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Thread: Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002


    First Of All I don't take roids because i am only 15, i Came here because im sure you know alo of everthing. OK i'm in ninth grade i bench 300lbs and i deadlift 430 (my legs aren;t that strong) i have 17'' arms, so my upper body is pretty big. I have a flat stomach but i have like huge love handles (i might post a pic). I tke creatine also, so if i go on Hydroxycut of Xenadrine can i continue to take creatine because i want to keep all my strength but lose my fat and be lean for football because i am a running back

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Boston, MA
    Do a search on creatine and ECA stacks. That question has been asked a lot lately. Impressive numbers for 15, bro! I'd just up your cardio and clean up your diet. ECA can have a lot of side effects. JMO though.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Damn you are a big young 'un!

    I am afraid that I can't answer the question, but I can help you find the people that will:

    You will get more responses if you post this in the supplements section and give the post a subject line like "Need Help with Creatine & ECA to Lose Fat for Football Season."

    There are lots of guys here who play (or have played) football who would be glad to help you, I am sure!

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