i think thats a hard question to answer with a question, dont you?Originally Posted by rar1015
i think thats a hard question to answer with a question, dont you?Originally Posted by rar1015
Who the in the hell likes the Yankees??
Do you know that she is only 20 years old?
Is she really that hot??
i think Jeter blows A Rod dont you?
Did you know I could think of more than twenty things to do to her??
You don't think there like that do you??
i think A Rod needs to learn how to field the ball dont you?
I think ARod need to move on what about you???
is this the new postwhore thread?
i think A Rods contract is too high dont you?
Do you think so??
Don't you wish you had a contract like that???
who doesnt wish they had a contract like that?
How many people get a conract like that though??
i get a contract like that![]()
Was that a question Superhuman??
Is there a horses ass in the room lol???
You talking to me???
Who else would I be talking to???
You could be taliking to your self couldnt you???
I don't think anyone calls there self that do you???
Are there two horses asses in here right now?
Do you see two??
anyone else think this thread is very, very pointless?
but still, its been going for 107 pages, thats impressive, dont you think?
You don't like it??
anyone know of any other thread that has this many pages, that ISNT the post-whore thread?
why do you think it's so addictive??
I don't know of any do you???
ive just noticed its addictive, any doctors or shrinks use this board that can let us know why?
You are not a Doctor???
Where is Doc Sust??
Why is everybody answering questions in here?
Arent we just supposed to answer a question with a question?
isnt that what we are doing?
isnt answering a question with a question being defensive?
What the hell are you talking about?
Does anybody work?
dont you worK?
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