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Thread: So it's women you want?

  1. #1

    So it's women you want?

    I just read a rather funny thread on why skinny dudes pull more tail, excuse me, get more girls than the big honkin' dudes. The replies were pretty funny.

    I think I can shed some light on this by proposing a few possibilities...

    1. Generally, guys that are huge have to spend a lot of time in the gym and when not in the gym, every waking second, watching calories, eating umteen meals a day, and possibly the worst: looking in the mirror every 30 seconds to make sure they still got their pump on.

    2. It's a red flag to begin with because if you take away the muscle, what kind of guy is left over? Sometimes, not all the time, a self-centered, insecure, POS.

    3. Body odor, excess body hair, stretchmarks, bad breath, and a steady stream of perspiration running down the nose. Women love all of these.

    4. If you're that critical of your own appearance, you're twice as likely to be critical of hers and if she's even the slightest bit concerned with, for instance, the size of her butt, you'll never get close enough to admire it. Trust me on that.

    Now I'm 5'9, 210. Not gigantic, but big enough. I'd like to share some things that keep me in the game. Believe me, at 5'9 you have to have game because chics usually gravitate toward tall guys. But I will almost always have some girl to squeeze these L-glutes-o-mine because I've trained myself to do a few things...

    1. Keep your training TO YOURSELF! Don't go around flexing and wearing the x-small muscle shirt from the glass case at your gym. This says "I'm all muscle baby but besides that, not much else!"

    2. Learn an instrument, take some scuba lessons, sh**, something, anything, that doesn't involve getting bigger. Find your confidence in some way that doesn't involve your appearance. Clean up the inside and the outside will eventually look a whole lot better.

    3. Don't appear freakish. That flys well in the gym but outside the gym, a freak is a freak. So wear a nice shirt and cover up your freaky parts. You want her to say "I never really noticed, but you really have BIG muscles, giggle, giggle, etc." Get the idea?

    4. Don't get insanely jealous and don't put people down. This is just pathetic. Stay above the gossip and if you hear someone trashing a guy while talking to you, it's a good bet they're trashing you when talking to someone else.

    5. Be nice fer chrisakes! This sounds easy and obvious but half the time, I don't think guys even know when they're being pr*cks. If you're among friends and you hear someone batantly slash someone to pieces, it takes some real balls to say "Yeah, maybe, but that's just Bob." If a girl is within earshot and she hears this... well, you're gonna be "the nice guy" ka ching!

    These things just came off the top of my head but a skinny guy will only score consistently if he is nice, honest, mysterious, etc. But if you have all those good qualities AND some muscle you'll win the gals over easily.

    take care bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    haha, takes a few mins for them to realize we all arnt rapists and murdereerererers..

  3. #3
    looked good up until you said "take care bros" Bros is a horrible word! It should be censored!

  4. #4

    you read through all that...

    You read through that entire post and you critiqued the very last word, in the very last sentence, simply because you don't like the word "bro"

    wow. excellent job!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    hes a penis wrinkle..ignore him, he will go away..

    bro is in the bible... it shall never be lost

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    good post ouch. i would consider myself a tall skinny guy. 6'2 175 but the women still like it.

    basically you gotta stand out from the crowd.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    good post ouch. i would consider myself a tall skinny guy. 6'2 175 but the women still like it.

    basically you gotta stand out from the crowd.
    well lookin like someone from aushwitz will do it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams
    Quote Originally Posted by ouchthathurts
    I just read a rather funny thread on why skinny dudes pull more tail, excuse me, get more girls than the big honkin' dudes. The replies were pretty funny.

    I think I can shed some light on this by proposing a few possibilities...

    1. Generally, guys that are huge have to spend a lot of time in the gym and when not in the gym, every waking second, watching calories, eating umteen meals a day, and possibly the worst: looking in the mirror every 30 seconds to make sure they still got their pump on.

    2. It's a red flag to begin with because if you take away the muscle, what kind of guy is left over? Sometimes, not all the time, a self-centered, insecure, POS.

    3. Body odor, excess body hair, stretchmarks, bad breath, and a steady stream of perspiration running down the nose. Women love all of these.

    4. If you're that critical of your own appearance, you're twice as likely to be critical of hers and if she's even the slightest bit concerned with, for instance, the size of her butt, you'll never get close enough to admire it. Trust me on that.

    Now I'm 5'9, 210. Not gigantic, but big enough. I'd like to share some things that keep me in the game. Believe me, at 5'9 you have to have game because chics usually gravitate toward tall guys. But I will almost always have some girl to squeeze these L-glutes-o-mine because I've trained myself to do a few things...

    1. Keep your training TO YOURSELF! Don't go around flexing and wearing the x-small muscle shirt from the glass case at your gym. This says "I'm all muscle baby but besides that, not much else!"

    2. Learn an instrument, take some scuba lessons, sh**, something, anything, that doesn't involve getting bigger. Find your confidence in some way that doesn't involve your appearance. Clean up the inside and the outside will eventually look a whole lot better.

    3. Don't appear freakish. That flys well in the gym but outside the gym, a freak is a freak. So wear a nice shirt and cover up your freaky parts. You want her to say "I never really noticed, but you really have BIG muscles, giggle, giggle, etc." Get the idea?

    4. Don't get insanely jealous and don't put people down. This is just pathetic. Stay above the gossip and if you hear someone trashing a guy while talking to you, it's a good bet they're trashing you when talking to someone else.

    5. Be nice fer chrisakes! This sounds easy and obvious but half the time, I don't think guys even know when they're being pr*cks. If you're among friends and you hear someone batantly slash someone to pieces, it takes some real balls to say "Yeah, maybe, but that's just Bob." If a girl is within earshot and she hears this... well, you're gonna be "the nice guy" ka ching!

    These things just came off the top of my head but a skinny guy will only score consistently if he is nice, honest, mysterious, etc. But if you have all those good qualities AND some muscle you'll win the gals over easily.

    take care bros
    nice!! when i first started reading this i thought it was going to be all about what chicks like better...skinny dudes or muscles. but you put a few good tips at the guys should apply some of this stuff. but you should probably really mean it...not just to get her into bed. just a thought...

  9. #9

    xtina, totally right! let me make an adendum in this thread

    Guys.... all those tips...


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    hes a penis wrinkle..
    HAHA, haven't heard that in a long time!

    Good post Ouch, thought these tips were common sense. Guess not.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams

    very funny

    Quote Originally Posted by ouchthathurts
    Guys.... all those tips...

    yeah, yeah....haha. i was mainly talking about the last one. i dont know why you guys feel you have to try so hard...who cares??? you wanna get some action? thats what your right hand is for...and it wont go psycho on you. women suck! (only if you're lucky)

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