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Thread: Any guitar players?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Any guitar players?

    Just wondering what everybody is playin? I'm also looking for a Roland Cube 30 or a Peavey 5150 or a JCM800 if you know anyone?

    My main Axe is a Ibanez S370 custom luthiered, great action and intonation, just painted jet black with some sweet spray designs. It's got an Dimarzio Evo2 in the bridge, a Texas Mex Strat single coil in the mid, and a EMG HZ in the neck. I play it through a Tube Screamer or a Tube Zone, (usually the Zone), and then sometimes into my Metal Zone distortion pedal. From there it is plugged into a Mesa Boogie 50/50. That shit ****in SCREAMS. Sometimes I use a Wah with it. I really want a Peavey 5150 to take my rig to the next level though. Thanks.

    What do you guys play?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Us muscleheads can't play the guitar, our hands are just too damn big.

    jp I have a Washburn acoustic now. I use to have electric, but old friend has it now and I took his acoustic. I know very bad trade I'm fixing to get a Ibanez pretty soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Funny thing is i've had a guitar for almost 10 years now and I still pretty much suck. I mean I can play some stuff, but no where near where I should be. I guess some people just have it and some don't. But I also don't practice a whole lot either. Best solo I can play is "Stairway to heaven".

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Got my self a Washburn as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I've been playing since I was 12, or so. I had a B.C Rich Warlock, undoubtedly one of the most uncomfortable axes, but it looked bad ass.
    Also, I learn tunes by ear (even though i don't play much anymore).
    All I have now is a cheapy metal string acoustic, which is mainly used for drunken hunting trips.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    LOL. I love to play Pantera. I recently learned the whole Cemetary Gates solo.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by scm007
    LOL. I love to play Pantera. I recently learned the whole Cemetary Gates solo.
    That's a hefty solo there. It would take me a number of hours to pick up that kind of riff.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I have a washburn electric, epiphone electric, a shitty squier, and my ex bought me one of those acoustic guitars off of tv, an esteban. It sounds really good though.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by scm007
    LOL. I love to play Pantera. I recently learned the whole Cemetary Gates solo.
    Cemetary gates I believe is one of the greatest heavy metal song's ever made.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The desert
    I have a rotating collection, but over the years have come to love GMW, Empire and Bakers (the originals, not Ed's japanese models).

    In fact, tomorrow morning I'm picking up a customized '81 Les Paul that GMW has been working on for a few months now. New top, frets, finish, EMG Zakk Wyldes and an EMG Afterburner (30dB boost). Sweeeet.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    in your dreams
    i play the banjo...does that count? its a morelli bluegrass BL909

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    The desert
    Actually, scm, I'm a guitar parts and acessories retailer online. I rarely carry amps, but hit me up with a PM if you want more info.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    Quote Originally Posted by scm007
    Just wondering what everybody is playin? I'm also looking for a Roland Cube 30 or a Peavey 5150 or a JCM800 if you know anyone?

    My main Axe is a Ibanez S370 custom luthiered, great action and intonation, just painted jet black with some sweet spray designs. It's got an Dimarzio Evo2 in the bridge, a Texas Mex Strat single coil in the mid, and a EMG HZ in the neck. I play it through a Tube Screamer or a Tube Zone, (usually the Zone), and then sometimes into my Metal Zone distortion pedal. From there it is plugged into a Mesa Boogie 50/50. That shit ****in SCREAMS. Sometimes I use a Wah with it. I really want a Peavey 5150 to take my rig to the next level though. Thanks.

    What do you guys play?

    You really know your shit! I just play around a little. Wish I were better though. Been playing for 4 years now. My 2 fav. songs on my Kingston acoustic are "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica and "Silent Lucidity" by Queensryqe.

  14. #14
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    University Ave
    I was tearin it up during my last cycle. That extra aggression helps you jam.

  15. #15
    I play a 50's Fender Strat Re-issue, American, in Lake Placid Blue. I use different pedals but generally a DOD distortion and a DOD Flanger (I play punk primarily). My acoustic is a Dean.

    Self Taught.

    I play bass and drums also, but not really as seriously as guitar, although I do own an acoustic bass as well as an electric one (no drum kit anymore, but that was the first instrument I played).

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    i play a b.c. rich warlock nj series neck thru custom and a jackson dinkie with emg hz's. got mesa 90/90 and digitech gnx3. i think switching from mesa tube to peavey is step in the wrong direction. sounds like you just need a good processor. maybe try out a mesa pre amp or some digitech processors.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hmmm. From what I've read at Harmony Central Peavey is the way to go for metal and hard rock, which I mostly play. I might keep the Mesa just for softer rock and blues. I wanted a mesa Triaxis but I'm not that rich. That would definitely work. I don't really dig those effects processors. I only use overdrive, distortion, occasionally flanger and sometimes wah. Most of the tone comes from the amp IMO. I dunno, I've heard some awesome shit from the 5150 and almost everybody at HC says that's the way to go for metal. But if you have a triaxis to sell for cheap I'm interested. Actually a Mesa MKIII would be sick also. Don't bust my balls on the prices though. Nothing Else Matters is a good song. Although for the solo I usually like to mix it up and add some E minor shredding Spanish flavor licks in there. It sounds cool.

    Song I wish I could play well: Black Star, hell yeah.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north

    mesa owns!

    well i dont have anything for sale, but i urge you to get a good floor processor and stick with the mesa tubes. just tell them your interested in buying a floor processor and you would like to try some out. i am sure they will have a mesa 50/50 you can play through in oder to simulate your own rig. i am not a sound tech or anything like that, but i do know that mesa tubes are the way too go. i get compliments on my sound all the time from other guitar players i gig with.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    in FL (former Masshole)
    Epiphone Les Paul Edition

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    The desert
    Epi LP's are damn good, but I always swap out the pickups with some Seymour Duncans. Either '59s in the neck and bridge or a '59 in the neck and a JB in the bridge.

    I've also tried out the Kent Armstrong PAFs as a replacement for the Epi stock pups. Good stuff for the money. The Epi stock pups are just too muddy.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    in FL (former Masshole)
    I like the muddy sound im into the hair metal so it goes along good but i definetley know what you mean

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    the road to greatness
    I used to play alot when I was younger, now just a thing of the past(like a dream)havent touched a guitar in years, it's all about the BB'ing now. My top ax at the time was a 93' standred strat with a 71' strat neck refreted with ibenez bass frets, and fitted with sperzel locking tuners...1000k pots, custom wiring/switches, original floyd rose locking bridge, duncun distortion bridge pickup, stock middle, and a yngwie malmsteen neck pickup.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    all up in yo' buttho'
    i haven't played in quite awhile, but i'm at the point now where i can not play years and still be able to play fine at any time. i got a shitty mexistrat, this resonator i dropped on the ice a couple winters ago, a yamaha classical, this old ass archtop acoustic, meh oh yeah a backpacker (garbage but fun) and maybe some other things i can't remember.

    i got this fiddle awhile back and started liking it 10X more the guitar, but i haven't played it for a long time either. lol i dont think i could play it well now.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    anywhere but here
    got a japenese telecaster. stock fender in the neck, dimarzio tone zone t in bridge pickup. fender 1000 Roc pro amp- Sovtec Quad 4X 10 box.

    I dont use much fx for distorion mainly the channels and reverb on the amp o but I have a Sovtek Tank style distortion pedal ( which I use for more punch, Jim Dunlop Cry Baby, Boss chorus- flanger- delay and an octave splitter.

    Also have a squire P bass and a 70's Solec bass. Been playing for about 16-17 years and play indie rock stuff

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2004
    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by scm007
    Just wondering what everybody is playin? I'm also looking for a Roland Cube 30 or a Peavey 5150 or a JCM800 if you know anyone?

    My main Axe is a Ibanez S370 custom luthiered, great action and intonation, just painted jet black with some sweet spray designs. It's got an Dimarzio Evo2 in the bridge, a Texas Mex Strat single coil in the mid, and a EMG HZ in the neck. I play it through a Tube Screamer or a Tube Zone, (usually the Zone), and then sometimes into my Metal Zone distortion pedal. From there it is plugged into a Mesa Boogie 50/50. That shit ****in SCREAMS. Sometimes I use a Wah with it. I really want a Peavey 5150 to take my rig to the next level though. Thanks.

    What do you guys play?
    Ibanez 540 Radius, last year produced.

    Model Satriani's guitars are based off.

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