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10-12-2001, 03:08 PM #1
Any one have the Anabolics 2000 book...
and would you say it's worth buying?
10-12-2001, 07:34 PM #2
Bro, check a search, some guy from here I think downloaded it onto his comp and has the whole thing in Microsoft word Document. He said he'd send it to whoever wants it. But , you'll learn a lot more here, than you ever will from a book, that will be outtdated before they can get it to the bookstands.
10-13-2001, 03:08 AM #3
Hulk has it on word.
Its good I give it five stars. But its already out of date, bear that in mind and its great, roll on 2001!
10-13-2001, 03:45 AM #4Originally posted by PaPaPumP
[But , you'll learn a lot more here, than you ever will from a book, that will be outtdated before they can get it to the bookstands.[/B]
That's what I figured.
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