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Thread: kids tv shows!!! wow!! amazing!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    moving to austin

    kids tv shows!! disgusting!!

    so i get home from the gym night before last. make a shake. and have a seat on the couch, where my fiances 10 year old son is sitting. i ask him whats going on, how was your day, etc. he was watching the nickalodeon channel. usually not a big deal until this evening. we are watching it together for a couple minutes, when all of a sudden there are two teenage boys (supposed to be about 16 years old) talking together. again, usually not a big deal.

    they seem to be a little sweet for teenage boys, but whatever. then i catch their conversation!! one was talking about how he got jealous of the other one talking to another boy. and how he was in love with him, etc. and the other one was saying how he likes his freedom, and wants to see other guys!!

    obviously, i didnt listen to anymore of it, and changed the station immediately. i was absolutely appauled by this. i yelled for my fiance to come into the living room. then told her what was on tv. she went through the roof and immediately went into the computer room to find nickalodeons email address or whatever, where she ended up emailing them about this nonsense. she only got the standard response back from them. "thank you for your inquiry", etc etc. bullshit!!!

    now, mind you........THIS IS A CHILDRENS STATION!!!! this isnt on mtv or vh1 where they have gay dating shows, etc. this is a damn childs show!!

    not only are they trying to teach our children that being a fag is fine, but they are also teaching them that you dont have to be monogomous or faithful either. this is absolutely ludicrous that we cant even allow our children to watch a fucking kids station anymore because of this homosexual bullshit that the media wants to assimilate in everyday normal life!!!! AND WITH OUR KIDS!!!

    i mean....its irritating enough to have that nonsense on mtv or vh1 with the gay dating shows, etc........but it needs to be stopped when it comes to innocent kids that dont need to be exposed to this shit!

    i know some of you liberal fags are going to flame me about...."our kids need to learn about all types", etc etc etc. the fuck they do!!!! i didnt, and thank God i didnt. call me prejudice or whatever. i dont care! i am prejudice against this lifestyle being pushed on our society like we OWE it to the butt pluggers in this world. and especially damn sure doesnt need to be pushed on them.
    Last edited by MASTERDBOL; 10-01-2005 at 10:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MASTERDBOL
    so i get home from the gym night before last. make a shake. and have a seat on the couch, where my fiances 10 year old son is sitting. i ask him whats going on, how was your day, etc. he was watching the nickalodeon channel. usually not a big deal until this evening. we are watching it together for a couple minutes, when all of a sudden there are two teenage boys (supposed to be about 16 years old) talking together. again, usually not a big deal.

    they seem to be a little sweet for teenage boys, but whatever. then i catch their conversation!! one was talking about how he got jealous of the other one talking to another boy. and how he was in love with him, etc. and the other one was saying how he likes his freedom, and wants to see other guys!!

    obviously, i didnt listen to anymore of it, and changed the station immediately. i was absolutely appauled by this. i yelled for my fiance to come into the living room. then told her what was on tv. she went through the roof and immediately went into the computer room to find nickalodeons email address or whatever, where she ended up emailing them about this nonsense. she only got the standard response back from them. "thank you for your inquiry", etc etc. bullshit!!!

    now, mind you........THIS IS A CHILDRENS STATION!!!! this isnt on mtv or vh1 where they have gay dating shows, etc. this is a damn childs show!!

    not only are they trying to teach our children that being a fag is fine, but they are also teaching them that you dont have to be monogomous or faithful either. this is absolutely ludicrous that we cant even allow our children to watch a fucking kids station anymore because of this homosexual bullshit that the media wants to assimilate in everyday normal life!!!! AND WITH OUR KIDS!!!

    i mean....its irritating enough to have that nonsense on mtv or vh1 with the gay dating shows, etc........but it needs to be stopped when it comes to innocent kids that dont need to be exposed to this shit!

    i know some of you liberal fags are going to flame me about...."our kids need to learn about all types", etc etc etc. the fuck they do!!!! i didnt, and thank God i didnt. call me prejudice or whatever. i dont care! i am prejudice against this lifestyle being pushed on our society like we OWE it to the butt pluggers in this world. and especially damn sure doesnt need to be pushed on them.

    I agree with you Bro I have a 6 year old and over here the kid’s shows are bad.

    So I always turn off the channel and make her do the home work. lol that why she always like to stay at grammas place.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    i didnt think i would see the day where they try this nonsense with kids shows. i'm disgusted enough with adult shows showing this crap.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Jersey
    thats rediculous to have that slop on that channel. u know what they should have - a fag channel. put all the gay stuff on that and just let it be. i have no problem with anyone's sexual preference but id rather not feel subjugated to it all the time. make channel 1 Gay TV. there is no channel 1 in any markets so it wont have to replace anything and this way they wont complain that its a channel thats hard to find - its the first freakin channel!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MASTERDBOL
    i didnt think i would see the day where they try this nonsense with kids shows. i'm disgusted enough with adult shows showing this crap.

    I agree with you but no one will stand up and do some thing about it.
    they are all a bunch of and only think about the money.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuckDog
    thats rediculous to have that slop on that channel. u know what they should have - a fag channel. put all the gay stuff on that and just let it be. i have no problem with anyone's sexual preference but id rather not feel subjugated to it all the time. make channel 1 Gay TV. there is no channel 1 in any markets so it wont have to replace anything and this way they wont complain that its a channel thats hard to find - its the first freakin channel!

    that is an absolute perfect idea.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tawweiliu
    I agree with you but no one will stand up and do some thing about it.
    they are all a bunch of and only think about the money.
    if i had the ability and resources....i certainly would try to do something about it. but unfortunately....the media is primarily the ones doing this nonsense, and it would be the media that we would need to combat it publicly.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MASTERDBOL
    so i get home from the gym night before last. make a shake. and have a seat on the couch, where my fiances 10 year old son is sitting. i ask him whats going on, how was your day, etc. he was watching the nickalodeon channel. usually not a big deal until this evening. we are watching it together for a couple minutes, when all of a sudden there are two teenage boys (supposed to be about 16 years old) talking together. again, usually not a big deal.

    they seem to be a little sweet for teenage boys, but whatever. then i catch their conversation!! one was talking about how he got jealous of the other one talking to another boy. and how he was in love with him, etc. and the other one was saying how he likes his freedom, and wants to see other guys!!

    obviously, i didnt listen to anymore of it, and changed the station immediately. i was absolutely appauled by this. i yelled for my fiance to come into the living room. then told her what was on tv. she went through the roof and immediately went into the computer room to find nickalodeons email address or whatever, where she ended up emailing them about this nonsense. she only got the standard response back from them. "thank you for your inquiry", etc etc. bullshit!!!

    now, mind you........THIS IS A CHILDRENS STATION!!!! this isnt on mtv or vh1 where they have gay dating shows, etc. this is a damn childs show!!

    not only are they trying to teach our children that being a fag is fine, but they are also teaching them that you dont have to be monogomous or faithful either. this is absolutely ludicrous that we cant even allow our children to watch a fucking kids station anymore because of this homosexual bullshit that the media wants to assimilate in everyday normal life!!!! AND WITH OUR KIDS!!!

    i mean....its irritating enough to have that nonsense on mtv or vh1 with the gay dating shows, etc........but it needs to be stopped when it comes to innocent kids that dont need to be exposed to this shit!

    i know some of you liberal fags are going to flame me about...."our kids need to learn about all types", etc etc etc. the fuck they do!!!! i didnt, and thank God i didnt. call me prejudice or whatever. i dont care! i am prejudice against this lifestyle being pushed on our society like we OWE it to the butt pluggers in this world. and especially damn sure doesnt need to be pushed on them.
    That is unbelievably SICK and Inappropriate for a young kid. The fags will spread their views, no matter who they have to make their audience.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    West Coast
    kids shows are not like tey use to be. its a shame how they are trying to make us assimilate to a gay society. THAT SH1T AINT COOL. i dont even have kids and this makes me mad.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Should not be on a childrens show. Not even on a childrens network. I am trying to be more tolerant and compassionate for individuals of this world, but I do not think this should be pushed as programming. We as adults need to be aware for our childrens sake, but I do not think we should put down a lifestyle or a race in front of them either...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Should not be on a childrens show. Not even on a childrens network. I am trying to be more tolerant and compassionate for individuals of this world, but I do not think this should be pushed as programming. We as adults need to be aware for our childrens sake, but I do not think we should put down a lifestyle or a race in front of them either...
    all i said in front of him is is not acceptable to have that on a kids show.

    its bad enough when kids come home from school and they ask you......"mom, whats a blow job"?. as he did a few months ago. i damn sure dont want him coming home and saying ......"i saw two men it ok to kiss another guy?"

  12. #12
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    Dec 2002
    I would like to know what show this was, do you remember?

    My 6 year old son watches Nickelodeon, and I want to keep any eye out for this show.

    Thank goodness he is in love with this little Latina girl in his class, .

    Chip of the ol' block!!


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by MASTERDBOL
    all i said in front of him is is not acceptable to have that on a kids show.

    its bad enough when kids come home from school and they ask you......"mom, whats a blow job"?. as he did a few months ago. i damn sure dont want him coming home and saying ......"i saw two men it ok to kiss another guy?"
    I agree with you. We should dis-suade but with compassion, something I was not good at... I would say with disgust that is sick or this is unnatural(that is how I feel), but I am trying to grasp tolerance and teach my kids that are teens that we have to get along and we can do it without backing a lifestyle, race, or religion.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I would like to know what show this was, do you remember?

    My 6 year old son watches Nickelodeon, and I want to keep any eye out for this show.

    Thank goodness he is in love with this little Latina girl in his class, .

    Chip of the ol' block!!

    i dont know. i was so irritated that i didnt even look at the guide to see. i wish i would have.

    its just sad that that was on a kids show. whats next??? soft porn for children?

  15. #15
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    Dec 2002
    Just try to remember, if you can, what day of the week it was (going by what bodypart you trained that night, hahahh) and watch for it the next week at that same time-frame.

    I think it's total bullshit too.


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Just try to remember, if you can, what day of the week it was (going by what bodypart you trained that night, hahahh) and watch for it the next week at that same time-frame.

    I think it's total bullshit too.

    it was thursday evening about 6:30ish. it was like a beverly hills 90210 type of show. but i cant remember which nickalodeon station it was on. i'll ask my gf.

  17. #17
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    Jul 2005
    What happened to transformers for fuck sakes.

    Its not ok for kids to play with toy guns, but lets teach em all about sucking dick??

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Predator
    What happened to transformers for fuck sakes.

    Its not ok for kids to play with toy guns, but lets teach em all about sucking dick??
    and that is just one show i caught. i can imagine how many others there are on these channels. sickening.

  19. #19
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    Jul 2005
    At least you caught it anyway. Most parents now just use the tv as a babysitter while they sleep/eat/fuck... at least you caught it and stopped it.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Predator
    At least you caught it anyway. Most parents now just use the tv as a babysitter while they sleep/eat/fuck... at least you caught it and stopped it.
    thats true....but where does it end? i cant sit and watch tv with him every time he does. and it sucks to be having this conversation to begin with. we shouldnt have to be worrying about a childs tv station, or our schools teaching this stuff, for that matter. its just a tragedy that we now have to worry about this shit.

  21. #21
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    Jul 2005
    Agreed, but your going to have to monitor everything nowadays.

    I say get rid of the tv. after 6 months without one, I couldnt be happier. My girlfriend finds it really odd tho, so I may need to buy a tv to be "normal". Ive already made it clear to her that I dont mind skipping the tv watching and going straight to the nearest sturdy surface, but she says normal people have tv's

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Predator
    Agreed, but your going to have to monitor everything nowadays.

    I say get rid of the tv. after 6 months without one, I couldnt be happier. My girlfriend finds it really odd tho, so I may need to buy a tv to be "normal". Ive already made it clear to her that I dont mind skipping the tv watching and going straight to the nearest sturdy surface, but she says normal people have tv's
    hell....i rarely watch tv at all. espn for the most part. i'll just have to block some of the channels. ridiculous though.

  23. #23
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MASTERDBOL
    i didnt think i would see the day where they try this nonsense with kids shows. i'm disgusted enough with adult shows showing this crap.
    Ditto. Its fucking repulsive

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MASTERDBOL
    not only are they trying to teach our children that being a fag is fine

    I dont really want to get into a whole flame war on whether being a 'fag' is fine or not, you have your views and you can express them however you want, jus as I can express mine.

    I dont think kids should be shown overt or inappopriate sexual content or themes of any kind- straight or gay, but I think that if everyone can learn to be a bit more tolerent or understanding of different types of people than that is good for everyone.

    I mean how many kids of previous generations were taught to hate African Americans beacuse of racist parents.

    Think of it, if kids were brought up not to go out hating people different to them then you wouldn't have situations like Matthew Sheperd who was beaten to death by two guys who were brought up to hate gay men. Think of all the lives that ruined, not only was Matthew Shepards life taken from him but the two guys have thrown their life away and will spend their days in jail and the family and friends concerned.

    So here you all are saying, that "gay people should not 'force' that shit down our throats", well I dont come on this board to go on about being gay or gay people in general, the only time I tend to discuss it is when someone brings up the whole- they are forcing it down our throats. Being gay is just a small part of who I am and I don't want to spend all my time going on about it

    As I said , I respect everyones opinion and don't want to get into a stupid flame war that will just drag on and on and serve no purpose. Just wanted to put my two cents worth out there.


    - Dont respond with the whole you are promoting pedophilia thing if anyone is thinkin- I certainly do not condone pedophilia in any way and think those m'fers should be shot- pedephilia is not a form of sexuality it is a crime.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    El Paso, Texas
    I like the way Carlos Mencia said it.
    He wants them to leagalize gay marriage so they can be miserable like every heterosexual married couple.
    Yeah, he's whipped but, his wife is hot.

  26. #26
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    Fort Worth
    Ya, I feel the same way about women . . . Lord knows their only rightful place is barefoot and pregnant, and in the kitchen cooking up dinner.

    Don't misunderstand me -- I don't have anything against women . . . I think they should have an island all their own. It is disgusting, as well as damm unnatural, for them to be able to vote. Geez, for most of recorded history, women could never vote. Back then, when men were MEN, women were kept in their rightful place. Then a bunch of damm communists got women all stirred up thinking they deserved equal rights as men, and they started agitating for the right to vote. Just look at nature, and you'll see that it ain't natural. It's against the Bible, too. And ever since then, this country has gone downhill.


    And don't get me started on inter-racial marriages. Lordy knows you can tell those things aren't natural, either. God put yellow people where they were, black people where they were, red people where they were, and gave white people the ability to move them people out of the way when necessary, because as everybody knows, white people are God's Favorite. By golly, just look at all those portraits of Jesus, and you can see that God is a white man, just like the rest of us.

    All this gay stuff is banned by Our God, who is white, American, Republican, and, of course, strictly heterosexual. There's no sense in our adding to our previous mistakes of
    * letting white and black people intermarry and go to school together
    * letting women vote and own property in their own name
    * letting those papist wop catholics and 'tater-eating Irishmen into the country, 'cause they're all loyal to the pope
    * letting those infidel muslims and hindoos and what-have-you into the country
    . . . or permitting anyone to talk about them liberal ideas about "social progress" or "tolerance" or "diversity" in public, much less on TV shows. No way youngsters should even hear about anything but the good ol' tried and true TRUTHS about the ONLY TRUE WHITE AMERICAN HETEROSEXUAL CHRISTIAN lifestyle.
    And anyone who dares break with these rules will get a vist from our "welcoming committee."


  27. #27
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte
    LOL at tock, how come i knew youd be here... theres a few more im waitin what i wanna understand is this. statistically, (and we all know how dead on statistics are) gay, or homosexual people make up maybe 5 percent of the US population.. maybe a lil higher, not much higher tho, my question is this, how they have such a role in television today, on almost every show, someones gay, or a lesbian, and its the complete asshole side to take, if you disagree, or find it gross, wrong or immoral.. i presonally dont really care about gay ppl, long as they respect that im not, and i dont want my children exposed to any type of sexuality till a respectable age, and thats when i teach them about it, then im ok. any overt sexual situations on tv for children should be wrong. much less on a childrens network like nick.. society today its hell bent on making anyone who disagrees with anything the badperson, if you dont like the gov, your not patriotic, if you dont like war your not supportin the troops, your against them, if you want your daughter to date, and marry only IRISH boys, then your racists. ill be honest, a few of my friends are gay, but i dont want my boy to be gay, alot of my friends are black, but i dont want my daughter to date or marry a black guy, much less anyone else of color other than someone who is Irish. does that mean i will disown them if they do, or its just what i accept for my life, and i want for them, doesnt mean im right, nor wrong..

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    if you want your daughter to date, and marry only IRISH boys,

    Hmm good old Scottish boy will do :

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    what i wanna understand is this. statistically, (and we all know how dead on statistics are) gay, or homosexual people make up maybe 5 percent of the US population..
    my question is this, how they have such a role in television today, on almost every show, someones gay, or a lesbian
    TV has to put on something interesting to draw viewers. Right now, gays and lesbians are the controversial topic du jour. When all you heterosexual folks get used to seeing us around, we'll more than likely be featured about as often as Australians or Jews or whatever.
    Ya, right now, we're good theater. Won't be long before we're yesterday's news . . .
    Then you'll be watching a lot of atheists on TV, shocking y'all's delicate sensitivities. And then it'll be someone else after that, and etc, etc, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    i dont want my children exposed to any type of sexuality till a respectable age, and thats when i teach them about it, then im ok. any overt sexual situations on tv for children should be wrong.
    I agree that conversations about the mechanics of sex should probably be delayed until they are ready for that sort of information. Exactly when that should be, I don't know, as I don't have kids and haven't given the topic much thought.
    However . . . keep in mind that sexuality is constantly swirling around young children in the guise of heterosexual relationships at home (mom & dad), the older teenage brother or sister & their relationships, messages given to youngsters on TV programs (soap operas, Capt. Kirk's incessant womanizing, the girl with the big tits leading the big TV wrassler around), movies (boy meets girl, bonds, and lives happily ever after), all sorts of advertisements (jeans ads, underwear ads, makeup ads, car ads, etc), and messages they get from preachers (you'll burn in HEEELLLLL if you do XYZ with ZYX). There's no way whatsoever you can completely isolate them from the topic of sexual relationships. Sooner or later, from TV, magazines, movies, newspapers, the kid next door, or their preacher, they're gonna hear about it, and lots and lots of it.
    Seems to me the smartest thing you can do when they ask you about stuff is to give 'em an honest answer in the terms they can understand. One thing to keep in mind is whether or not you want to tell them that homosexuality is evil or wrong, because if that's the kind of kid you end up with (you've got maybe a 5% chance of that with one kid, 10% with two, 50% chance with ten kids), you'll be teaching them to loathe a central part of themselves. And that may very well prompt them to NEVER talk to you about such things, and may even motivate them to suicide. Ya, it happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    its just what i accept for my life, and i want for them, doesnt mean im right, nor wrong..
    Agreed. But there are some things you don't get to choose for your kids. And I sure hope, for your kid's sake, you're prepared to accept and love them no matter how they turn out.


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    TV has to put on something interesting to draw viewers. Right now, gays and lesbians are the controversial topic du jour. When all you heterosexual folks get used to seeing us around, we'll more than likely be featured about as often as Australians or Jews or whatever.
    Ya, right now, we're good theater. Won't be long before we're yesterday's news . . .
    Then you'll be watching a lot of atheists on TV, shocking y'all's delicate sensitivities. And then it'll be someone else after that, and etc, etc, etc.

    I agree that conversations about the mechanics of sex should probably be delayed until they are ready for that sort of information. Exactly when that should be, I don't know, as I don't have kids and haven't given the topic much thought.
    However . . . keep in mind that sexuality is constantly swirling around young children in the guise of heterosexual relationships at home (mom & dad), the older teenage brother or sister & their relationships, messages given to youngsters on TV programs (soap operas, Capt. Kirk's incessant womanizing, the girl with the big tits leading the big TV wrassler around), movies (boy meets girl, bonds, and lives happily ever after), all sorts of advertisements (jeans ads, underwear ads, makeup ads, car ads, etc), and messages they get from preachers (you'll burn in HEEELLLLL if you do XYZ with ZYX). There's no way whatsoever you can completely isolate them from the topic of sexual relationships. Sooner or later, from TV, magazines, movies, newspapers, the kid next door, or their preacher, they're gonna hear about it, and lots and lots of it.
    Seems to me the smartest thing you can do when they ask you about stuff is to give 'em an honest answer in the terms they can understand. One thing to keep in mind is whether or not you want to tell them that homosexuality is evil or wrong, because if that's the kind of kid you end up with (you've got maybe a 5% chance of that with one kid, 10% with two, 50% chance with ten kids), you'll be teaching them to loathe a central part of themselves. And that may very well prompt them to NEVER talk to you about such things, and may even motivate them to suicide. Ya, it happens.

    Agreed. But there are some things you don't get to choose for your kids. And I sure hope, for your kid's sake, you're prepared to accept and love them no matter how they turn out.

    It's people like Tock who sits down and posts intelligently and respectfully (most of the time ) about these issues who has helped me to be more tolerant and open minded of the homosexual lifestyle. Thanks for that Tock! But on the other hand, I was brought up in a christian home and my daughter is also, so she can form her own decisions on issues like this down the road. While she is under my tutelage, she will not be exposed to tv shows that promote any kind of sexuality be it gay or straight. As Tock said, with the world we live in, it's IMPOSSIBLE to prevent exposure to sexuality, so I do my best to raise my daughter with morals and a religious upbrnging. I do not support gay marriage or relationships, but am not more accepting and understanding and def. wouldn't bash them in person or on an interenet message board.

  31. #31
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    You cant even trust cartoon channels. Shyt.

  32. #32
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    To me it all comes down to supervising what your kids watch on TV...

    My boy is 12 and in my house, the TV has never been the "babysitter"... it's always been an activity just like any other and I kept an eye on what he was watching (just as I kept an eye on who he hangs out with, I keep an eye on homework, I keep an eye on games he plays)

    Does it take a lot of time? heck yeah... do I have any regrets for missing out on other things? no way. It's called PARENTING folks. It's a full time commitment.


  33. #33
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Thanks for the psa.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    North Charlotte

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