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Thread: it's effecting my workouts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    it's effecting my workouts

    what up guy/gals ? i recntly lost my job do to budget cut backs..around the 2nd week of August i have yet to find a job and it is now almost the second week of September. I am starting to get a little depressed not just because of not haveing a job, but also are shi##y economy and these OUTRAGOUSE gas prices are killing my bank account. I dont wanna sound like a pussy but sometimes this stuff gets to me and its really startinf to effect my workouts mentaly i dont feel like lifting when im in the gym i dont wana do anything this has happened twice in the last three visits to he gym. I have cut my workouts short because im mentaly not into it, does anyone have any good advice?? all i can say is thank god college football is back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    its terrible to hear bro....
    i hope it all improves for you..
    im not sure what advice i can give..
    times will get tuff
    but you always come out of it stronger than ever
    as for money thing i think try not driving car much only when you need to
    specially when you're not driving to work now...
    take it easy with money things you dont need.. dont buy..
    just buy the essentials and the things you need for everyday use...
    and good luck bro..
    it will improve..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    thanks collar, i hope all will improve as well, just gets to be pain in the A$$ filling out apps and emaling resumes allday

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    yeah it gets like that.....
    hope it all improves

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    dude.. can you pick up a 2x4??? and put in a dumpster??

    if so.. head south young man.. they are hiring labor like it's needed.. and it is..

    go on line do a search for construction companies in the area you want to go to.. (south) not new orleans if you don't want.. and get ready to work on your savage tan..
    The answer to your every question


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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I just accepted a job in Kuwait. Housing, medical, dental, transportation, all of that is provided. Meals are cheap, the gym is free! It is an awesome gym too. I should clear about $80k next year and all TAX FREE! I'm pretty excited about this gig. If you have any experience with law enforcement or active military, send me a pm and I can give you a link to their site.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    That sucks bro.. As for your workouts.. use it bro!! Get someone whos super motivated to train with, and use your feelings.. Dont let them make you quit your workout, let them fuel your workout!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    nah i dont have any miltary or law enforcement experience, i have heard of guys going over there to work and makeing a killing. And as for working constuction down south i saw an add for that in my local paper there only paying those guys 10 an hr,

  9. #9
    Hey bro I recently just lost my job around 3 weeks ago and let me tell you yes it fvcked up my routine too. I wasn't able to sleep right, eat right, I couldn't focus. I got really lucky that I know allot of people in my field and was lucky enough to find a job by the end of the 2nd week. The job is the same as before but I'm making a couple more dollars which was very unexpected because I was expecting to take a pay cut since usually company's know your a little more desperate when your looking for work.

    Use the gym as your alone time and try not to think of anything but working out until your out of there. I noticed that I felt more relaxed after working out. You should try to use it to your advantage. Call up old buddies and see if they know who's hiring, always keep in contact with old employee's to keep your network of people rolling.

    Good luck on your job search and work outs, I prayed and it helped me. Keep the faith bro........God knows when someone needs a helping hand.


    I'm not trying to preech to you...just my 2 cents.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i feel you bro.. i was working in my own office, getting paid well, and on the net all day.. then i was no longer needed .. so i told the company, i could work wherever they needed.. they relocated me.. now i'm working with my back all day, doing long hours (10hrs 6 days a week), getting paid less, and i just broke up with my girl friend yesterday..

    but there are things that no one can take away from me; lifting wieghts, the body i've worked so hard for, and my dog..

    don't let them take the gym away from you.. a guy in good shape can get his foot in any door.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Don't worry, Darling... things will get better. You got to keep trying, keep knocking on doors and ringing phones. Do plenty of followup calls where you have left resumes. Stay close to the phone where you can be called. And listen... it won't hurt to take a day or two off from the job hunt and just relax with a fishing pole in your hand or a nice blowjob or a six pack and a good movie. You ought to find yourself a nice girl like me to rub your shoulders and build up that manly ego. I remember how important that stuff was to me, when I was still a man.

    If you are running out of energy training, you could try shorter sessions, maybe training every day. You could do something like:
    day 1 upper back
    day 2 chest
    day 3 hams and lower back
    day 4 shoulders
    day 5 quads
    day 6 biceps
    day 7 triceps
    day 8 abs
    day 9 forearms
    day 10 calves

    and you should be able to get in and get out in under 20 minutes. Warm up and just do a couple sets of each ecercise, no more than 2 or 3 excercises per body part, going to failure. When you feel like more volume, do more volume. When you don't, then don't. Sometimes going to the gym every day is easier than going every other day. Anyway, you should do something different to challenge your mind and body. Try some different exercises. TAKE A WEEK OFF when you feel like it.

    You can beat this thing. BTW do you think your test might be low? You do sound like you are a bit depressed, for real.

    Dr Anna Bollick
    Shemale Rescue Hooker and Psychiatrist to the Stars

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