the duration of a cycle you shouldnt even think about using one. Accept it, your going to be small and weak but at least you'll be having fun! Does that help?

  7. #7
    MilitiaGuy's Avatar
    MilitiaGuy is offline Banned
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    u will have a heart attack if you continue doing it

  8. #8
    RA's Avatar
    RA is offline Grade A Beef
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    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    Dude that is fvcked up!!

    I should come there and slap you right NOW

    Seriously, stip being such a little whinny b!tch and get your sh!t together! Fata$$!

    Thatll work.

  9. #9
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    You might as well quite your cycle right now, and never think about doing another one. If you don't have the dedication to not drink and keep a good diet for the duration of a cycle you shouldnt even think about using one. Accept it, your going to be small and weak but at least you'll be having fun! Does that help?
    Exactly, it's where the horror stories that the media runs rampant with stem from.

    Situations like this.


  10. #10
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Hey buddy do not get discouraged as people(and you too) say you are stupid and retarded... I do not believe it for an instant, you are weak. Simply put you are mentally to weak to think for yourself. Maybe you need a support group like AA they help the weak to become strong through support and self worth. Get help.

  11. #11
    Bigen12's Avatar
    Bigen12 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Hey buddy do not get discouraged as people(and you too) say you are stupid and retarded... I do not believe it for an instant, you are weak. Simply put you are mentally to weak to think for yourself. Maybe you need a support group like AA they help the weak to become strong through support and self worth. Get help.

    I agree, get help now

  12. #12
    arthurb999's Avatar
    arthurb999 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You just need to get your head out of your arse. There are a couple of problems here.

    1. If you're in college, then you're too young to do steriods (most of the time)
    2. If you're going to do it anyway, you gotta do it right or you're just putting yourself at risk for no reason.
    3. Get your head out of your arse ;-)

  13. #13
    PaRiS2005 is offline Female Member
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    Running through your mind
    Nor can he spell the word "stupid" Just bustin...

  14. #14
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    i know a guy who has been on steroids for years with no break and drinks nearly every night

    he used to be in really good shape - massive and cut - no he is just massive with a huge belly and about 35 - 30% bodyfat

    he can bench 450lbs but he also cant breathe when he walks up the stairs

  15. #15
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    proud to say i havent had a drink untill tonight, nearly 2 months. having my first beer, right now actually. but just one.

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