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  1. #41
    xtinaunasty's Avatar
    xtinaunasty is offline Female Member
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    you mean you guys dont think this is hot??? guess i wont be posting my pics anytime soon
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Why do fat chics wear tight clothes to the gym?-joked-dot-com-fat-bikini.jpg  

  2. #42
    MASTERDBOL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtinaunasty
    you mean you guys dont think this is hot??? guess i wont be posting my pics anytime soon
    isnt that what my ex wife looks like now?

  3. #43
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    i always see the fatties as well they all walk around with there diet cokes, and protein bars im like WTF you see anybody in shape eatin that shittt, and they will always come out of an aerobics class that was an hour long then go hit more cardio like they think if they keep going and going that the fat will just vanish,, pooofff

  4. #44
    punchrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtinaunasty
    you mean you guys dont think this is hot??? guess i wont be posting my pics anytime soon
    that picture kills me. she has 1" chain hold up those bikini bottoms/sail boat sails.

  5. #45
    punchrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    i always see the fatties as well they all walk around with there diet cokes, and protein bars im like WTF you see anybody in shape eatin that shittt, and they will always come out of an aerobics class that was an hour long then go hit more cardio like they think if they keep going and going that the fat will just vanish,, pooofff
    you just ruined my hopes. i though protein bars and diet coke is all i need to get big and ripped.

  6. #46
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by punchrf
    that picture kills me. she has 1" chain hold up those bikini bottoms/sail boat sails.
    LMAOO...HAHAHA woww i laughed for like a minute straight

  7. #47
    Puffader's Avatar
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    How could you have sex with a woman that big.?
    I guess you'll have to lick it.. yummy!

    Quote Originally Posted by xtinaunasty
    you mean you guys dont think this is hot??? guess i wont be posting my pics anytime soon

  8. #48
    chest6's Avatar
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    it must take hard work to get that obese...dont move all day, have 6 meals a day...(value meals 1-6 from mcdonalds all supersized with a shake) for years and years

  9. #49
    xtinaunasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    it must take hard work to get that obese...dont move all day, have 6 meals a day...(value meals 1-6 from mcdonalds all supersized with a shake) for years and years
    i take pride in my efforts

  10. #50
    Smak is offline AR's Midget Beater
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    in your girls panties
    It's simple. They know when we're juiced up on TEST that' we'll talk to them. Perhaps ask them on a date!

  11. #51
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtinaunasty
    i take pride in my efforts
    how do you do it?

  12. #52
    steve0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xtinaunasty
    you mean you guys dont think this is hot??? guess i wont be posting my pics anytime soon

    is this photo for real??? OMG you would have to roll her in flour to find the wet spot.

  13. #53
    Liquidred is offline Associate Member
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    i was remember once like on the radio or reading it that fat peo
    ple wear fitting clothing bc it makes them feel not really sure how that works. At my gym theres very few women....very few. A couple things i dont understand is girls you want to see with skimpy clothing you rarely do....fat chicks always. The shorts with the shit on it like bootylicous....its like they have never been made fun of or something. Lastly i hate HATE when im talking to an overweight male or female on the topic of diet and they act like they know wtf they are talking about

  14. #54
    bor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liquidred
    Lastly i hate HATE when im talking to an overweight male or female on the topic of diet and they act like they know wtf they are talking about
    Oh yeah I hate that too!!!

  15. #55
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    i so FATTTT and my shorts so big:P

  16. #56
    marcus300's Avatar
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    fat chicks are very greatfull,,,,roll them in flour to find the wet spot and away you go

  17. #57
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    What happened to the long pants with the t-shirt 10 times to big to cover up their HUGE ass? We have a few at Worlds Gym that are so gross I just can't understand WTF they are thinking when they left their cave. Somebody help me out here!
    Because people still check them out.

  18. #58
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    Then what? You would have a loaf of bread. Would that be whole wheat flour?

    Just checking. White flour is bad....

    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    is this photo for real??? OMG you would have to roll her in flour to find the wet spot.

  19. #59
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    puffader,,,it doesnt matter what type of flour its just so you know were the wet spot is,,,,spit and away you go

    also always turn the light off,,,otherwise you may burn your arse,,,

  20. #60
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    More fatties in the gym!

    If a woman, or man for that matter, is out of shape and wants to help himself or herself then the place they do belong is in the gym. It may not add much to the scenery for the rest of us, but we all have our own 'before' photos, photos that, for some, would put us in good company with these out-of-shape folk.

    Now, I'm not talking about the deluded souls who think that walking on a treadmill and then scarfing down a box of doughnuts is going to make them look like a cover-girl, but the folks who are making an honest attempt to change their physiques with diet and exercise should be encouraged. How many of them have the advantage of, say, Swolecat's diet advice, something we all take for granted here?

    There is a GREAT gym here in my home city, just two blocks from my office; two floors of brand new equipment, cardio machines, free weights... great location and low rates. The only problem is that it's a "women only" gym. (There are a LOT of guys who would like to use this facility, and not just to pick-up some hot girls, either.) but we are excluded. A guy sued the company a few years ago, saying their policy was unconstitutional in that it fostered discrimination in a place of public accomodation. The courts, however, upheld the right of a women's gym to discriminate against men (but NOT a men's gym's right to discriminate against women.) Their reasoning was that since many women are judged, intimidated, or mocked by men due to their physical appearance, many women, among them the most in need of exercise, would stop going to the gym altogether due to this subtle form of harasment, leading to further health problems.

    I always thought that decision was bosh. If a woman, or man, can't stand a few stares or averted eyes, she probably has psychological problems beyond just a low self esteem. However, some of the comments in this thread make me wonder if there may be some truth to women's fears of always being judged by a harsh and merciless aucience. I'm glad some of the female members of A.R. have weighed in on this question. (No pun intended.)


  21. #61
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    fat chicks need lovin too

  22. #62
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Why do hot chics always wear dumpy clothes? Makes you think.(Just not too long)

  23. #63
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    If a woman, or man for that matter, is out of shape and wants to help himself or herself then the place they do belong is in the gym. It may not add much to the scenery for the rest of us, but we all have our own 'before' photos, photos that, for some, would put us in good company with these out-of-shape folk.

    Now, I'm not talking about the deluded souls who think that walking on a treadmill and then scarfing down a box of doughnuts is going to make them look like a cover-girl, but the folks who are making an honest attempt to change their physiques with diet and exercise should be encouraged. How many of them have the advantage of, say, Swolecat's diet advice, something we all take for granted here?

    There is a GREAT gym here in my home city, just two blocks from my office; two floors of brand new equipment, cardio machines, free weights... great location and low rates. The only problem is that it's a "women only" gym. (There are a LOT of guys who would like to use this facility, and not just to pick-up some hot girls, either.) but we are excluded. A guy sued the company a few years ago, saying their policy was unconstitutional in that it fostered discrimination in a place of public accomodation. The courts, however, upheld the right of a women's gym to discriminate against men (but NOT a men's gym's right to discriminate against women.) Their reasoning was that since many women are judged, intimidated, or mocked by men due to their physical appearance, many women, among them the most in need of exercise, would stop going to the gym altogether due to this subtle form of harasment, leading to further health problems.

    I always thought that decision was bosh. If a woman, or man, can't stand a few stares or averted eyes, she probably has psychological problems beyond just a low self esteem. However, some of the comments in this thread make me wonder if there may be some truth to women's fears of always being judged by a harsh and merciless aucience. I'm glad some of the female members of A.R. have weighed in on this question. (No pun intended.)


    I had to take another adderall just looking at that much writing (no I did not read it)

  24. #64
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    to the gym or in general?

    I don't think im hot..(only cute)

    i'm not fat .. but doing a squat at the gym dressed a certain way.. doesn't really make my work outs easy..It actually draws attention to u

    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Why do hot chics always wear dumpy clothes? Makes you think.(Just not too long)

  25. #65
    xtinaunasty's Avatar
    xtinaunasty is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    If a woman, or man for that matter, is out of shape and wants to help himself or herself then the place they do belong is in the gym. It may not add much to the scenery for the rest of us, but we all have our own 'before' photos, photos that, for some, would put us in good company with these out-of-shape folk.

    Now, I'm not talking about the deluded souls who think that walking on a treadmill and then scarfing down a box of doughnuts is going to make them look like a cover-girl, but the folks who are making an honest attempt to change their physiques with diet and exercise should be encouraged. How many of them have the advantage of, say, Swolecat's diet advice, something we all take for granted here?

    There is a GREAT gym here in my home city, just two blocks from my office; two floors of brand new equipment, cardio machines, free weights... great location and low rates. The only problem is that it's a "women only" gym. (There are a LOT of guys who would like to use this facility, and not just to pick-up some hot girls, either.) but we are excluded. A guy sued the company a few years ago, saying their policy was unconstitutional in that it fostered discrimination in a place of public accomodation. The courts, however, upheld the right of a women's gym to discriminate against men (but NOT a men's gym's right to discriminate against women.) Their reasoning was that since many women are judged, intimidated, or mocked by men due to their physical appearance, many women, among them the most in need of exercise, would stop going to the gym altogether due to this subtle form of harasment, leading to further health problems.

    I always thought that decision was bosh. If a woman, or man, can't stand a few stares or averted eyes, she probably has psychological problems beyond just a low self esteem. However, some of the comments in this thread make me wonder if there may be some truth to women's fears of always being judged by a harsh and merciless aucience. I'm glad some of the female members of A.R. have weighed in on this question. (No pun intended.)


    tim....are you a member of save the whales too? when's the next meeting?

  26. #66
    xtinaunasty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    to the gym or in general?

    I don't think im hot..(only cute)

    i'm not fat .. but doing a squat at the gym dressed a certain way.. doesn't really make my work outs easy..It actually draws attention to u
    i cant see your face that well in your avatar. but i must look quite nice from the back (not trying to hit on you, just making an observation)

    but i agree. i wear loose clothes to the gym, i just dont want anyone complaining about my cottage cheese and rolls oozing over my clothes. i at least have compassion for the people that have to work out in the same gym. i cant help the smell though....ive tried.

  27. #67
    Unoid is offline Member
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    I thought we already established the Anti_fattie Brigade in the other thread.

  28. #68
    Puffader's Avatar
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    I still think your ass is big.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    to the gym or in general?

    I don't think im hot..(only cute)

    i'm not fat .. but doing a squat at the gym dressed a certain way.. doesn't really make my work outs easy..It actually draws attention to u

  29. #69
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    I still think your ass is big.

    It's not big, it's "phat" (w/a ph not f!!!) Would say "thick" (the way I love them)but women hate that word. (They also hate "big sexy" )

    p.s. Mizfit could we request a lovely thong pic of you in your avatar
    Last edited by goodcents; 10-12-2005 at 12:56 PM.

  30. #70
    Pinkvelvet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Why do hot chics always wear dumpy clothes? Makes you think.(Just not too long)
    I'm not "hot" by any means...but, I like to wear clothes to cover up at the gym for a few reasons...

    1) I'm not there to impress anyone with my physique (and, keeps my figure competitors guessing)

    2) I'm not there to turn anyone on

    3) When I sweat and than cool's more comfortable (temperature wise)...and, the guns don't poke anyones eyes out!

  31. #71
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    People from my gym post here:P

    Can't do
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    It's not big, it's "phat" (w/a ph not f!!!) Would say "thick" (the way I love them)but women hate that word. (They also hate "big sexy" )

    p.s. Mizfit could we request a lovely thong pic of you in your avatar

  32. #72
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    People from my gym post here:P

    Can't do

    on me ,I saw where she posted last and hoped we would see some new pics.

  33. #73
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    I'm not shy.. some of these boys have done great photshop work on me.. with my boobs etc
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    on me ,I saw where she posted last and hoped we would see some new pics.

  34. #74
    Puffader's Avatar
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    I think you're kinda cute but you're way too far away for me..

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinkvelvet
    I'm not "hot" by any means...but, I like to wear clothes to cover up at the gym for a few reasons...

    1) I'm not there to impress anyone with my physique (and, keeps my figure competitors guessing)

    2) I'm not there to turn anyone on

    3) When I sweat and than cool's more comfortable (temperature wise)...and, the guns don't poke anyones eyes out!

  35. #75
    Pinkvelvet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    I think you're kinda cute but you're way too far away for me..
    Canada is only a paddle away in a canoe.....from anywhere!!!

  36. #76
    Puffader's Avatar
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    South Florida is where you need to be sweetheart. Nice and hot down here

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinkvelvet
    Canada is only a paddle away in a canoe.....from anywhere!!!

  37. #77
    Pinkvelvet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    South Florida is where you need to be sweetheart. Nice and hot down here
    It doesn't matter where I's always "Nice and Hot"!!!

  38. #78
    PaRiS2005 is offline Female Member
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    Running through your mind
    So what about Men? I've had some sweaty ass fat guys come up to me and TRY to carry on a convo. And I'll I can think about is, "dude, you smell like onions, and OH gawd, please don't have a heart attack!!"

  39. #79
    Puffader's Avatar
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    Feeling a little frisky today? So tell me, what does PinkVelvet mean? Don't be shy..

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinkvelvet
    It doesn't matter where I's always "Nice and Hot"!!!

  40. #80
    Pinkvelvet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    Feeling a little frisky today? So tell me, what does PinkVelvet mean? Don't be shy..
    Thats a whole different Thread...Puffader!!!!!

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