Nah, we arent tough behind our keyboards, we just have the balls to post photos to back our shit upOriginally Posted by wolfyEVH
Nah, we arent tough behind our keyboards, we just have the balls to post photos to back our shit upOriginally Posted by wolfyEVH
When did this go off this way. Time out.......we are all bros here. No tren for the next 2 months and be nice to each other. Geeez
Originally Posted by stayinstacked
..OOoooOoo damn thats the funniest thing ive heard all day,,LMAO. i would love to see that ...![]()
damn you straight told her bro.One eyeball and grocery bags, i gotta remember that 1.....
You on the right website?Originally Posted by wolfyEVH
Originally Posted by MASTERDBOL
you watch dr phil too?...swwweetttttttttt
i love this thread.![]()
Ok, getting back on track here.
I believe I have let down all AR Obesity Task Force brothers. The story goes like this;
After our lengthy discussion about the "Obese" yesterday. It dawned on me that something needed to be done. Not just are these Orca Whales disgusting to look at, but it now seemed as if they are taking dollars out of my wallet. Now I don't know about you but the only people I let take money out of my wallet are the hard working Ladies at the West Side Scores. Surely I wasn't going to let some Pigfvcker take my hard earned cash (and my Granddads Handicap parking spaces), no not on my watch. Hence the formation of today's most up to date Obesity Watch group. The AR Obesity Task Force. A group of members dedicated to taking down the Obese and forcing them to do the unthinkable! Walk, Jog, Eat cleanly, have 10 Big Macs instead of 20, tie your own shoes etc...The list goes on brothers. So anywhooo......
I'm going home last night and I'm with my girl (A non-porker) and we turn to see this grotesque, corpulent ungodly man next to us. And this fat bastard as fat as he is, is scarfing down a Knish. A fried NYC sidewalk vendor special. I too enjoy a Knish at a Giants game every now and then, but I am not 6' 1" 325 (close to what this guy really was). Anyways as this was not disturbing enough, he finishes his Jewish Potato treat and I think wow, at his size he shouldn't be eating that fried crap. But I stay silent. But was he finished, not by a long shot. He then whips out a huge plastic wrapped Toffee cookie, one of my personal favorites. But he had no business near a cookie of these proportions. And within minutes it was destroyed, he took this cookie down with extreme prejudice. But here's where my girl and I got the laugh of the week. To wash down this saturated fatty meal, his beverage of choice was none other than a....................DIET Dr. Pepper. I then said to myself, Wow he really must be health conscious. So I let him be and never dais a word. This my friends is where I failed as the a member of the AR Obesity Task Force. Because as I lay last night in bed, I couldn't sleep. Because I knew that he had pulled a fast one on me, I had been duped into thinking this man of mammoth proportions was actually a health nut, because hey man. His soda after all was DIET! I vow to all my brothers, this will not happen again. Next time some fatty tries and trick me with a Diet soda I will take their ass down.
watch out for karma.
anyway. My gf is an MD and she was seeing one of her OB patients yesterday. This girls pre-pregnancy weight was 205 @ 5,2". Shes about 5 months along and has allready put on 45 lbs!! My gf said she is allready over what her final weight should be.
So she starts talking to her about her diet and this chick literally says,":i'm doing alot better now. I only eat french fries once a day instead of twice" How disgusting.
People like that piss me off. It's bad enough if you want to destroy your life, but why youir childs? Doesn't even want to give her unborn baby a chance @ life by getting healthy.And to top it off.......she smokes too
!!!!..big shocker huh?
Your g/f is more than welcome to join the AR Obesity Task Force, we could use a good MD on hand, in case the one of the beatings get too severe.
Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
He said cookie !!!! TWICE!!Originally Posted by Giantz11
![]() "is a complex, chronic disease characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity is generally the result of a combination of factors (e.g. genetic, environmental, and behavioral).
WTF those genetically who cannot help it and get angry and steal food (dont know the name of the condition) , and those with Thyroid disorders I feel sorry for (but they do have t4 and t3 and thyroid support) neway the rest 99% ...are Just too fucking lazy![]()
Originally Posted by IronFreakX
Iron, I promise you this was not the same type of "cookie" that you and I eat. This is a whole new animal.
obesity "is a complex, chronic disease characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity is generally the result of a combination of factors (e.g. genetic, environmental, and behavioral).
New definition:
obesity "is a complex, symptom of excessive laziness that results in the accumulation of body fat. Obesity is generally the result of eating far too much fast food and various other factors (e.g. exercise, walking, tying ones own shoes, using motorized scooter and taking my Grand Dads parking Space).
sounds betterOriginally Posted by Giantz11
Honest and to the point!
props 2 u bro, people like that are so fvcking ignorant u just wana knock some sense into em. The other people i hate are people that think its easy to get big and strong and say if they wanted to they cud be as gd as u in a matter of months by simply goin to the gym.
Well said stayinstacked!!
I would have loved to have seen that!![]()
The one thing I would like to point out is my Grandpa fought in World War II, got hit by a car, has kidney problems and has blatter cancer. Now you're telling me cause some pigfvck can't help themselves at the Chinese Buffett, they get to take his Parking Space!
heres something I phtoshopped for you guys.
I'm sure Liam niesson would be proud.
I had this patient the other day that weighed 450lbs. The whole time I was working on him I was thinking "I shouldn't fix his teeth, I should make them hurt so he can't chew, then maybe he'd lose some weight! . . .but then he's probably just gorge on ice cream and pudding."
Originally Posted by Unoid
Thats friggin great man, classic.
People, lets think of my Grandpa in all of this. He's a good man and deserved to park close.
Yep, I've gotten that too from punks. "I could look as big as you in a few months if i really wanted to" or how about"if I did a cycle of steroids I could look like you too!!" ignorant bastardsOriginally Posted by JamesC
good idea..did he break ur chair?Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
Oh i got mad the other day cuz a fatties fat role rolled into my seat on the plane and they complained to me that I was coming into their seat bcuz I was too wide and muscley...well fvck u fatty
you're only 18? chest6?
Yeah he is , I wasnt doing anything illegal with him we are both adultsOriginally Posted by Unoid
Originally Posted by stayinstacked
I coppied that from an article by Victor Martinez in Muscular Devolpment.Originally Posted by Victor
Eat some thing so you won't be such a grouch! Good job, though. Seven days out though, must be tough. You're all like this, huh?
You ever fly on a plane with just a few empty seats? Then the ask if you want to move to get some more elbow room?Originally Posted by chest6
I'm like, "Elbow room ain't the problem, ma'am. I need leg room for my 36" legs."
glad I opened this thread.
It shud be the law that fat people get slapped by every non fat person they come across in the day, then maybe theyd lose some damn weight!!
sure am. You act surprised?Originally Posted by Unoid
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