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  1. #1
    Zapp's Avatar
    Zapp is offline Banned
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    Happens every time

    Ya never fails. Go into Wal-Mart tonight to buy groceries. Grab a buggy that looks half way decent. So I roll it off of the carpet and there it goes! Another damn buggy with a fu#ked up wheel. Either it won't roll, or it makes a hellish noise. I mean come on. The billions of dollars this place rakes in they should at least buy new buggy's every few years, or fix the freakin wheels.

  2. #2
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    The other day I was at one and my cart was like full and it kept turning completely to the right so i just let it hit the wall and people were all freakin out

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    You need your own pimped shopping cart bro!!!

    Bling bling!


  4. #4
    Zapp's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Zapp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    The other day I was at one and my cart was like full and it kept turning completely to the right so i just let it hit the wall and people were all freakin out
    Sounds like something I would do.

  6. #6
    MASTER's Avatar
    MASTER is offline "I Own You"
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    lol, thats one pimped out trolley!! Over here its near impossible to find a trolley without wonkey ass wheels, the supermarkets all have like 10 yr old trolleys!

  7. #7
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    well ya..that thing was too hard to keep it straight so i just figured thats easier

  8. #8
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    lmfao.same thing here bro................@ wwalmart too...the more food i put in there the harder it got to g/f called and i had to let her go cause i could not steer the flipping thing w/ one arm./pos!!

  9. #9
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Its like a struggle to make the damn cart go straight

  10. #10
    GQplaya is offline Associate Member
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    all these wobbles are probibally from someone like me, who pushes the cart from a running start and slams it into the others when im done loading my car. i get amusement out of the simpler things, hahahahahahaha

  11. #11
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
    ginkobulloba is offline Senior Member
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    This thread made me think of Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys, the guy who makes his living fixing shopping carts. Classic stuff.

  12. #12
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    no flame or trying point you out ...
    but out of all the things that are going on, you complaing bout a trolley ..
    come on bro.......

  13. #13
    MuckDog's Avatar
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    ???? collar

  14. #14
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar
    no flame or trying point you out ...
    but out of all the things that are going on, you complaing bout a trolley ..
    come on bro.......

    I don't know if i ever recall hearing a straight man use the word trolley

  15. #15
    dirtyvegas's Avatar
    dirtyvegas is offline Senior Member
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    It never fails I always end up picking the most fvcked up kart possible out of like the 200 that are there, I hate that shiizznit. HOw bad of luck is that...


  16. #16
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    I don't know if i ever recall hearing a straight man use the word trolley
    thats what we call it in aus..
    we dont use kart.

  17. #17
    dans is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah trolley sounds pretty gay if you ask me.

  18. #18
    Anna Bollick's Avatar
    Anna Bollick is offline Juiced Shemale Rescue Hooker
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    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    Right now, a spastic cart is the least of my shopping woes, Girlfriend! The Walmart out in Boutte was the only one open for the LONGEST time in the area, and there was a line that sometimes was an hour and a half long! Not to check out... to get into the store! Everyone in Jefferson Parish was using that one, and there are like three walmarts in Jeff, closed from the hurricane. Everyone in St Charles parish was going there, too, and it is the only one in St Charles. Girl, they were running out of EVERYTHING, so if you wanted, say, a couple of gas cans, you had to sometimes come back the next day and the next to get maybe one! Carts? A minor issue, under the circumstances, though I did make sort of a nonverbal complaint about one, when I picked it up and carried it to the checkout. And they have these self-service checkouts now... if you don't do everything exactly right, it messes everything up. For instance, I bought a nice knife for gutting catfish and I scanned it and it said "approval needed", and I loudly made a very unfeminine WTF type remark, and halfway through my rant a young lady came over and explained that they do not sell fixed blade knives to anyone under 16. She did nto have the authority to authorize, so she got a manager or someone. Meanwhile, the speedy self-checkout line is getting longer and longer. Finally we completed the electronic red tape and I went to put it in the bag. You have to put stuff in the bag. The machine KNOWS if you don't! I put it in there and it said something like "unauthorized item in bagging area". Well, I thought maybe I needed to scan again, so I did. Then I had to go through... you guessed it... the whole authorization thing again. I said to the girl that "you know what? I don't think I even want this fvcking knife if I have to go through all this hassle. Girl, I am about to start losing my feminine composure, and we don't want that." She began to look very worried, and said that it was already in the computer now, and it would take another manager to delete it. So I did like a good girl and cooperated, and the stupid machine tells me again that I have placed an unauthorized item in the bagging area. I took it out, and it said to please return item to the bagging area or some such. GRRRRRRRR!!!!! I had several items that were too big to fit in a bag and they had to go loose in the cart, and there was a thingie to press that said "skip bagging" that I was informed would make the machine stop protesting when I put a 48 quart ice chest on the cart instead of in a little bag. Girl, I was in a very destructive mood when I finally left that store! There were some National Guard guys with '16s and they looked a bit worried. As I passed them, one cautiously nodded his head and said, in a very small, insecure voice, "Ma'am", and I gave him "the look", and I don't mean the nice one, either. He looked like a deer in the headlights, Miss Thaing! I should have apologized for frightening him, but I was very much into a "fvck it and fvck everything and everybody else, too" mood. Darn tren ! ARRRR! I AM DESTRUCTO-GIRL! RAARRRRGGGHH! DESTROY! DESTROY! And the cart still had the rectangular wheel. At least it rolled like a rectangular wheel. I ended up picking up the front end and towing it behind me to the car. After loading my purchases, I sent the cart flying across the lot, and then gave a small herd of carts a good hard smack with the bumper as I peeled out of there. Okay, now to get gas... the gas line was about 3/4 mile long. DON'T ASK about getting gas! I was hoping some inbred idiot would tell me that there was a maximum purchase limit on gas, so I could stuff him into one of the gas cans I was supposed to bring back full. grrrrrrrrrr..... Then there was a roadblock going back into Jeff. I waited in line for almost two hours, and then the horse's butt who checked me out, gave me a hard time. Some North-Shore hick, I guess. Pissed at the world because his house was a block away from where he left it and full of rotting fish and crabs, probably. He gave me a big hassle about the letter that my Fireman friend got for me from the EOC, made a big fuss about the female name on my drivers license and the "M" for sex, and said some crap about being disguised as a woman. I got out of the car, and he says, "Hey, you! Where you going!?" as I went over to the other lane and asked where that other @sshole's boss can be reached. I finally stirred up enough crap that he goes, "Okay, okay! Go ahead, but I don't know what kind of crap you are trying to pull, Ma'm, or Sir, or whatever the fvck you are. Get the fvck out of here!" Funny, by the time I got home, I had forgotten all about the defective wheel on the cart. It took Katherine, my little kitty, a half hour of intense purring to calm me down. She doesn't know how close she got to being punted out the open window for trying to be so fvcking cheerful. Why are women supposed to love shopping? Shopping is TORTURE, Girlfriend!

    Feeling a little better now
    Anna Bollick

  19. #19
    Zapp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by collar
    no flame or trying point you out ...
    but out of all the things that are going on, you complaing bout a trolley ..
    come on bro.......
    Sounds like you are one depressed individual. What are you, an activist something? You must be one of those guys who chains himself to a tree because you don't want it to be cut down. Come on bro, put a smile on your face. Everything is going to be ok.

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