First off Ms.Anna....I must say that I am pretty damn impressed with your spelling and grammar....only two mistakes I saw through all of those posts....amazing.
Secondly....waiting for the powerball may be some time

But, I think you may have already won though....your mind is the winning ticket. You obviously have a way with words, a very sensitively descriptive way that I think you can use to your advantage. A well written book or directed story like yours is very sellable in todays market, movie if not reality tv. Of course the presentation would be key, but if it was presented correctly, i'm sure it would really be a hit.
I don't think there is anything I can say that hasn't been said already.....except that I sense alot of sadness and pain in your story. We all have our moments and bad days seem to last forever sometimes don't they, however I hope they don't get the better of you, cause I'm sure sometimes they have been quite challenging. They are of course to be expected as I am sure you know, but I think it's more important to recognize and applaude your ongoing positive attitude ... good for you and keep it up!
From the resident pig of all pigs....the mind is a terrible thing to waste and I glad yours wasn't....ya big ol shemale rescue hooker you!

Zebol 50 - deca?