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Thread: I just told some fat bitch to go **** herself!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    I just told some fat bitch to go **** herself!!!!

    WTF!! I cant stand it when somebody see's a good physique and the first thing out of their mouths is "he must be on steroids, he's only that size because of roids" These people have no idea what kind of work and discipline this takes!! I was just walking into the grocery store after cardio earlier, and this fat bitch and her husbane were walking out at the same time. I overhear this 300 lb cunt say to her husband "well, thats all steroids right there" I was so pissed!! I replied "thats a fat ass Dr. Phil case right there!!" she turned around and looked so offended, then before she could say another word I told her to look at the crap in her grocery bags and rather than critiscize me for living a healthy lifestyle to do something with her fat ass before she has a heart attack. Her husband was speechless, i just gave him one eyeball like "say something and I'll kill your ass right here mother****er!!!" Then went about my business. I'm 9 days out from my show, irritable, hungry, and the last thing I need is some fat bitch saying something like this to me. I probabaly would have just laughed if i wasnt as irritable and hungry as I am, but this type of shit just irritates me .

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Nice.. That would have been worth paying to see.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    good luck with the show...
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Awesome! Nice job.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I would of liked to see that too.

  6. #6
    They'll just say it's 'roid rage.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    stayin your outta control these last few weeks

  8. #8
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    play on playa

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    sweet!!!Fuc the fatties...............well not literaly, unless your Stocky, and Decadbal!!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    That was great. Good Job!
    She deserved it. I bet that's the last time she opens up her pie hole with a statement like that.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    sweet!!!Fuc the fatties...............well not literaly, unless your Stocky, and Decadbal!!!!

  12. #12
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    sweet!!!Fuc the fatties...............well not literaly, unless your Stocky, and Decadbal!!!!
    someones gotta take em. might as well be these 2.

  14. #14
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    Stocky and his love!!!!!!
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  15. #15
    I know what you mean..I hate those type of comments. I bet the next words she said to her husband were "well, thats what steroids do to you, they make you rage." You never win with these type people. Just like ppl start listing off the side effects to me and Im like shutup you will never win in an argument over this. Some people try but it doesn't work they get owned

    good job tho, I would have loved to see that I would have been the guy walking by sayin ohh shit and laughing hysterically

  16. #16
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    she prob does fukc herself if shes a big fat biatch(not that ive got anythin against fatties dont want to be labelled a fatty hater,she prob likes a lot of INDIAN takeaways,ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooppppssss shouldnt ave said that should i!!tsssk tsssk)

  17. #17
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    bro....i would have said it no matter if i was irritable from getting ready for a show or not!!! i've had that same shit happen, and its just ignorance. sure, i use the shit....but it isnt a miracle cure. you still have to work your ass out like a flippin animal....etc. people just dont have a clue of what we go through every minute of every day. we live this lifestyle. not just sit on our ass and grow from steroids. fvck the fat ass whore. she is just pissed off cause she is a lazy cow that just assumes graze in the field as opposed to getting on a treadmill.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    My god I wish I could have seen that.....Good quote right here for you:

    "People to weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage others"

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    My god I wish I could have seen that.....Good quote right here for you:

    "People to weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage others"
    exactly right. people want to down others to make themselves feel better about themselves. its pathetic, but happens everyday. its called JEALOUSY.

  20. #20
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    I mean I've heard all the fat people excuses, I've got a slow metabolsim, he must be taking something, oh he's got good genetics. No one wants to work for anything anymore. Hence the reason Diet Supplements is a multi Billion $ industy this country is full of fat fvcking lazy slobs that will wait in a 20 car line at the drive through rather than walk 10 feet. Sickens me to my stomach. And the worst lately is the damn kids I see whoe parents plump them up like Butterball Turkeys, you're not even giving your kid a chance. Damn Shame!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    I mean I've heard all the fat people excuses, I've got a slow metabolsim, he must be taking something, oh he's got good genetics. No one wants to work for anything anymore. Hence the reason Diet Supplements is a multi Billion $ industy this country is full of fat fvcking lazy slobs that will wait in a 20 car line at the drive through rather than walk 10 feet. Sickens me to my stomach. And the worst lately is the damn kids I see whoe parents plump them up like Butterball Turkeys, you're not even giving your kid a chance. Damn Shame!
    you know what made me want to hurl the other day? I was in a Wall Mart in San Antonio and there was a huge stack of diet pills in the middle of the aisle and all these fatties were stopping and like looking at it saying like "If I take these I'll be as good as new!" I walked by and kinna mumbled "doubt that"

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    I mean I've heard all the fat people excuses, I've got a slow metabolsim, he must be taking something, oh he's got good genetics. No one wants to work for anything anymore. Hence the reason Diet Supplements is a multi Billion $ industy this country is full of fat fvcking lazy slobs that will wait in a 20 car line at the drive through rather than walk 10 feet. Sickens me to my stomach. And the worst lately is the damn kids I see whoe parents plump them up like Butterball Turkeys, you're not even giving your kid a chance. Damn Shame!
    you're right. if you think our country is obese now.......wait about ten years. Lord have mercy!!!!! its going to be sickening. and they are always the ones to open their mouths about something they know nothing about (obese people that is).

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Nice one!

    Down with the fat bitches!!!!!


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Or the just fatten themselves up so they can get potentially life threatening surgey....Yeah great fvcking idea. Rather then eat less and get some fvcking exercise, I'll down Big Macs and 25 liter cokes so I can get gastric bypass. Fat fvcks make me sick.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    Or the just fatten themselves up so they can get potentially life threatening surgey....Yeah great fvcking idea. Rather then eat less and get some fvcking exercise, I'll down Big Macs and 25 liter cokes so I can get gastric bypass. Fat fvcks make me sick.
    i'm so happy to know i'm not the only one out there that feels this way. and i'm tired of all of their flippin excuses. i.e. genetics, stress, etc. genetics would play some sort of role naturally.....but its not the reason for OBESITY. maybe some excess fat storage, but not being a complete fat ass that is 100 lbs over weight. its called LAZINESS. STEP AWAY FROM THE PIZZA!!!!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I can see a cop right, poitning his gun..............

    Lard ass, put your hands up and step away from the Triple Whopper.

    **** its illegal to smoke grass, but some fat **** can walk into BK and Order a triple Whopper with 1,200 cals and like 20g of Trans fat.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by MASTERDBOL
    i'm so happy to know i'm not the only one out there that feels this way. and i'm tired of all of their flippin excuses. i.e. genetics, stress, etc. genetics would play some sort of role naturally.....but its not the reason for OBESITY. maybe some excess fat storage, but not being a complete fat ass that is 100 lbs over weight. its called LAZINESS. STEP AWAY FROM THE PIZZA!!!!
    There was a thread earlier this summer called "God I hate fat people!" yea..i posted in it a lot..but now im getting quite fat myself and starting to look like a hypocrit. I'll just change it to obese ppl.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    There was a thread earlier this summer called "God I hate fat people!" yea..i posted in it a lot..but now im getting quite fat myself and starting to look like a hypocrit. I'll just change it to obese ppl.
    BRO.....there is alot of difference between having some fat due to gear, bulking diet, etc, and being obese. we all know what we are talking about when we say "fat people". we arent talking about the lee priest's in the off season. were talking about those people that have tom platz legs with no muscle. and ankles the size of watermelons. disgusting pigs. they actually make me sick to my stomach. literally. i dont see/understand how people can not care one ounce about there appearance or health. its beyond my comprehension.

  29. #29
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    Unfortunetly unlike many other places in the world, in America obesity is socioeconomic, the cheapest foods around are usually the worst for you, its a problem that ain't going away anytime soon. I mean can you imagine trying to talk to the Average American about the proper ratio's of Omega 3-6-9's.... They might drop dead. Now this isn't an excuse at all, all it takes is a little intelligence and the problem is easily corrected. Another problem seems to be that most Americans just aren't that intelligent.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    Unfortunetly unlike many other places in the world, in America obesity is socioeconomic, the cheapest foods around are usually the worst for you, its a problem that ain't going away anytime soon. I mean can you imagine trying to talk to the Average American about the proper ratio's of Omega 3-6-9's.... They might drop dead. Now this isn't an excuse at all, all it takes is a little intelligence and the problem is easily corrected. Another problem seems to be that most Americans just aren't that intelligent.
    I honestly dont think it has anything to do with intelligence. i truly believe that our society is sooooo damn lazy!! its obvious with all of the fast food restaurants, mini marts, etc. our society is probably the laziest in the world. its foul.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Yeah no question, we're in the middle of the Obesity Epidemic.....Shits like the ****ing Ebola virus huh????

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    more like the black plague. or should we say, the fat plague??!!!

  33. #33
    well ya..I am like freaking out if i gain any fat usually. Im trying to find ways to lose it without much strenght. I dont know how fatties can live with themselves and look at themselves every day.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    good one.

    While we're on this little rant. I'll throw in something. Everyday I get off the train at my stop and people are all lined up for the escaltor. And I mean lined up to walk up I dunno maybe 60-75 steps. It's unbelievable how lazy these fvcks are. I'm taking the stairs practically by myself. After sitting at a desk all fvcking day the pricks can't walk up a flight of stairs. Funny, or maybe its just me

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giantz11
    good one.

    While we're on this little rant. I'll throw in something. Everyday I get off the train at my stop and people are all lined up for the escaltor. And I mean lined up to walk up I dunno maybe 60-75 steps. It's unbelievable how lazy these fvcks are. I'm taking the stairs practically by myself. After sitting at a desk all fvcking day the pricks can't walk up a flight of stairs. Funny, or maybe its just me
    what about those people that have handicap stickers on their cars solely for the reason of being obese???!!!!! AMAZING!. or at the grocery store or the mall or something......fat asses rent a motorized cart to go around on cause they cant put one tree trunk in front of the other. sick i tell ya, sick!!

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by MASTERDBOL
    what about those people that have handicap stickers on their cars solely for the reason of being obese???!!!!! AMAZING!. or at the grocery store or the mall or something......fat asses rent a motorized cart to go around on cause they cant put one tree trunk in front of the other. sick i tell ya, sick!!
    LMAO yall are cracking me up but its all true..carry on! I ****ing hate when a persona rolls up w a handicapped sticker and a big 500lb fattie gets out.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    LMAO yall are cracking me up but its all true..carry on! I ****ing hate when a persona rolls up w a handicapped sticker and a big 500lb fattie gets out.
    no handicap at all, except for laziness in one hand, and a whopper in the other. "oh poor lady was born fat" ass!!! she was born weighing 8-9lbs just like most others. she just chose, and her fat ass parents chose, to feed her the quickest foods available with food stamps.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Oh god don't get me started on the handicap shit............


  39. #39
    Join Date
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    in FL (former Masshole)
    Fat chicks give the best head so i hear

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    well she was right wasnt she???? if you are all natty...i can see you getting offended...but you're not i right?

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