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Thread: mite join the navy,any experienced folks in here

  1. #41
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Fort Worth
    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    shit what have i got myself into lol. Why do you say that?
    Well, sometimes, if the Army and Marines don't have enough guys with guns to patrol or guard stuff, they call in the USAF security guys.
    Used to be they had seperate Law Enforcement and Security cops, but I've heard that they've combined the two. So, if they train you to shoot a gun, and if they need more fresh meat in Iraq, you could end up there.


  2. #42
    theres a few options and one is guarranteed station. you can sometimes work '2 definates' in your contract. sometimes just one. example. you can go in with a guarranteed job, which is what you did. some people get to basic and are assigned "general" and that is not the way to go because youve already signed the papers, you're in, and you're stuck with whatever they wanna give you. You can go in with a guarranteed station, meaning after training, you will go to that base. sometimes its not possible to have both guarranteed station and job but sometimes it is. security forces are on all bases, you may have been able to. my friend went in with guarranteed station. she wanted somewhere overseas, i forget where, but she knew going into basic where she was headed after training. and i believe she had guarranteed job too but i forget what it is. havnt talked to her in like 2 years, lost touch. theres also a buddy program where you and your friend are guarranteed to basic together and guarranteed first station after training together... and perhaps a few more options i forget.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

  4. #44
    yep. doesnt mean you'll go though. but if you do, you'll be trained for it and if you dont want to go now, once you're trained, i dont think you'll have as much worry over it. i was in qatar supposed to go to afghan and iraq but plans changed. friends of mine have gone 'in' and though its not what they wanted, they know its a job that has to be done.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by max2extreme
    yep. doesnt mean you'll go though. but if you do, you'll be trained for it and if you dont want to go now, once you're trained, i dont think you'll have as much worry over it. i was in qatar supposed to go to afghan and iraq but plans changed. friends of mine have gone 'in' and though its not what they wanted, they know its a job that has to be done.
    But say one would actually "want" to go, with the high demand for soldiers over there, would it be possible to?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    dang man alot of replies,the more i read the more i wanna go to the airforce,so how hard is it to get into the airforce,as far as testing and so on

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by diponyou
    dang man alot of replies,the more i read the more i wanna go to the airforce,so how hard is it to get into the airforce,as far as testing and so on
    its still the military lol, you will get in.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    My brother is in the navy now when he finishes his boot camp he'g going straight to seal boot camp from his graduation..His training is incredibly rough and i give many respects to anyone that would sacrifice soo much for a their country

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    actually, alot of people dont get in... you cant be a TOTAL dumbass.... well, you can, but you have to be a lucky total dumbass...

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    But say one would actually "want" to go, with the high demand for soldiers over there, would it be possible to?
    what is it you actually want to do? i dont know that anyone in any service can guarrantee going over, just some higher percentage of going. in the airforce if you are gung ho about that kind of stuff, and want more than normal duties of MP's/security forces, look into para-rescue and combat controllers. i know a lot about para-rescue (called: pj's) because i wanted to do it from the beginning of my military career and before my 2nd enlistment time, i had started training and had all but the final signature to join...but didnt due to family influence. also, you can test for pj at least at basic (not sure about combat controllers) but if you are testing for pj, its very demanding and be ready to run and swim a TON! if you cant run 6 miles before you go to basic, do not even test for pj while there. wait and start training and cross train after 2 years. i think the final run test for pj is like 6 miles in 36 mins...? along with everything mental you will go through, you dont want to have to worry about the physical too.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleDave
    actually, alot of people dont get in... you cant be a TOTAL dumbass.... well, you can, but you have to be a lucky total dumbass...
    I dunno man, Im not even in yet and Ive met some retarded fvcking people.....

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by max2extreme
    what is it you actually want to do? i dont know that anyone in any service can guarrantee going over, just some higher percentage of going. in the airforce if you are gung ho about that kind of stuff, and want more than normal duties of MP's/security forces, look into para-rescue and combat controllers. i know a lot about para-rescue (called: pj's) because i wanted to do it from the beginning of my military career and before my 2nd enlistment time, i had started training and had all but the final signature to join...but didnt due to family influence. also, you can test for pj at least at basic (not sure about combat controllers) but if you are testing for pj, its very demanding and be ready to run and swim a TON! if you cant run 6 miles before you go to basic, do not even test for pj while there. wait and start training and cross train after 2 years. i think the final run test for pj is like 6 miles in 36 mins...? along with everything mental you will go through, you dont want to have to worry about the physical too.
    CCT was my plan. I failed the PAST test on the run due to injury (which sucks cuz it was the end of the test with 1.5 laps left). Been rehabbing my leg and if I get another shot at it in basic I will take it, but Im not counting on it.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by diponyou
    dang man alot of replies,the more i read the more i wanna go to the airforce,so how hard is it to get into the airforce,as far as testing and so on
    its not hard to get into the military, be it whatever service. it depends on what job you want. most marines for example are fighters. doesnt take a genious to pull a trigger so some of the more less educated or those not into school go to the marines (again, i dont believe marines are just 'dumb marines', best people, get the job done, hard working people ive worked with were marines). a lot of the af jobs are more 'school inclined' in my opinion. so those kind of people are more attracted to the af rather than going to an infantry job, etc.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by JDawg1536
    CCT was my plan. I failed the PAST test on the run due to injury (which sucks cuz it was the end of the test with 1.5 laps left). Been rehabbing my leg and if I get another shot at it in basic I will take it, but Im not counting on it.
    thats pretty sweet. cct/pj live in a different air force than the rest. special forces in general live a different military life. rules are different for them. im positive you can go pj in basic not sure bout cct. id assume so. i definatly say work and go for it.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    well i have to admit when it comes to school smarts im not the smartest,but i am def not dumb.i jus have add so its hard for me to pay attention to books and what not.does the af have any sort of special force type crew

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I do agree w/ extreme on the standards of intelect... it dont take a rocket scientist to pass the ASVAB... but ask the recruiter... ALOT of people cant score high enough to get in...

  17. #57
    diponyou, check out pj and cct. (para-rescue and combat controllers). those are af special forces. very hard to pass physically and mentally. and also, theres a difference between not doing good in school, ie booksmarts and studying and learning a job that you want to do and enjoy doing. yea, you may not have liked history or math or english, and thus got poor grades or avg grades, but like you said doesnt mean you or anyone like that is dumb... dont let school grades, etc influence you from trying for a job that may take some studying. you may find that because your interrests are in what you are studying and its something you want to do, you'll learn a lot easier and will do just fine.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I have slight ADD as well (I think ADD is BS though) and have never done well in school. The ASVAB was a joke. Dont worry bout it.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    I have been in the Navy for 11 years..did 3 years in the Army prior to the Navy...I enjoyed my time in the Army, but have had a much better time in the Navy..better choice of duty stations, better schools, more overall better environment...depending on the jobs you are interested in, the Navy is a place where you can apply your job everyday to what you do in relation to what you are trainied to do... if you want more particulars PM me.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    well i jus went down to the af recruiter and i took the fake asvab and passed it.and filled out all the paper work and im going to return it tomorow.the i take my physical and decide when i want to leave.

  21. #61

    if the recruiter tells you you can not guarrantee job, hes me. if you have any doubts whatsoever, tell him you want to wait a day to make sure and pm me...if he says he cant wait, hes bs. like i said not all recruiters are bad, but a lot are and you're dealin with at least 4 years of your life here. also, its more important to wait for the job you want than to leave asap and have a job you dont really want. make the military work for you, not the other way around.

    gl! max

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    yea i already went over that,im going to take the asvab and then it will tell me what i am qualified for and then i pick 5 diff jobs i would like to do.and im going to do this before i leave for how is basic anyways,whats the hardest parts

  23. #63
    damn military and them requiring you cardio so damned much. I don't know about you fellas but at 245lbs 6-4 at 9% bf I would sure as hell end up losing 10lbs fat and 15-20lbs muscle just to do that much cardio.

    Makes it a waste almost.

  24. #64
    you are close bro.. dont enlist with 5 jobs youd like to do. dont leave for basic like that. enlist with the 1 job you are going to do on the contract. then you can leave for basic. but yea, you are going right thus far, take the asvab, see what jobs you qualify for, and make sure you do not enlist before that job you want is on the contract. you're gonna go to meps to get medical cleared, and thats where you actually get the job on the contract and swear in. they most likely are going to try to get you to do a job they want or make a job sound really good cuz its their needs they are looking after, and you are looking after your needs. just remember, you are volunteering, if you dont like what they are throwin at you, just be like "sorry, i dont want that, im not signing till i get what i want". stick to your guns bro. its intimidating i know because a lot of other people are there, you are around people in uniform, but its you you need to think about.

    basic...i guess the hardest part is just the shock. from the second you show up, you are getting yelled at. i can handle yelling at me, i just let things go in one ear and out the other, but still its shocking to be in the midst of it all day long. they really do a good job at instilling fear in dont want to move, smile, blink or anything. and you know they cant hit you, but i dont know, you still just do whatever they say, before they say it. before you go, id make sure you can pass or come close to passing the end of basic fitness test (not sure what it is anymore). you're gonna laugh, but most of af basic is pay attention to detail. thats what imo they itterate all thru it. you're gonna spend most of your days cleaning the barracks, ironing your clothes (underwear, socks, tshirts, everything). you have a drawer/locker that has to always be in inspection quality, and they have a set way for how to fold your underwear, how thin it must be, how to make your bed, everything to the littlest detail. and every once in a while, even if the place is in inspection quality, the TI's (drill sgts) will come in and throw beds, yell and scream, etc etc, just to make sure the fear stays with you. eating..that was stressful! certain way to enter the cafeteria, how to go down the line, how to get your food, where to sit, how fast to eat...everything. and they are just lookin for someone to bring to what we called the 'snake pit' (table where the sgts are where they catch people doing something wrong, they bring up, humiliate, yell at, etc) in front of everyone. it was quite funny a lot of times what the sgts would say but like someone said,dont smile or chuckle, cuz then you'll be up there and its not fun if its you. as the weeks go by, the sgts become more friendly. i remember my last week and a half, sittin in the barracks, while the TI would hand out letters we had recieved and hed make fun, but it wasnt an 'embarrass you' fun, more like friend fun, and we could, without losing a certain bearing, speak as we wanted to him during those times and hed laugh sometimes, etc. and ill stop rambling...but another thing, you make the TI look good, then you'll be rewarded. the TI's are always competing with who has the best flight...who does best in drill, who does best at pt, who is always looking sharp. the better you look in front of other TI's (and yours) the easier your life is gonna be. and also, its wierd, i got more sleep during basic than any other time, but man, morning came quick and i didnt feel like it. lights out was at like 9:00pm and we got up at like 5:30am i think. its just all day long, you are in rush mode and that takes a toll.

  25. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Unoid
    damn military and them requiring you cardio so damned much. I don't know about you fellas but at 245lbs 6-4 at 9% bf I would sure as hell end up losing 10lbs fat and 15-20lbs muscle just to do that much cardio.

    Makes it a waste almost.
    i think every other day wed run 2 miles, and do situps and pushups. the biggest hurt to someone like you i think would be the food intake.

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Join the Coast Guard you get to bust drug runners, maybe sneak some for your private use.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    yea im pretty excited,if you sign up to be a combat controller you get 100,000.i was like,damn!

    but as far as marijuana goes,i ahve smoked it in the past but what should i put in the papers.

  28. #68
    i dont think that will disqualify you from anything if you say you tried it once but havnt in a long time. and wont ever again. i dont know cuz i didnt have to worry about that. you could call up another recruiter and annonymously ask him "if ive smoked pot before but dont anymore, does that disqualify me for anything"?

    im like 99% sure youd be fine and tell the truth. its a rare thing to have someone who hasnt even tried it before and the govt knows that. in fact, for my security clearance, they asked me like 20x if id ever smoked pot or tried anything because they just didnt believe me when i said no...haha.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by diponyou
    yea im pretty excited,if you sign up to be a combat controller you get 100,000.i was like,damn!

    but as far as marijuana goes,i ahve smoked it in the past but what should i put in the papers.
    It might screw you if you need a security clearance, but you should still tell the truth...

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    a buddy of mine just got out of the air force in may of this year and he stated that he hated every damn day in his job.he said he was an egress tech(repaired ejection seats in jets).spent 5 years in eglin afb.stated that he spent the last 2 years trying to crosstrain into a different mos but the airforce kept dicking him june of this year he joined the coast guard and he states that it is much better.i think he drives boats or, i spent 8 years in the army and don't have too much negativity about the armed forces.i tell alot of people to just try to get into college especially now and days.i had all the intentions of retiring and all that but your mind changes after youve spent 16 months of your life deployed to a country that can't stand you and everything you stand IED's get old real quik,not to mention the unavoidable thing i can say is that get a job that you think you will enjoy and can give you some skill in the real world in writing(contract)or don't sign that flippin me a job you will like will make all the difference for being in a positive frame of mind during your tour in the armed forces.make sure what ever you want, GET IT IN WRITING!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. #71
    i dont even know about that was at my clearance interviews that they couldnt believe that i had never tried any drugs. so leads to believe that as long as you're honest you're fine. and also i think they draw line on what drugs..pot, ok. heroine ithink is an automatic no.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by max2extreme
    i dont even know about that was at my clearance interviews that they couldnt believe that i had never tried any drugs. so leads to believe that as long as you're honest you're fine. and also i think they draw line on what drugs..pot, ok. heroine ithink is an automatic no.
    i personally know guys that have been excluded from getting a security clearance for alot of weed...

    I also know guys that have taken everything short of heroin, and still got theirs.

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Also, i know that alot of federal jobs, such as the fbi, now require that you have not smoked the reefer in at least 3 years, minimum, to even consider you for employment (this has recently been implimented), so i believe they have been getting more strict security clearances and drug use

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    North Charlotte
    Rangers Lead the Way.. i dont regret it, id prolly not have the drive, ability to appreciate things and love life and my family the way i do, if i hadnt gone. id prolly also not have the nightmares.. but its a trade off... to get, you have to give

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    well im about two steps away from getting in the airforce.
    i got my medical records for a broken ankle i had a couple years back faxed they have to look them over,i have to take my physical,and thats a diff story.
    i smoked on the 9th of this month and that was the first time ive smoked in months,anyways,im wondering how long do u think it would take to get outta my system,i drink a grip of water and im starting to drink cranberry juice like a mofo.i take the asvab on the 24th,and then my physical on the you think it would be outta my system by then?im pretty sure it will be but i just want to make sure cuz im pumped to go and im jus short of praying that they accept my medical records.thanks for all the reponses

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brooklyn, NY
    i did 3 years in the marines, best trained guys in the world, toughest SOB's you'll ever come across, join the Air Force.

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

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