one of my x's wanted to take it up the dumper... so me being the gentlemen that I am said. Fuk yes. I'm gonna bang you in your dirt hole.
so after I romanced her with some five play, we started the anus caressing, I started in with some massaging and pushing around..... insert a pinky, then the thumb and warmed the area with some love and spit.
I mounted up and got her to guide my loverod into position....she was ready for the copious. We started to copulate. I squeezed just the head in....ahh that feels fuggin tight... sorta started to move in and around ...she starts in with the breathin....ohhh yes..... ohhh fuk dally. Im like ohh shit this is gonna be good....start workin the stink tube abit more, get about 4 inches in and draw back ohhh yes...more, so me being the gentlemen, gave some more...well the sweaty ass lube and secretions started helping and the slideage of the meat started to take play... again more heavy breathing and some moaning...
now, ol Dally is starting to warm i lift up the one leg to get some good drive leverage and start plumbing .... not yet nuts deep but coming close to touchin bottom....she starts freaking out ...grabbing the pillows, moaning like crazy and biting the pillows, pulling her assy cheeks open with face smashed into the pillows and im like this is it dally...GIVE IT TO ER.
I started in heavy....heavy fukin slamming..... no holds barred, and shes freakin.... she was saying some fukin crazy shit and well, to be quite honest I was a little scared...but me being the gentlemen said ...well, i'm going to pleasure this woman like she requires....and kept with the plunging....
well, all of a sudden she stops and Im still just hammering away.....boom BOOMMMM BOOOOOOMMM
fuk yah...
nothing she just sorta laying there with some pillows built up under her tummy and her face smushed into the pillow...
im like ohhh yah babe and slow the pace..and shes not saying shit.
so I stop totally thinkin wo....shes in awe of my gentlemenlyness.
nope. she was plain passed the hell out, mouth wide open after I moved the hair off her the side of her face...PASSSED OUT COLD.
ohhh gawd I say...holy i pull my whop out to assist her and well, the woft of air that came out as my whopper came out was ... very unpleasant.... my cock was covered in brun. I was not pleased. At that moment I realized why we have craps in water.
so, I run/sprint to the can and rinse of my steak and pinch out my load (I had to.) and wait abit to go back....I mean this is fukked.
so, I go back in the room and there she is bed made, covers right up to her neck and room REEKED OF LYSOL.
you okay?
fine. .... gnight.