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Thread: I'm messed up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    I'm messed up

    Lately I have been having some problems with an addiction (sex, visiting the Redlight District 4/5 times a week). So I went to a pshycologist to talk about my problems. It appears I'm pretty messed up. I won't bother you with a long story, here the short version.
    Last edited by Bigmac; 11-26-2005 at 11:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Last edited by SwoleCat; 10-02-2005 at 09:10 AM.

  3. #3
    Yes you obviously have a problem. I wouldn't take the last post as anything but a waste of space on your thread. It seems you are seeking help which is good, but you've got to get past this trust issue just because one dumb bitch completely fucked you. Everyone is different and everyone deserves their own chance. I'd suggest you get your shit straight before this problem gets even worse and you outkast yourself from society. I give you props on seeking help on your own, that is tough. If you happen to meet another good girl, which will probably be a hard thing to do since they are scarce, don't ruin the relationship again with your personal problems. Goodluck to you, and your only hurting yourself by not getting over the past.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Show Me State
    good luck bro hope you get everything worked out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Stay out of that Red Light District. It's bad news. Once a year is fine, but when you're doing it everyday that's when it becomes dangerous.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmac
    Lately I have been having some problems with an addiction (sex, visiting the Redlight District 4/5 times a week). So I went to a pshycologist to talk about my problems. It appears I'm pretty messed up. I won't bother you with a long story, here the short version.

    - 3 years ago I was 'burned' badly by my then girlfriend. I found out she was cheating on me with my best friend. We were together for 5 years. She was cheating on me with him for the last 2 years of the relationship. I left her as soon as I found out. One week later, I found out she moved in with him.

    - At the time I was a little overweight. So I decided to get in shape. But for the last year or so it has become an addiction to perfect my body. Bodybuilding plays an important role in my life. I always avoid being socialy active because it interfers with my training and nutrition. I just keep saying to my self that I will become more social once I reach my goal. But it appears that I never reach that goal.
    - I don't trust woman anymore. I don't feel like I will be able to sacrifice somethings in order to make a woman happy. Last year I started dating a very nice girl. We connected good and had a wonderful relationship. But I always had in the back of my mind that I could get 'burned' again. This is when and why I started visiting the Redlight District. Maybe in a way I wanted to hurt her before she got a chance to hurt me. Stupid of me, because she was the nicest person I've ever known. This was eating me alive, so I came clean, and she left.

    - Visiting the Redlght District fits perfect in my lifestyle. I get sex whenever I want, I can plan it ahead, so it doesn't interfer with my study and bodybuilding.

    The only problem is that, I don't want to live like this anymore. I want to enjoy my live. I am a social person by nature, I'm the happiest when I'm surrounded by people.
    I feel that way, and so do many people.. Bodybuilding takes president in our life.. What I suggest you do though is find a happy balance.. Force yourself! I think that your visits to the district are due to the lack of trust you feel you can't have for another woman.. You need to get back on the wagon, find a girl, lay it out for her, see what happens, but take it SLOW! Also it sounds the district is a habit now, I would suggest breaking that habit! Hope all the best to you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    dood, those hookers are either ugly and cheap, or you should be mad about the money you spent, that could have been devoted to GH..LOL... but really, id get to a psy asap, bc if you like it that much, and feel its something that fits, it will be super hard to stop doing.. i wish you the best bro.. good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Damn bro, I've been to Amsterdam...the red light district is chock full of some nasty hoes. Then again, most hoes are pretty nasty unless they are the high class types who go for big money.

    If for no other reason, you should avoid those Amsterdam hookers because you could possibly catch some nasty shit from them that would keep you from reaching your goals in bodybuilding. Look at Tommy Lee, for chrissakes.

    As for the sex...dude, having a relationship and visiting hookers are not your only two options. There are plenty of hot chicks out there who take care of themselves and just want to get laid, not have a boyfriend.

    From my experiences in academia, psychotherapy isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's rather hit or miss and is not an exact science. The therapist can offer explanations and options that may help you, but it's a lot like playing darts. They just throw that shit out there and hope it lands in the right area.

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