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Thread: My client I'm training is a punk sissy!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym

    My client I'm training is a punk sissy!!

    **** this guy, plain and simple. He comes to me asking me to train him, asking me for diet and supplement advice. I tell him I'll charge him $100 for the diet and program, and $40/session in the gym, it will take 3 sessions to get him started on our new program. So $220 total, and to me this is pretty fair seeing in how I'm not one of these pencil necks or lard asses at the gym who just stands there w/ a clipboard talking, I've actually competed and know what the hell I'm doing when it comes to training and especially nutrition. So we train the first session and he gets his program and diet, all goes well. Second day comes, this dumbass misunderstood me and thought I was training him for 6 wks for $220!!!!!!! Thats 18 sessions plus a diet and program for $220 bucks people, WTF!!! I explained to him that that would have been highway robbery and I'm sorry if he misunderstood me. So we train, the guy struggles w/ 2 plates per side of the leg sled, bitches about how he hates legs the entire workout and how he has the "black mans syndrome" which I guess was referring to no legs. I told him he'd learn to love the exercises he hates and jokingly said"2 plates per side man, C'mon, chicks use more than that" it was just some motivating and jokingly expression. He says "ok, you got about 2 more of those comments..." ****ing prick. His cell phone rings constantly as we're working out so I tried to tell him that he should turn it off or leave it in his car and he was like "well my family comes first, thats not going to change. He has no kids, no wife....what family?? His family such as his mom,dad, sister etc cannot wait 30-40 min for him to call them back or leave him a voicemail??? So day 3, I rearrange my entire schedule so I can meet him at 7am. I get 4 hours of sleep and like a man thats true to his word gets to the gym at 7am. No sign of him, I call him repeatedly, no answer. Waited 20 min then bounced. He never calls me to tell me anything, and never calls me back. I call him today to ask him what happened. "Oh, I got sick, I think it might have been from the amino acids or glutamine you told me to take, I never even went to work" Really? If anything they would have kept you from getting sick! Then he hung up on me. It may have been a disconnection, but i'm pretty sure he hung up. So I'm ****ing pissed, he never calls to cancel for one, but what really irritates me is after I call him, I never get an apology for him not notifying me that he couldnt make it. I text messaged the ****er and told him "thanks for the call letting me know you couldnt show up" like my time isnt as valuable as his. **** people like this. Anyways, I got his loot, **** him.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    sucks bro, but your right you got his money.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    hahaha, thats great

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    One of my boys was a trainer, he's now a streangth and conditioning coach for a college. He use to always complain that his clients had no heart and no will power. He made very good money but choose to work with college athletes who had the drive and focus even though he makes alot less now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    why did he hire a PT if he wasnt serious about workin out?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    Sorry bro but its the truth i really was sick

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i used to train and get my clients from school, people like that i learned fast want a ballys type workout. its stupid and i dont really even believe in it, but if you want to make your money and want them to keep paying you and coming back, you got to get them doing light circuit training stuff.

    people really small, with no heart and commitment into getting big and strong, just want to "tone" lmao and eat like a bag chips for breakfast

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Sorry bro but its the truth i really was sick

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wow, that really sucks!!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I kind of like cancellations (I know he did not even bother to call you, but it's still 40 dollars you made).
    It's true what Billy Bathgate said, most of these people want a Jane Fonda circuit training type of deal. So, if I see that, it's light weights and abs all the way.
    I say if you got the last sessions money, without having to see that idiot again, you came out the winner.

  11. #11
    thats how like 80% of the population is. Maybe not that much, but it seems like it. I wrote up a workout plan and diet for my friend, it took a total of 2 hours to write this out. He would never show up on leg day, and did the workout for a total of 2 times through. Also, I wasn't getting paid for this. He has been stuck with benching 1 plate on each side FOREVER..and wonders why. I ask how his diet is and he says oh its good i hate a huge steak before i worked out...i tell him to get at least 320g protein a day and 400g carbs (hes an ecto) and he complains that he cant each that much. (he wont eat more than the standard 3 meals a day) He used to complain why he never got stronger..and i would just shake my head

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    thats how like 80% of the population is. Maybe not that much, but it seems like it. I wrote up a workout plan and diet for my friend, it took a total of 2 hours to write this out. He would never show up on leg day, and did the workout for a total of 2 times through. Also, I wasn't getting paid for this. He has been stuck with benching 1 plate on each side FOREVER..and wonders why. I ask how his diet is and he says oh its good i hate a huge steak before i worked out...i tell him to get at least 320g protein a day and 400g carbs (hes an ecto) and he complains that he cant each that much. (he wont eat more than the standard 3 meals a day) He used to complain why he never got stronger..and i would just shake my head
    After you write out a few more workout plans, you will start charging. Btw, 99.99999% of those you do a favor for and write it out, won't follow it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Sozey
    After you write out a few more workout plans, you will start charging. Btw, 99.99999% of those you do a favor for and write it out, won't follow it.
    That is the one and only i have ever written out for a friend. Believe me, next time I write one out for someone im charging. Mainly the sad thing was he wouldnt follow it his diet sucked, he smoke and drank all the time and bitched why he wasnt seeing results..pissed me off.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    some people should not start somthing that they cant stick with. the guy is a ass you dont need him or his money.

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