so any normal day. driving down the street to drop my buddy at his girlfriends house. Pass two guys walking down the sidewalk, flipped em off. They shout out "F*ck you!" after us. Bad move on their part. ( Me and 2 other car loads of ppl were on our way to the states). I slammed on the brakes, turned around and drove back to where the guys were walking. There like oh so you wanna fight. Myself ( 6'4, 235) and my buddy (6'2, 250) get outta the car and my buddy n the one guy go at it. then his punk friend trys to jump in and smash my buddy. dropped that ****er to the ground with one hit. then 2 car loads of my friends rolled up and got out and just started stomping these guys. 2 of my friends had lugz on n they were throwin kicks to the head liek nothin. so these two punks are all bloodied up on the ground screamin, and my buddy is so stupid, bends down and reaches into the kids pocket, takes his wallet with liek 30$ and a pack of smokes were yellin at his ass to forget it and just get back in the car, ( because mind you this was 3 oclock in the afternoon on a nice sunny day in a big subdivision with people outside everywhere. old people are screaming at us were callin the cops blah blah. So we drive back to my friends house because were not going into the states right now after this sh*t. We get back to my friends house, and about after 20 minutes of a game of pool someone says the cops are here. sure enough theres 5 cruisers outside the house. everyone gets called out side, i see my buddy gettin cuffed and they come over to me are you the owner of a grey focus, yeah why, anddddd cuffed. so everyone gets questioned, both of us 2000$ bond bail. out next morning, my buddy is charged with robbery and me with assualt. but the police say this fight was consentual. so i may get off easily. but there main argument was this wouldnt have happend if i hadnt have stopped the car. SO AM I F*CKED? ANYONE KNOW?