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Thread: I knew this would happen...Katrina's aid and racism

  1. #1
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    Angry I knew this would happen...Katrina's aid and racism

    I said to my fiance that the blacks will bring out the race card due to the perceived "slow" aid. I'm not sure if people know takes a while to coordinate a response, fill the trucks, then drive there! The race card in today's world is sickening. I'm sick of people using it to justify everything.

    They're their own worst enemy down there. Armed gangs, lootings, shooting hospital workers, rapes, etc. Can't even help their fellow brother in a massive time of need. Selfishness rules again.

  2. #2
    CRUISECONTROL is offline Post Whore Extraordinaire Cruising On Autopilot
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    I said to my fiance that the blacks will bring out the race card due to the perceived "slow" aid. I'm not sure if people know takes a while to coordinate a response, fill the trucks, then drive there! The race card in today's world is sickening. I'm sick of people using it to justify everything.

    They're their own worst enemy down there. Armed gangs, lootings, shooting hospital workers, rapes, etc. Can't even help their fellow brother in a massive time of need. Selfishness rules again.

    very well put

  3. #3
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    I was watching Fox News when they had a guy from some Civil Rights orgnization. I woould've given my left eye just to back hand him. The ignorance ocmming out of his mouth was incredible.

    He was attempting to justify looting tv's, etc. to trade them for food? Wtf? C'mon... And that the media were protraying blacks as looters and whites as driven to survive. Wrong.

    The fact of the matter is, New Orleans is 68% black. 25% of that number makes up the poverty level in the city. That's why the people who are still in New Orleans are black. Most of them (the good natured ones at least) couldn't afford to leave. As for the looters and thugs, it's obvious that they had different motives for staying.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    I said to my fiance that the blacks will bring out the race card due to the perceived "slow" aid. I'm not sure if people know takes a while to coordinate a response, fill the trucks, then drive there! The race card in today's world is sickening. I'm sick of people using it to justify everything.

    They're their own worst enemy down there. Armed gangs, lootings, shooting hospital workers, rapes, etc. Can't even help their fellow brother in a massive time of need. Selfishness rules again.

    I hear that! , ALWAYS the race card. Although i do think Bush is a fvck-up and it took way too long to organize .

    I think if poor whites actually out numbered poor blacks , we would see the same results .

  5. #5
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    i agree how can u attempt to rape a 13 yr old girl at times like these!

  6. #6
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    I disagree with the Bush statement. He urged people 2 days before the storm hit to get out, saying something along the lines of it being the biggest storm we've ever seen. It was the local government in LA that didn't do anything.

    As for the levees, the Clinton administration had 8 years to do something about them and didn't. So pinning them solely on Bush is assinine.

    As for orginization, the miltary will NOT station or deploy troops in a Cat4+ storm. As soon as the storm started to subside, they had convoys heading down that way.

    The whole operation has suffered greatly from a lack of communication and no central command. That's where we've gotten stuck.

  7. #7
    CRUISECONTROL is offline Post Whore Extraordinaire Cruising On Autopilot
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    Quote Originally Posted by O.fO.shO
    I hear that! , ALWAYS the race card. Although i do think Bush is a fvck-up and it took way too long to organize .

    I think if poor whites actually out numbered poor blacks , we would see the same results .

    Bush has nothing to do with it .............. It starts at local govmnt

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmt
    I disagree with the Bush statement. He urged people 2 days before the storm hit to get out, saying something along the lines of it being the biggest storm we've ever seen. It was the local government in LA that didn't do anything.

    As for the levees, the Clinton administration had 8 years to do something about them and didn't. So pinning them solely on Bush is assinine.As for orginization, the miltary will NOT station or deploy troops in a Cat4+ storm. As soon as the storm started to subside, they had convoys heading down that way.

    The whole operation has suffered greatly from a lack of communication and no central command. That's where we've gotten stuck.
    damn it's been 5 plus yrs since clinton has been in office and u bush supporters are still blamin bush's blunders on clinton. clinton may have chosen not to fix the levees but never had anything happen. bush didnt fix them and look what happened. quit blaming clinton, bush has been in office to long to be blaming clinton for his f&^k ups!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by CRUISECONTROL
    Bush has nothing to do with it .............. It starts at local govmnt

    what local government.......they were wiped out too . Thier resources or like 0% You can't say "It's thier fault for not leaving." Most there couldnt afford too .

    And then they turn away foreign aid.....thats right , fvck-ups .

  10. #10
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    Sorry, but I'm not a Bush supporter. I'm not a Kerry supporter, either. You just assumed so.

    I'm just calling it like I see it. In a position like that, you can't plant the blame on one guy. There's many surrounding him and many before him that should also catch some of the blame. If you read my post, you would've seen that I said "solely" on Bush. I didn't say he didn't deserve some of the blame.

    Hell, you even quoted it in bold.

    It's easy to sit here and be an arm chair quarterback saying they should've done this and that. Of course hindsight is 20/20. That's not the point.

  11. #11
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    bush has already done a full term he is the leader of our country not clinton or anyone else. he should have acted with alot more force like he did with afghanistan and iraq.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CRUISECONTROL
    Bush has nothing to do with it .............. It starts at local govmnt
    Exactly. Bush has had a few years to fix the levies, clinton had 8 years, bush sr. had 4, reagan had 8...etc etc. you can't blame it on any one president over the other. It's easy to look back on things and say what should have been done, i didn't hear anybody complaining about levies before the storm hit. The initial responsibility of this lies soley on local government. If they can't handle it, then they ask for federal help. But it's not the president's fault that new orleans has been neglected from the time it was founded.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    I said to my fiance that the blacks will bring out the race card due to the perceived "slow" aid. I'm not sure if people know takes a while to coordinate a response, fill the trucks, then drive there! The race card in today's world is sickening. I'm sick of people using it to justify everything.

    They're their own worst enemy down there. Armed gangs, lootings, shooting hospital workers, rapes, etc. Can't even help their fellow brother in a massive time of need. Selfishness rules again.
    Well put bro. Amen to that!

  14. #14
    CRUISECONTROL is offline Post Whore Extraordinaire Cruising On Autopilot
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    Quote Originally Posted by O.fO.shO
    what local government.......they were wiped out too . Thier resources or like 0% You can't say "It's thier fault for not leaving." Most there couldnt afford too .

    And then they turn away foreign aid.....thats right , fvck-ups .

    Local govmnt shoulda done more before the hurricane and I dont care how fukin poor I was I would hitchhike, go to the police station, sold everything I had, or done whatever it took to get my family out of there ............ Those people are stupid and lazy and always looking for a handout

    Dont get me wrong I feel for them and pray for them but Its their own dam fault
    Last edited by CRUISECONTROL; 09-03-2005 at 12:03 PM.

  15. #15
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    The people were warned and should have left or at least gone to higher ground knowing they are below sea level.

    You cant snap your fingers and have thousands of troops at your immediate disposal, most are on missions and had to be pulled off. It takes time..

    People know right from wrong, instead of looting and raping they should have either been making their way out or helping their fellow man...the ones that are doing this are evil and will be punished.

    Blacks did this during the riots in LA, and still blamed everyone else..think about that... They justify their actions from a feeling of repression in which they inflicted upon themselves,they have a choice..

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by CRUISECONTROL
    Local govmnt shoulda done more before the hurricane and I dont care how fukin poor I was I would hitchhike, go to the police station, sold everything I had, or done whatever it took to get my family out of there ............ Those people are stupid and lazy and always looking for a handout

    Dont get me wrong I feel for them and pray for them but Its their own dam fault
    Now you are being ridiculous. How could you sell everything you had if you had nothing in the first place?

    I was watching the news here in Germany and they took footage of like 5 buses come up to a crowd of people. The crowd was 90% black and they only took the white people out of the crowd to evacuate them. Not one black person was loaded on a bus and there were some extremely sick people there. They showed about 5 minutes later the sick people were transported out in the back of a beer truck that had stopped to help. Does anyone know anything about that story? I wonder what that is all about because it looks racist as hell!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Now you are being ridiculous. How could you sell everything you had if you had nothing in the first place?

    I was watching the news here in Germany and they took footage of like 5 buses come up to a crowd of people. The crowd was 90% black and they only took the white people out of the crowd to evacuate them. Not one black person was loaded on a bus and there were some extremely sick people there. They showed about 5 minutes later the sick people were transported out in the back of a beer truck that had stopped to help. Does anyone know anything about that story? I wonder what that is all about because it looks racist as hell!

    You may not believe this, but something would have happened to those white people had they not gotten them i said remember the riots of LA, when blacks get pissed they take it out on white folks, plain and simple..they hate white people and blame us for everything..not all blacks,most

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-13
    You may not believe this, but something would have happened to those white people had they not gotten them i said remember the riots of LA, when blacks get pissed they take it out on white folks, plain and simple..they hate white people and blame us for everything..not all blacks,most
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You are so racially biased if you really mean that statement. If so I suggest you go yourself.

  19. #19
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    the whole thing is very bad .. im going to contact a local church and offer some money or whatever they need .. if they asked for supplies or food the most important thing is to make sure they get it .. situations like this bring out the worst in people and those who are looting and raping will hopefully be dealt with on the spot ..

  20. #20
    NOT THE.............................

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by WILDCH1LD
    NOT THE.............................

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by WILDCH1LD
    NOT THE.............................

    I'm almost scared to comment on this one. But we're getting tired of hearing the bs, my ( ancient) family was too poor to have slaves and I was basically raised by a black woman that I thought the world of (called her aunt Betty) and she never let her kids spout that bs and raised me to see people for what they are not what they look like.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by WILDCH1LD
    NOT THE.............................

    now that is some funny shiat there. but seriously, i think just about anyone there could have gotten out with the notice they had. walk, wheelchair, hitchhike, i dont care really, just get the hell out. i also think the looting and lawlessness is a sign of impending change(s). what do i know though, i am from canada, lol.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by O.fO.shO
    I hear that! , ALWAYS the race card. Although i do think Bush is a fvck-up and it took way too long to organize .

    I think if poor whites actually out numbered poor blacks , we would see the same results .
    No need to defend your position it is the most logical and truthful... Not race but class of citizen.

    Bush is taking a Hooveristic approach at taking care of this situation... After seeing some exsurps from the book "The Creature of Jekyll Island" ;Hoovers view, after the meeting between Montagu Norman, Federal Reserve officials, and Andrew Mellon in 1929(depression), he describes Mellons views "Mr. Mellon had only one formula: 'liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate.' He also held that panic was not altogether a bad thing. He said, 'It will purge the rottenness out of the system. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people.'"

    This seemingly my be the reason for federal(national) delay...

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Wut a bunch of fvcking racits!!!!! Albino kids(cotton buds) are humans too and they have rites just like everyone else...Pfffttt this is redicluos I object

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You are so racially biased if you really mean that statement. If so I suggest you go yourself.
    Pull your head out of your ass dipshit, it's a generalization, not all blacks are like that, so go fuk yourself youll get more pu$$y that way..

  27. #27
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
    I said to my fiance that the blacks will bring out the race card due to the perceived "slow" aid. I'm not sure if people know takes a while to coordinate a response, fill the trucks, then drive there! The race card in today's world is sickening. I'm sick of people using it to justify everything.

    They're their own worst enemy down there. Armed gangs, lootings, shooting hospital workers, rapes, etc. Can't even help their fellow brother in a massive time of need. Selfishness rules again.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    damn it's been 5 plus yrs since clinton has been in office and u bush supporters are still blamin bush's blunders on clinton. clinton may have chosen not to fix the levees but never had anything happen. bush didnt fix them and look what happened. quit blaming clinton, bush has been in office to long to be blaming clinton for his f&^k ups!
    i agree, fvck bush, he's as smart as a rock. what a great choice, thank you to all the republicans who got dooped into choosing such a dumbass.

  30. #30
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    i think its mainly black ppl in the spotlight, most of my f riends never place the race card, even in the happen chance at a bar or something and some asshole calls em a name or whatever,

  31. #31
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    bad ****in attitudes they have against us white people - and even against well-off blacks. What is the deal here? It's not just black people though, poor white people are the same way. I would compare the blacks' "ghetto thugstas" to our white "trailer trash". Both races have our groups of degenerates with bad attitudes who steal, rape, murder, abuse drugs, etc. THE ONLY THING IS the percentage of blacks who act like that is much HIGHER than the percentage of whites. Most of this is due to role models of black culture I think (50cent, Mike Jones, Tupac...). Look @ white people's role models (Coldplay, Green Day, Toby Keith, Tim Mcgraw). Our singers talk about falling in love and driving nice cars and trucks. Ours make statements about life. The black ones talk about killing people, ****in hoes, makin money, stealing things, smokin weed, snortin coke. COME ON! When did all of this become acceptable. I'm in no way racist. My fiance is black, many of my closest friends are black. I talk with them about this and they agree.

  32. #32
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    I would put the blame on the governor of louisiana, not the president. New Orleans is five foot below see level. No matter what they did to the levees, A category 5 hurricane would still cause major destruction. The governor should have told the residents to leave or die. Not ask them while she is crying on t.v. And i do not think that anyone knows about the white neighborhoods in plaquemines and st. bernard parishes where people are still trapped in there attics or on top of their rooftops. The focus is on New Orleans.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-13
    Pull your head out of your ass dipshit, it's a generalization, not all blacks are like that, so go fuk yourself youll get more pu$$y that way..
    Do you actually think about what you are going to write before you type it in? Generalizing an entire race of people is not racist, right? Saying that most black people hate white people is not racist, right? Of the 40 million black people in America would you say 30 million believe white people are the root of their problems?


  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    bad ****in attitudes they have against us white people - and even against well-off blacks. What is the deal here? It's not just black people though, poor white people are the same way.
    There's real truth in that statement. Rich people hate poor people. Poor people hate/envy rich people. It's been like this throughout history, I don't know why it should be any different in 2005. Socioeconomic status is a powerful thing...

    Kanye West was wrong. George Bush doesn't care about poor people.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by armwrestler22
    i agree, fvck bush, he's as smart as a rock. what a great choice, thank you to all the republicans who got dooped into choosing such a dumbass.
    I can't believe you idiots are blaming the president for all of this shit. You are probably one of the millions who didn't even vote. You need to blame the local government of Louisianna for this. Not only that, I have no pitty for the people that could have left but didn't. They were warned early enough to get out. I don't care how poor they are. What they said was going to happen ..did happen. If they had two legs, and weren't handicaped, or elderly, they could have walked out. Now they want to bitch about no one coming to help them. Hell, I wouldn't want to come help someone if I was being shot at. These animals are stealing, raping, shooting, and starting fires. Like I said earlier...I'm tired of seeing on tv, on here, and hearing about it on the radio. This will be the last post I reply to or read about concerning this subject. Peace.

  36. #36
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    I say we have a civil war and who ever wins, wins.. Done deal

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Do you actually think about what you are going to write before you type it in? Generalizing an entire race of people is not racist, right? Saying that most black people hate white people is not racist, right? Of the 40 million black people in America would you say 30 million believe white people are the root of their problems?

    Your right you can't generalize an entire race with a comment like that and not say it's racist, i also apolagize for my rebutal toward you, i am better than that sometimes people write without thinking about what they really want to say.

    The fact of the matter is, we still have a huge problem to deal with, it's going to take years to rebuild New Orleans. The people there are hurt hungry and angry, it's easy for someone to jump on a bandwagon and start pointing fingers instead of taking responsability or ownership of the issue. The peole there wanted immediate action, but it takes time to mobilize that much help and get things organized,now we have all these people coming out and saying it's a racial issue and it's not.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2
    damn it's been 5 plus yrs since clinton has been in office and u bush supporters are still blamin bush's blunders on clinton. clinton may have chosen not to fix the levees but never had anything happen. bush didnt fix them and look what happened. quit blaming clinton, bush has been in office to long to be blaming clinton for his f&^k ups!
    I fail to see how this issue is at all related to the presidents? The levee's fault and corrections were up to the local government.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-13
    Your right you can't generalize an entire race with a comment like that and not say it's racist, i also apolagize for my rebutal toward you, i am better than that sometimes people write without thinking about what they really want to say.

    The fact of the matter is, we still have a huge problem to deal with, it's going to take years to rebuild New Orleans. The people there are hurt hungry and angry, it's easy for someone to jump on a bandwagon and start pointing fingers instead of taking responsability or ownership of the issue. The peole there wanted immediate action, but it takes time to mobilize that much help and get things organized,now we have all these people coming out and saying it's a racial issue and it's not.
    Thank you. A intelligent post that accurately addressed the situation.

  40. #40
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You are so racially biased if you really mean that statement. If so I suggest you go yourself.
    all due respect but i highly doubt you know anything about this issue first-hand, or even second or third of fourth.

    a mob mentality can cause any group into a frenzy and when one of these urban black mobs starts getting riled up, us whities need to get our asses outta there quick.

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