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Thread: Canadians and thier take on Katrina

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could

    Canadians and thier take on Katrina

    There's plenty wrong with America, since you asked. (Everybody's
    asking.)I'm tempted to say, the only difference from Canada, is that they have a few things right. That would be unfair, of course -- I am often pleased to discover things we still get right.

    But one of them would not be disaster preparation. If something
    happened Up here, on the scale of Katrina, we wouldn't even have the resources toArrive late. We would be waiting for the Americans to come save us, the same Way the government in Louisiana just waved and pointed at Washington, D.C.

    The theory being, that when you're in real trouble, that's where the
    adults live. And that isn't an exaggeration. Almost everything that has
    worked in the recovery operation along the U.S. Gulf Coast has been
    military and National Guard. Within a few days, under several commands,
    finally consolidated under the remarkable Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, it was once again the U.S. military, efficiently cobbling together a recovery
    operation on a scale beyond the capacity of any other earthly

    We hardly have a military up here. We have elected one feckless
    government after another, who have cut corners until there is nothing
    substantial left.

    We don't have the ability even to transport and equip our few
    soldiers. Should disaster strike at home, on a big scale, we become a
    Third World country. At which point, our national smugness is of no avail.
    From Democrats and the American Left -- the U.S. equivalent to the
    People who run Canada -- we are still hearing that the disaster in New
    Orleans showed a heartless, white Republican America had abandoned its

    This is garbage. The great majority of those not evacuated lived in
    Assisted housing, receive food stamps and prescription medicine and
    government support through many other programmes. Many have, all their lives, expected someone to lift them to safety, sans input from themselves. And the demagogic mayor they elected left, quite literally, hundreds of Transit and school buses parked in rows to be lost in the flood, that could have driven them out of town.

    Yes, that was insensitive. But it is also the truth; and sooner or
    Later we must acknowledge that welfare dependency creates exactly the
    sort of haplessness and social degeneration we saw on display, as the
    Floodwaters rose. Many suffered terribly, and many died, and one's
    heart goes out. But already the survivors are being put up in new
    accommodations, and their various entitlements have been directed to
    new locations.

    The scale of private charity has also been unprecedented. There are
    Yet no statistics, but I'll wager the most generous state in the union
    will Prove to have been arch-Republican Texas, and that nationally,
    contributions In cash and kind are coming disproportionately from people who vote Republican.

    For the world divides into "the mouths" and "the wallets".
    The Bush-bashing, both down there and up here, has so far lost touch
    With reality, as to raise questions about the bashers' state of mind.
    Consult any authoritative source on how government works in the
    United States, and you will learn that the U.S. federal government's legal, constitutional, and institutional responsibility for first response to Katrina, as to any natural disaster, was zero.

    Notwithstanding, President Bush took the prescient step of declaring
    A disaster, in order to begin deploying FEMA and other federal assets,
    Two full days in advance of the stormfall. In the little time since, he
    Has managed to coordinate an immense recovery operation -- the largest
    in Human history -- without invoking martial powers. He has been
    sufficiently Presidential to respond, not even once, to the extraordinarily
    mendacious and childish blame-throwing.

    One thinks of Kipling's "If --" poem, which I learned to recite as a
    lad, and mention now in the full knowledge that it drives postmodern
    leftoids and gliberals to apoplexy -- as anything that is good,
    beautiful, or true:

    If you can keep your head when all about you

    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

    But make allowance for their doubting too;

    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

    Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

    Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise...

    Unlike his critics, Bush is a man, in the full sense presented by
    verses. A fallible man, like all the rest, but a man.

    David Warren

    C Ottawa Citizen
    The answer to your every question


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    There's plenty wrong with America, since you asked. (Everybody's
    asking.)I'm tempted to say, the only difference from Canada, is that they have a few things right. That would be unfair, of course -- I am often pleased to discover things we still get right.

    But one of them would not be disaster preparation. If something
    happened Up here, on the scale of Katrina, we wouldn't even have the resources toArrive late. We would be waiting for the Americans to come save us, the same Way the government in Louisiana just waved and pointed at Washington, D.C.

    The theory being, that when you're in real trouble, that's where the
    adults live. And that isn't an exaggeration. Almost everything that has
    worked in the recovery operation along the U.S. Gulf Coast has been
    military and National Guard. Within a few days, under several commands,
    finally consolidated under the remarkable Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, it was once again the U.S. military, efficiently cobbling together a recovery
    operation on a scale beyond the capacity of any other earthly

    We hardly have a military up here. We have elected one feckless
    government after another, who have cut corners until there is nothing
    substantial left.

    We don't have the ability even to transport and equip our few
    soldiers. Should disaster strike at home, on a big scale, we become a
    Third World country. At which point, our national smugness is of no avail.
    From Democrats and the American Left -- the U.S. equivalent to the
    People who run Canada -- we are still hearing that the disaster in New
    Orleans showed a heartless, white Republican America had abandoned its

    This is garbage. The great majority of those not evacuated lived in
    Assisted housing, receive food stamps and prescription medicine and
    government support through many other programmes. Many have, all their lives, expected someone to lift them to safety, sans input from themselves. And the demagogic mayor they elected left, quite literally, hundreds of Transit and school buses parked in rows to be lost in the flood, that could have driven them out of town.

    Yes, that was insensitive. But it is also the truth; and sooner or
    Later we must acknowledge that welfare dependency creates exactly the
    sort of haplessness and social degeneration we saw on display, as the
    Floodwaters rose. Many suffered terribly, and many died, and one's
    heart goes out. But already the survivors are being put up in new
    accommodations, and their various entitlements have been directed to
    new locations.

    The scale of private charity has also been unprecedented. There are
    Yet no statistics, but I'll wager the most generous state in the union
    will Prove to have been arch-Republican Texas, and that nationally,
    contributions In cash and kind are coming disproportionately from people who vote Republican.

    For the world divides into "the mouths" and "the wallets".
    The Bush-bashing, both down there and up here, has so far lost touch
    With reality, as to raise questions about the bashers' state of mind.
    Consult any authoritative source on how government works in the
    United States, and you will learn that the U.S. federal government's legal, constitutional, and institutional responsibility for first response to Katrina, as to any natural disaster, was zero.

    Notwithstanding, President Bush took the prescient step of declaring
    A disaster, in order to begin deploying FEMA and other federal assets,
    Two full days in advance of the stormfall. In the little time since, he
    Has managed to coordinate an immense recovery operation -- the largest
    in Human history -- without invoking martial powers. He has been
    sufficiently Presidential to respond, not even once, to the extraordinarily
    mendacious and childish blame-throwing.

    One thinks of Kipling's "If --" poem, which I learned to recite as a
    lad, and mention now in the full knowledge that it drives postmodern
    leftoids and gliberals to apoplexy -- as anything that is good,
    beautiful, or true:

    If you can keep your head when all about you

    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

    But make allowance for their doubting too;

    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

    Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

    Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise...

    Unlike his critics, Bush is a man, in the full sense presented by
    verses. A fallible man, like all the rest, but a man.

    David Warren

    C Ottawa Citizen

    Good post Bro enjoyed reading it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    Think I'll be staying in Canada for a bit. My Brothers friend went down to New orleans to help out and he said it was literally a war zone. I just wish the American government was more into helping their own people. USA is always the first country to bust out the troops when ever there is trouble in other countries...
    We have relatives from New Orleans staying with us and they are saying what everyone is saying: "why didn't our government react faster with aid?"
    Also, Canada's DARE team was ready for the Hurricane (and waiting) 24 hours before the storm hit...
    I digress...

  4. #4
    Good post. I thought it was gonna turn out being liberal but I was pleasently surprised that it actually understood the truth of how things work and whats truely better.

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