Originally Posted by
well, being someone who was a cop, in a bad part of atl.. i can tell you, the cops were wrong, unless the tape was reformatted to look that way, and i dont see any spots to prove that at all, they are wrong. there were 6 or 7 of em, whether he resisted or not, he wasnt at all during the time the filming was occuring, and they were actually punching him, you only punch a perp right before you have to use lethal force, any cop with any trainin can attest to that, its the 4th step in actual defense or action taken during a difficult arrest. they cops were way way wrong in this one, and i hope they all get killed in the can.. hes an old man, drunk or not, what could he have been doing to deserve that.. he didnt have a weapon... and runnin off at the mouth isnt a reason for that type of response