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Thread: behind the scenes porn questions answered here!

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    dude. you seriously need to write a book.

    I always wondered. what type of girls do you get in the industry? like are they ashamed of what they do? or are most of them just headcases who dont care just as long as they get paid? I just can't see a normal girl wanting to lead that kind of life.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Ok this isnt an intresting question really lol

    How much do the photographers make?? or do they just take still pics from the movie???

    btw that slim russian chick is FVCKING HOT

  3. #123
    This thread reads like a novel. Good useful info Being on camera takes a lot of balls, no pun intended. This woman I met in a bar a few months back has a production company( ex-stripper) and internet site, approached me and asked me if I wanted to do a few shoots @ $200/shoot. I said yeah and took her card but after a week of thinking about it I couldn't do it! Not just being ass naked in front of a bunch of people but the thought of my girl finding the site was enough to deter me. Now if I were shooting w/ Gina Lynn or Aria Giovanni then no doubt in my mind I'd do it for free.

  4. #124
    BG's Avatar
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    its sad to see a girl run away crying with just one fake eyelash on... or half a face of makeup on.

    OMG I almost pissed myself when I read that, too funny!!

  5. #125
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    You said they wanted your girl to do ATM, whats is that, cant figure it out or just stupid today. Also, I would marry a girl if her name was Mary Poppins

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    You said they wanted your girl to do ATM, whats is that, cant figure it out or just stupid today. Also, I would marry a girl if her name was Mary Poppins
    ATM stands for 'Ass To Mouth' when you have been bangin the girls ass you pull your cock out and put it straight into her gob. Lovely isnt it LOL

  7. #127
    we called her mary poppins because she could do anything... she cleaned the set, helped dress girls and also did alot of scenes... her name is actually Ulianna but her friends call her Mila...

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasFitnessGirl
    Hey Dan. I have always wondered about the desensitization that may occur from watching (or in your case) being in porn. I thought I was giving my bf a treat, something really special for his birthday when I brought a girl home for him and I to play with. Not something I would do all the time but I thought it would be a nice present. If I did that and shared other intimate personal experiences with him like that regularly I would think it would start being no big deal. Just wondering.
    Ya thats it Texas Girl you ask Dan who makes porn for healthy emotional advice? Come on people get a clue! Heres some advice for you, yes you can have a threesome w another woman and your boyfriend but kiss a long term relationship good bye with him and just realize you have damaged the relationship beyone repair. Who molested you when you were young or was your father an alcoholic?

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    Ya thats it Texas Girl you ask Dan who makes porn for healthy emotional advice? Come on people get a clue! Heres some advice for you, yes you can have a threesome w another woman and your boyfriend but kiss a long term relationship good bye with him and just realize you have damaged the relationship beyone repair.
    I disagree. It all depends on the indiviuals.

    [/QUOTE] Who molested you when you were young or was your father an alcoholic?[/QUOTE]
    and you are fvcking judgemental PRICK arent u! Dont post if your gonna be an ASSHOLE Mr. Perfect!

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Lets play a game...its called spot the haterz/ exposed...theres one the previous pages...anyone figure it out??

    yo dan , Id appreciate it if you answer my question bro!

  11. #131
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    I was kind of looking for a sideline LOL

  12. #132
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bex304
    ATM stands for 'Ass To Mouth' when you have been bangin the girls ass you pull your cock out and put it straight into her gob. Lovely isnt it LOL
    OMG cant believe I missed that!!!!!!!!!!!!What a lozer, love ass to mouth sites, get a good laugh, but to Dan, see why you guys didnt go for it.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    Who molested you when you were young or was your father an alcoholic?
    Isn't that a little harsh... ?

    I could rant, but I'll just tell you that your words are Insensitive...
    I know, you could care less.... it shows...

  14. #134
    my biggest problem is the fact that no matter what the girl you are working with is a human being with feelings... I certainly dont want to hurt, abuse, humiliate or make them any more uncomfortable than I have to...

    Some directors hate that about me, they want a ****ing animal who will pretty much act out a rape scene on camera... im just not cool with that... if the girl is willing i guess thats fine, but I dont want to be the bad guy ...

    but being known as the worlds most polite porn star does have its advantages, girls will refuse to work with other guys if they know you are on the set or available... they want to be treated with at least some kind of compassion... I get alot of work that way...

    UPDATE: I just got an email from Jason from sineplex he is getting ready to go to brazil and has work for me... I dont think my old lady is gonna go for it and I really am pretty sick of the buisness... but damn I would like the money...

    I dont even think ill tell my GF since she hates jason and holds him responsible for me cheating on her... ( why I will never know that was my choice )... plus we are still getting settled in san antonio and I am just getting back into really good shape... but damn I want that money... and Ive already seen pics of the girls from Brazil... ouch they are unreal!

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k
    I dont even think ill tell my GF since she hates jason and holds him responsible for me cheating on her... ( why I will never know that was my choice )... plus we are still getting settled in san antonio and I am just getting back into really good shape... but damn I want that money... and Ive already seen pics of the girls from Brazil... ouch they are unreal!
    Sounds like your playing with fire there buddy. Although it does seem like she'll forgive you for anything.

    I here Brazil is HIV city! Becareful and strap up tight.

  16. #136
    nah, thought about it good and hard, not going to Brazil... he is cool with it and just wants me took hook him up with some juice and something for his gyno...

    me and my GF are going to the AVN awards in vegas in january I am sure we will get alot of work there.

  17. #137
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    Texas Baby
    Thanks for sticking up for me, I wasn't asking his advice about my relationship I was asking his advice about porn & desentization.

    What a mean ass jerk. I was never molested and my Dad is actually on his death bed but he was a career marine corp vet and is the nicest man you could know. I can't believe I am wasting time explaining anything to a Psycho nut.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    Ya thats it Texas Girl you ask Dan who makes porn for healthy emotional advice? Come on people get a clue! Heres some advice for you, yes you can have a threesome w another woman and your boyfriend but kiss a long term relationship good bye with him and just realize you have damaged the relationship beyone repair. Who molested you when you were young or was your father an alcoholic?
    what the **** was that about do you think that was really called for?

  19. #139
    yeah dude ... not cool

  20. #140
    Join Date
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    The Couch
    Hey Dan! Good thread.

    Have you ever met Jewels Jade?

  21. #141
    no sure havent... met alot of big names, even Ron Jeremy but I suck at remembering names because none of them impress me...

    and to be honest about 90% of adult film workers have a rode hard and put away wet look... even with todays health craze porn stars still do an amazing amount of drugs... Jason is a pill head, haviar the owner of sineplex is a coke head and joey silvera likes it all... and man them cats can smoke 1/2 ounce of grass in a day...

    Im a steroid junkie so I am not judging them... LOL

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k
    no sure havent... met alot of big names, even Ron Jeremy but I suck at remembering names because none of them impress me...

    and to be honest about 90% of adult film workers have a rode hard and put away wet look... even with todays health craze porn stars still do an amazing amount of drugs... Jason is a pill head, haviar the owner of sineplex is a coke head and joey silvera likes it all... and man them cats can smoke 1/2 ounce of grass in a day...

    Im a steroid junkie so I am not judging them... LOL

    She's one of Dave Cummings groupies. She met and married a SEAL who took her away from all that and brought her to my home town (which I have since moved away from), and she showed up at the dealership I sold cars at and got a job as a salesperson! She is a true freak, and was begging for it from everyone, but the bold up there describes her to a tee, and then some, so nobody hit it (or admitted to it). She would always come in my office and show me pictures of her pussy on her cellphone that she'd go in the bathroom and take. The skank ended up not being able to live the Suzie-homemaker life and left her husband pretty quickly, and went back to LA. Last I heard she was at the Bunny Ranch.

  23. #143
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    so how much does the average male pornstar make a year

  24. #144
    not really all that much, eventually guys like peter north and ron jeremy become producers and directors... thats where they make the good money...

    Ive made 5 grand in 7 days, and 8 grand in 2 weeks and a month in russia payed 20 grand...

    unless you are a big name or have 12-14 inches you wont make all that much... I am happy with waht I made from porn...

  25. #145
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    Is starting your own porn website a good idea, or do they usually flop?

  26. #146
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    well that pretty damn good money to me,im only about 5 ft 10 so i think im too short to be in porn,i bet at first it would be loads of good times tho

  27. #147
    so whats like the minimum dick size..8 or so? You said earlier you could get away with 6 but like..whats a good number to go by?

  28. #148
    adult websites are hard to get going, the big corporations can afford all the content in the world and rotate it around all 3534834785378 opf thier websites... to make money doing a website, it better be a nitche site... extreme blowjobs, fisting, poop eaters, shemales, animals... I webmaster for a few sites, and the wierd ones make money because there are less of them to compete...

    for porn you really need a decent sized dick I would say 8 minimum get over 10 and they will call you instead of you calling them for work...

    5,10 isnt too short to be in porn, ronjeremy and peter north are about that height, most guys are 6 foot or shorter...

  29. #149
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    yea i think being in porn would be awesome,at first at least.but im going to be in the airforce soon so i dont know how that would work.well i dunno its something to think about.

  30. #150
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    Hey Dan just wanted to thank you for everything you've contributed here. You've answered a lot of questions abou the biz. Up until now i thought being a pornstar would be awesome but now im seein its not all its cracked up to be. Gotta couple a questions for ya. Do you ever regret being in porn? Dont mean to bring you down or anything. Also you seem like a nice dude i think its ****ed up when guys treat the girls like shit when they're "working". My other question is pornography a big epidemic in russia? It seems like a lot of russian girls do porn because thats the only way for them to make a living. Dont get me wrong i watch a lot of porn but sometimes i feel it is degrading to these girls b/c they seem so cute and young and innocent but i donno...........

  31. #151
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    great post!!! i read every word!

  32. #152
    Do I ever regret doing porn? Hmmmmn... I will have to say not at all... I made some money, got to travel and met some cool people, I had a romance in Saint petersburg russia with a beautifull 19 year old girl, I layed in the sun on the beaces of Brazil. I have walked the back streets of Tijuanna Mexico and had lunch on hollywood blvd...

    sure there were a few shitty times, and even though Porn almost destroyed my relationship I still dont regret it one bit... as a red blooded american its kinda hard not to want to brag at least a little... I had some memories that will put a smile on my face when I am 80 years old... no regrets

    Porn is an epidemic everywhere, not just in russia, girls in russia will do porn for the money, nobody is holding a gun to thier heads and many have regular jobs elsewhere... I think girls in 3rd world countries are treated poorly, but again they can choose not to do porn...

    and porn producers will go wherever the talent is the cheapest, so Russia, Brazil and Bankok top the list.

  33. #153
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    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k

    and porn producers will go wherever the talent is the cheapest, so Russia, Brazil and Bankok top the list.

    well, the place is named after it....

    knowing what you know and doing what you do...what is the best thing to do to make money in the porn industry.

    thanks for all your posts...good shit!
    Last edited by Dally; 11-16-2005 at 12:11 PM.

  34. #154
    I have a chance to break into some Am-porn but I dont think im gonna do it...i do however like to watch and hold the

  35. #155
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    This has been a great read... thanks for the posts Dan...

  36. #156
    best money in porn is producing or directing your own and selling it to companies that need scenes or provide content for websites... way more money than I ever made being a stunt

  37. #157
    Join Date
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    lol this is the 1st thred i've ever sat down and read every single post its pretty intresting lol

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dally
    well, the place is named after it....

    knowing what you know and doing what you do...what is the best thing to do to make money in the porn industry.

    thanks for all your posts...good shit!
    That Jewels Jade chick told me that one of her friends does the animal scrumping and makes a ton!

  39. #159
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    pretty much all the questions i can htink of have been answered but i finally thought of one have u ever gone to wrok n they r like "ohhh u r gna b ****ing this chick" and she is like ugly??? ...oh and have u done a scene with a girl that u found un-attractive?

  40. #160
    Join Date
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    ohhhh and by the way do a book or a fuking movie!!!! me aslong as many others have sat here n read every single word in this thread soo jsut imagine how many people will read a book or watch a movie about this!

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