August 31, 2005
Police Officer Shot in Georgia
Deputy Kyle Dinkheller, Laurens County, GA, was minutes from being off duty when he
encountered a speeding pickup truck going 98 mph. The deputy was an ICE (Interstate
Criminal Enforcement) officer that dealt with traffic infractions, speeding and the occasional
drug bust. This was a low risk or unknown risk stop for speeding. He radioed in the speeding infraction, made a U-turn in the median and pursued the vehicle.
The driver, Andrew Brannan, stopped his vehicle, exited and started a crazy, dancing jig in
the middle of the road while swearing at the officer and shouting ‘I’m a god-damned
Vietnam vet.†At first, he ignored Dinkheller’s commands to step towards the deputy, which always began with `Sir’.
When he finally complied, he attacked the deputy and a scuffle ensued. The deputy
implemented the use of his asp and ordered Brannan to `get back’. This procedure was
repeated, but after what appeared to be a second scuffle, the suspect returned to his vehicle and retrieved a M-I Carbine from under the seat. The first shots were fired nearly 50 seconds after Brannan returned to his vehicle despite the deputy’s commands.
Brannan ignored the repeated commands to put the gun down and Deputy Dinkheller
apparently fired the first shot. Brannan, a Vietnam veteran, advanced firing on the deputy.
Dinkheller returned fire, but succeeded only in breaking a window in the driver’s side of the
pickup and wounding Brannan in the stomach. Using `suppressive fire’, Brannan
systematically, methodically shot Dinkheller in the arms, legs, exposed areas that would not be covered had Dinkheller been wearing a bulletproof vest, slowly executing him. Reloading his weapon Brannan continued firing with the final death shot to Dinkheller’s right eye.