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There really needs to be a fundamental decision from all of the ranks. The fact is that it is impossible to expect todays athlete's to train as hard, compete in as many events as they do each year, and keep getting bigger, faster, better without the use of anabolics. I agree they have no place with youngster's that participate in sports, but at the pro level, the owners, managers, coaches, associations, and fans have big decisions to make if they truly want to stop steriod use ... not just pay lipservice to such.
Even if you dismiss the applications just for the purpose of more power and strength, there is no way to keep muscles healthy and recover from minor injuries in the time-frames they are expected too without some assistance.
In order for steroids to leave sports all together, the owners, coaches, associations, and the fans are going to have to accept slower, smaller athletes and they are going to have to trim down the number of events and length of seasons. If all parties aren't willing to do that, the only other alternative is to legitimize anabolic use in professional sports as just "going with the territory".