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Depends on what kind of woman you're looking for.....apparently a dumb one.
Man says:
So say I see you in a bar or something and I look you up and down and then say..."Wow, you're like my ideal woman".
Lady responds:
Well, now that we know you can hold a thought, go change the bulb and think again!
Or: Here's an idea you go away and I'll stand here and pretend you didn't just look me over like I was a chromed out 426 hemi motor!
Or: If my only two choices are either to stand here all night in these heels or to go home and lay down with you I'll still be standing here when you come back next weekend.
You get the jest...right? I'm not picking on ya hun, only telling you what kind of trouble you'll get into with a line!
Woman aren't objects!! We aren't stupid! So don't act like we're only good at looking good and drawing attention. We already know we can do that, and most of us learned that as soon as our chest started growing, thanks to perverted teachers and adolescent boys!
So just be yourself and be honest.....or go pm spywizard and at least get a better line. We aren't deer, so we aren't appreciative of being told we have a nice rack, not right off the bat anyway.