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Thread: Am I a good citizen

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Bandit County

    Am I a good citizen

    OKie, this summer we had nice weather, since June we have about 40c, so the whole month of July we had no rain, nothing, nada, niet, shit!

    so many cities in Quebec ordered the reduction of use of good ole H2O this mean only essential use(home), so car wash, watering of lawn, watering of flowers, use of water around the house not for hygenic use are prohibed and end up in a 1000$ fine. Sheez the river next to here, I can walk to the other end!

    So I am walking my dog, and I see a good citizen watering, the side of his property. So I look around, no one, they are asleep, no lights in the house, good!

    I took his hose, and his watering system all blowing water all over, and put the 20m hose in the middle of the boulevard! As I walked off, a nice bus passed on it!

    I wonder if he'll get the message tomorrow morning!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Scary when a 300+lb GORILLA takes your hose.
    I think he got the message, big guy. LOL

  3. #3
    ReX357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    OKie, this summer we had nice weather, since June we have about 40c, so the whole month of July we had no rain, nothing, nada, niet, shit!

    so many cities in Quebec ordered the reduction of use of good ole H2O this mean only essential use(home), so car wash, watering of lawn, watering of flowers, use of water around the house not for hygenic use are prohibed and end up in a 1000$ fine. Sheez the river next to here, I can walk to the other end!

    So I am walking my dog, and I see a good citizen watering, the side of his property. So I look around, no one, they are asleep, no lights in the house, good!

    I took his hose, and his watering system all blowing water all over, and put the 20m hose in the middle of the boulevard! As I walked off, a nice bus passed on it!

    I wonder if he'll get the message tomorrow morning!
    LOL!!! J'te vois a Québec entrain de crisser la hose dans rue... Hahhahaha!!! Le gars de 320lbs+ avec son cabot entrain de jouer au défenseur de l'environement a 3 heure du mat'!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bandit County
    Im pissed!

    actually I went to mail a check to the government for the plate of my truck, 305$ for the year! Thanx god I didnt cut open his hose! plus im on a diet!


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357
    LOL!!! J'te vois a Québec entrain de crisser la hose dans rue... Hahhahaha!!! Le gars de 320lbs+ avec son cabot entrain de jouer au défenseur de l'environement a 3 heure du mat'!!!

    c est moi!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    OKie, this summer we had nice weather, since June we have about 40c, so the whole month of July we had no rain, nothing, nada, niet, shit!

    so many cities in Quebec ordered the reduction of use of good ole H2O this mean only essential use(home), so car wash, watering of lawn, watering of flowers, use of water around the house not for hygenic use are prohibed and end up in a 1000$ fine. Sheez the river next to here, I can walk to the other end!

    So I am walking my dog, and I see a good citizen watering, the side of his property. So I look around, no one, they are asleep, no lights in the house, good!

    I took his hose, and his watering system all blowing water all over, and put the 20m hose in the middle of the boulevard! As I walked off, a nice bus passed on it!

    I wonder if he'll get the message tomorrow morning!

    You should have busted a window on the side of his house and threw the sprinkler inside his house, just incase his house plants needed watering.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Dont worry, you'll have plenty of water once we finally build that wall around quebec and fill it

    J/K by the way, I love quebec girls

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    You should have busted a window on the side of his house and threw the sprinkler inside his house, just incase his house plants needed watering.....

    I though about it!!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    c'est tres villain, mais je crois il va apprendre sa lecon

  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    You should have busted a window on the side of his house and threw the sprinkler inside his house, just incase his house plants needed watering.....
    good stuff!!!

  11. #11
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    nor cal
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    You should have busted a window on the side of his house and threw the sprinkler inside his house, just incase his house plants needed watering.....
    even better would have been to put it in his car, so when he comes out in the morning his car is completely full of water looking like a giant fish bowl (assuming it's relatively sealed).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Vandoo, good job! c'est plus que ce que je fait aux idiots qui gaspillent l'eau ici a montreal... le pire que je puisse leurs faire dans mon arrondissement c'est leurs donner un constat d'infraction de $50... un vrai crisse de joke... (J'en ai tellement écris de ces tickets la cet été que j'en ai mal a la main!)

    Honestly I wish I could simply cut off a citizens water for wasting it during a dry period like this... just go to the curb valve and shut it off.

    I am just glad you did something bro... I can tell you that in my borough (which supplies water for half the west-island) the water filtration plant has been running beyond capacity all summer... the norms call for a 3 hour reserve of water to be kept at all times, sunday 2 weeks ago people were watering lawns so much that we were down to a 15 minutes reserve (had there been a big fire in our borough, we would not have been able to supply enough water).


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    OKie, this summer we had nice weather, since June we have about 40c, so the whole month of July we had no rain, nothing, nada, niet, shit!

    so many cities in Quebec ordered the reduction of use of good ole H2O this mean only essential use(home), so car wash, watering of lawn, watering of flowers, use of water around the house not for hygenic use are prohibed and end up in a 1000$ fine. Sheez the river next to here, I can walk to the other end!

    So I am walking my dog, and I see a good citizen watering, the side of his property. So I look around, no one, they are asleep, no lights in the house, good!

    I took his hose, and his watering system all blowing water all over, and put the 20m hose in the middle of the boulevard! As I walked off, a nice bus passed on it!

    I wonder if he'll get the message tomorrow morning!
    22.... youre damn soooooo nice! taurais pu te forcer a faire de quoi de plus imaginatif!! ahahahahah

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Personally, I wouldn't have cared enough to go through all that. As long as I can turn my water on, who cares if some arse doesn't wanna comply with a city ordinance. I do not condone his behavior, but I would feel as if I were over stepping my bounds with that move.

    Edit for grammar
    Last edited by BeerBaron; 08-23-2005 at 11:19 PM.

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